i’d be much more interested in seeing it further downstream after it had had time to mix. different chemical composition and densities. it makes a third color, then back to normal. at least it didn’t claim to be in africa though, as this image has had that claim made about it.
I think he got more of his fair share of Neanderthal genes in his pool lol.
So long as you use only one to measure and cut your ok, but if you use one and give the measurements to someone else to cut, things go wrong, and your kitchen counter tops you order come a 1/4 inch to big although it was better than too small.
Since he’s Scottish, wouldn’t that just be a kilt
Depends on if he’s wearing underwear or not.
A little confusing and not quite correct, a light year is a measurement of distance not time.
Speed is all about distance and time
What’s the “par” on 4.6 billion light years away?