6,500 people pardoned for possession

" President Biden on Thursday pardoned all people convicted of marijuana possession under federal law and said his administration would review whether marijuana should still be a Class 1 drug like heroin and LSD.

The pardons will clear about 6,500 people who were convicted on federal charges of simple possession of marijuana from 1992 to 2021 and thousands more who were convicted of possession in the District of Columbia, officials said. Officials said the president would urge governors to follow his lead for people convicted on state charges of possession."


Who gave the old man my gummies?!


A great first step! Sounds like they are going to do away with the insane Schedule 1 too. That will open up the banking system to weed businesses and allow for medical research, etc.



First step indeed.

Let’s keep this on track and let it not get too political as it is technically a political topic…symmantics and all…

No fighting basically… Noone cares about what side is doing it, just that it’s getting done


This is good news as a possession charge would have ruined my whole life.


I agree!
Really This needs to be said by the man…

We lied, the original law was unjust, no one should have even been locked up in the first place.

Hemp should have always been one of the top-traded textiles in the industry but we lied about that too.

We lied when we said cannabis has no medical uses, it has many, and we are gonna let big pharma make some big bucks from medical cannabis now.

Ex-DEA, judges, ex-cops are all now making big cash from what they used to jail good folks for doing.

My thoughts are… before a judge, cop, or DEA makes one penny from cannabis… everyone they harmed with a cannabis conviction should have it wiped from their record.

After all, making money from cannabis is making money from cannabis right?
But they may argue it was illegal then…I would argue…yea, under false pretenses, the law was unjust and based on lies.

Ok, rant over…LOL
Yea, it sure is a good start.
But it should be all-inclusive.
Everyone should be out now.

Good to hear this all in all! :sunglasses:
Thanks for the post.


No truer words spoken.

If we’re doing 6500, why not the rest?

Also, some states already expunge records of some that were below the now legal possession limit and jailed…

What’s getting me excited is the relook at why it’s schedule 1 in the first place… that is the real step.

Get it off the list and into the hands of the people and start changing the world.

What a better way to help the economy than opening a taxed marijuana trade route between Canada and Mexico? Two legal countries doing great things and now it’s time to group up and do even greater things.


And asking for it to be rescheduled! Amazing!


This immediately improves the lives of thousands of victims of the failed war on drugs. One of the best pieces of political news I’ve ever heard! It’s a GREAT first step!

Who thinks this would have ever happened if the other guy’d won in 2020? That side of the aisle all campaign on “freedom” but it’s nowhere to be found in control over your body, your mind, your religion, or your preferences. It’s only “Freedom” as long as it adheres to their biblical definition of it, and just like in other dictatorships and theocracies around the world, it only applies to the male upper echelons of society. That side is 100% frauds. Not saying the other side isn’t mostly frauds, but they actually seem to care about freedom for us working class stiffs.


He DID say those things! Go read the press release!


Yep yep…

That’s kinda borderline what I was saying not to do but I agree entirely so it’ll stay :wink:


So what constitutes simple possession in the USA? They did this in Canada as well and it did no good for me as it was for 30 grams or under. Even though my only conviction was possession I still get screwed into waiting 10 years before I could even apply.


Ok if the fed legalizes Cannabis
Now will the states still have control

Or will we be able to treat it like a tomato

Home grow and all


Yeah but you can only have 4 tomato plants and they can’t be visible from the street.


If it’s like Canada it will be up to each state. Here each province chose if they would allow home growing, the plant count and age required to posses. There will be a shit ton of flaws in the system but hey, this is still great news for some and a positive which is not normally a common event when the government is involved. Congrats folks, it’s a good step forward.


Does nobody know?


It’s vague, probably on purpose. My guess is most federal arrests blur into trafficking…


I have been on this all day. I’m ready.
Free that seed that will save this world.


Yeah, I had the same issue trying to figure it out here. I was charged with intent to traffic but the judge threw it out so the reality is I only have one conviction of possession. The Canada website says simple possession is just that, convicted of possession only. Unfortunately for me the assholes here decided if you had 31 grams or more you are still screwed.


I think in stoner terms it is just possession.
Rather than possession with intent to deliver.
I have been busted several times and never heard of simple possession. :thinking:
Dunno for sure, but maybe…LOL


They laid it out here finally to say it’s just that, if you are only convicted of possession. Just got screwed by our folks who put the 30g limit on it. At least it did help a shit ton of people even if I was not one of them.


That was the thing here, I forget what the gram limit was but over X amount was automatically intent to deliver.

Anyway, sorry to hear you got passed over, that is my luck too.
I still get pulled over and have to talk with the folks behind the window when ever I go to Canukistan.
They always let me in, but let me know they are watching me… :grimacing: