Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 3)

The church is still very powerful in many parts of the world but around here they’re selling off their real estate because they can’t survive. Mainly small towns.

People turn them into wicked loft/houses.


There are 3 converted churches along the rd we live on, and a friend of ours has one on the other side of the river, they make great houses once you make a second floor up.


It’s true, many local churches, particularly though not exclusively in small communities, are having to sell assets to monetarily offset the criminally disgusting behavior of priests and nuns (or whatever they happen to be called). That, however, IMO is not the primary problem. The underlying issue is people believing that stuff, and that will be more difficult to extinguish.

I’m a strong believer in my old friend Will Slayton’s view of religion - When the last brick of the last church falls and kills the last priest, humankind will have a chance to prosper.

And I completely agree, those buildings can make great homes!


I think you’ll find that in the West (ignoring very loud politics) that this is fading.

The church is redoubling their efforts in Africa Asia and central/South America because they know the party is over.

Cigarette companies are doing the same thing :thinking:


And speaking of housing…


And it’s vegan!


Absolutely. The people who run these businesses (all organized churches are profit making businesses) are slimy scumbags, but they’re not stupid when it comes to their own survival, and clearly they will stop at nothing to ensure said survival.

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I’ve actually found vegan food generally unsatisfying. Kind of tasteless. That housemeat is probably very similar. Actually looks a little underdone.

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No it was on my facebook feed.

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People have spiritual needs. I happen to be hostile to them but those needs exist. If someone wants a Sheppard to take them to their death it’s no skin off my back.

But they should be treated as every other business that provides a service and pay TAXES.


I prefer my insulation a little rare.

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Dibs on the root beer barrel (center right) and the honeycomb (lower left)! :yum: :laughing:

Until they come after you for not believing or whatever excuse.

I agree, for some reason people do have spiritual desires. I don’t, however, view them as “needs.” All other things being equal, if literally everyone doesn’t “need” a thing, than it’s not a need, it’s a desire. And four generations of my family have felt no “need” for such.


The fact is, however, that they don’t pay taxes like other businesses does, and that amounts to money out of your pocket. Governments set budgets, then divide those needs amongst tax payers. The fact that churches are allowed to not pay taxes makes my (and your) tax burden higher. I consider that to be skin off my back.

I won’t go on about religion.

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Well we will have to agree to disagree. My beliefs on the subject are pretty extreme but if the illusion of divine grace helps some people then why the hell not?

Taxes, we agree.

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I’m in total agreement! smile1

Hehe, I suspect there’s not really much disagreement there. I expect this is more semantics than beliefs.

As long as those beliefs don’t step on my toes, I’m okay with that. It’s the toe stepping that’s the problem for me.

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Tyranny of the majority.

I love (and hate) when people try to convert me. They quickly find out who they are dealing with and cease to have all the answers.

Doesn’t matter the denomination the end result is the same.

Hell my grandfather is in a cult (seriously, France and Belgium have them labelled as such) and they use pseudo humanitarian philosophy to bilk the elderly. It’s the worst form of sophistry. And I tell them so.



How do you deal with the religious door bangers?

I’m always warm to them. No harsh words or really any discussion at first. I tell them upfront, “I’m a nudist. You want to talk about religion? Great! Come on in!, and once we are all naked, you can talk to me about anything, including your religious beliefs.”

They turn and walk away every time. It used to really bother me, having them knock on my door. I’ve been using that strategy for more than three decades, and now I look forward to that tap tap tap on my front door!

I admit it, I’m not necessarily a nice man all of the time.


No shit, and good for you!

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I’m a bit more rude. There are many examples but once I was on the subway and this guy asked me if I was a Christian.I didn’t really feel like talking to him so I said “sure.”

The guy then eyeballs the cigarette pack sticking out of my front pocket and said “I didn’t know Christian’s smoked.”

To which I replied, “I didn’t realize Christian’s were so judgemental.”

I then excused myself.

Also I never answer my door unless I’m expecting someone or a food delivery. It’s usually some kind of pimp I don’t feel like engaging with. Especially campaigning politicians.