Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 1)


You have no idea! I liked collecting cirrhilabrus genus wrasses. Typically sold as a pair, or as a 1M / 2F trio. MY cost on a pair / trio was between $75 and $125. We’d retail that pair for $900 and the trio for $1200. Crazy 10x markup, but when you only get 1 trio of cirrhilabrus linneatus every 18-24 months, they wouldn’t stay in the store long enough for us to unbag them sometimes! Working at the shop, I got to cherry pick. Sure it pissed the bosses off when I took home that trio for $125 and not a customer paying $1200. :rofl: But it was in my employment agreement, I was paid in store credit, and allowed to cherry pick anything (I had another “real” job at the time).

Had a power outtage one night. 11pm it started. ALL night I was up with a couple of 1g jugs just circulating water and filling / emptying the jugs. 5:50 am I am exhausted, say “F it, go buy a generator” and head to Lowes while my wife continued circulating the tank. Drop $600 on the gennie, drive home PISSED, slam the car door and POOF! on come the porch lights. @#$@#$@#$@#$ ARGH!!!

Total losses that day were devastating. Corals faired well enough, but those wrasses are high oxygen species, and I lost 5 trios, and 3 pairs. And a few other fish. Retail price of the crash? over $10k in losses :frowning: Didn’t cost me that much, the part that hurt was the 9 years it took to amass that collection. Common in the wild, just not commonly collected due to the difficulty in collecting them.

Most expensive one I bought was a Mystery Wrasse for $500… Sold that fish 3 months later for $1200…


im dippin lil bit here lol thought since on the subject corals there is a guy on twitch that sells them auction style name is { [



LOL… Gets twice the usage from his lights :wink: ROFL

Actually the reef tank community is a good parallel to the cannabis community. Lots of sharing of rare genetics, preservations, tons of knowledge being shared. Sure you can buy things full size and have instant gratification, but you pay a price. Most of that stuff can be acquired via trades and giveaways, much like seeds are here.

I prefer the BIG tank now… aka the ocean :smiley: lol


Actually, they’ll be in congress.






$750 easy.


“Great for students” aka shithole.





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I had to look that up to see if it’s true. It is not unfortunately.

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Is that a Guinea pig or something else?

Don’t you mean New Jersey? :rofl:

That woulda been some mad funny shit if it was true!

Guinea pig sitting down it looks like…


Our daughter raises those and Madagascar Hissing Roaches… fun fun…


Not sure if you just returned it but generators are great to have regardless.
I avoid pet stores, that girl I mentioned worked at Pet-smart. They were dicks. Dicks to sick " product" also my friend needed to swing into a pet-sore once. I saw and felt for this bird in a particularly small cubed cage repeatedly jumping from one panel of his box to another. I couldn’t take watching it charged up with energy in a small box. I was in high school a million miles away from even thinking about owning a bird but I at least had a bedroom bigger than his cage he could try to chill in. I even happend to have 50 odds buck my friend pooled in enough that I was short $5. Should not have been a big deal. ( I bartered in retail stores, ask for a manager, quietly tell them something like you have allot of these shirts, I am just passing by this mall as part of a bus transfer. I am not coming back here to this end of town I am almost never here and then offer less then being ask. I did this in Stores like Foot Locker and it work all the time been doing since I was 14.) this turd would not let me have the bird being five bucks short.
I went ballistic. Scared the piss out of the guy, friends dragged me out so I wouldn’t get arrested.
Those experiences pretty much made me decide fuck pet stores. Birds as pets piss me off and fish well the average consumer has no business raising fish, you need to be a smart person, who is extremely dedicated and understands science.

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Yes , I think, well it looks like one. Made me smile instantly what ever this is, the way its kinda of lumped there with it’s whole bum fitting in a palm.

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