Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 3)


Politics is a funny thingā€¦ I donā€™t know if he was being hateful, or just genuinely believes that drag is inherently political. Iā€™ve certainly seen it discussed in political news lately, along with every other aspect of anything that could possibly be considered related to gender or sexuality. I do find it more than a little funny that dressing in drag could be this controversial, considering that Victorian England - a society so conservative that the words ā€œlegā€ and ā€œtrousersā€ were considered horrifyingly rude - had men dressing in drag, on stage, every day. Nowadays, we call that Shakespeare. :stuck_out_tongue: When I was a kid, our eighth-grade class had some of us in drag for a school play. No one thought it was a big deal, or any kind of deal at allā€¦


Royal Purple




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I refuse to pretend to try to manage what qualifies which person for which special interest group.
I refuse your right to grade me on my ability to appropriately assign who belongs to what group.
I donā€™t care about any of the identity politics and special interest groups, and I donā€™t know why the insistence on discussing themā€¦ Iā€™m not required to support them. I donā€™t see how you can say your support of them is not political here.
This ā€œYouā€™re either for us or youā€™re anti usā€ tribalism is exactly the reason the topic itself is incendiary. No. Iā€™m not a gay bashing bigot for suggesting children at drag shows doesnā€™t
belong in this thread as a topic. :man_shrugging: Which is all that actually happened. By the way. Yes. I think itā€™s political. I think the fact that it has immediately been divisive and incendiary for the room and results in talk of in and out groups is a pretty damn good proof of that fact.
Maybe leave that, and the character accusations
No problem is addressed and no issue is solved in addressing someone with a list of accusations instead of requests. I can be as respectful as you please. I wonā€™t be bullied into only expressing your views. If you canā€™t discuss it civilly, thatā€™s the reason not to bring up that topic.




Iā€™m not an ideologue and Iā€™m not here to defend any set of beliefs. Iā€™m willing to discuss anything.
Iā€™m not willing to be told ā€œHe indicates he might think something other than me and so he is a bad personā€ is a valid intellectually derived argument, because itā€™s not, and it doesnā€™t have any place here.



Iā€™m confused. :thinking:


Politics, you know?

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Purple might be the royal colour but the Queen blew.


Are you though, or is that just your way of saying you wish I had gone?
I wish others had done more to approach me in good faith, so maybe I should take your statement the same despite feeling on the defensive now.
I wanted to throw my hand, but I signed up here to support loved ones who encouraged me to join as they share what will probably be their last grows ever, in the mortal realmā€¦ All they have to say about the people here is how reasonable and peaceful and understanding they are, and what a great worthwhile community they haveā€¦ and since supporting these persons still ultimately bubbled up within me as being of more importance than however I feel at the time about what has been a single bad instance of a small minority of people having what seems like a disproportionate trauma responseā€¦ however others might feel about meā€¦ :man_shrugging: my best bet is probably just to stfu and stop explaining myself to people with no genuine interest in understanding me, stay off the boards so I donā€™t bother you fine people as much as I can stand to, and just be here to support my loved ones.
Thatā€™s why Iā€™m still here. Carry on.


Baggage doesnā€™t fit in a carry on.

Better check it at the door, then.


Guess Iā€™m stuck in the middleā€¦



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