Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 3)

Yes that’s correct!
They claimed that MOVE was a violent radical group closely associated with the Black Panthers.
They weren’t at all. And burned down like 6 city blocks after shooting thousands of rounds into the building and killing the members of move and their children.




This is very sad but probably very true too bad the leaders couldn’t get around a big table and smoke a big bong and talk about things

That must be a Chevy, it looks like it sunk like a rock.


I don’t know it did Dodge dry land completely and it might have been trying to Ford those waters.


not to get political or anything…

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With you…

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The rot of Toronto disproves that philisophical pleasantry :rofl:


We don’t have water here just industrial sludge.


I agree, however, I would take it a step further. Literally nothing has intrinsic value/worth if the “value” is counted as coinage/money or any other medium. By its very definition, unless we’re talking about food/water, shelter (in areas that get serious weather) or clothing, nothing has intrinsic or inherent value or worth. It is all a construct of the human mind, exactly as money is.

What is an apple worth? I think its “true” value can be counted in two ways. First and foremost, the seeds may grow new apple trees, which will keep the species going. That seems pretty important to my simple mind. If one likes apples, apple trees are of paramount importance. Last, apples (only the apple, not the tree) are valuable as food for critters. That is the apple’s intrinsic value.

I agree, diamonds are intrinsically worthless.

Actual needs are few. Wants or desires can be endless.


The Don river is still drinkable at the source, and Salmon run up it nowadays, there’s always hope (but no edible food) LOL


It’s true. The salmon run is really quite the sight.

Acceptable levels of E. coli in the creek! Woohoo better than average.

Wait are you saying I got ripped off on my platinum diamond grill?

During the 1940’s dye from the brickworks made the color of the water change everyday. Observed by my Mom who took the Queen car across the old bridge to work daily. You could close your eyes and tell you were nearing the harbour with your nose in the 60’s. That malt factory smelled like rotten bananas, after the Ash ridges bay poo smell. Its gotten a bit better, hopefully. LOL

:rofl: lol (1) :laughing: rofl :crazy_face: ROFLMAO :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I would never be so negative!

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I used to live around ashbridges bay and I remember, history lesson, that they were the makers of bricks for the whole city. So the whole area was covered in brick dust. Women couldn’t hang their washing to dry, a big todo back in the day.


But you should see how badass I look though.

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Agreed. But going even a step further, when you control the supply of diamonds hitting the market, you create artificial scarcity. You can always increase or decrease the supply to fall short of demand.

I’m lucky that my wife gets the game. She told me before you ever spend any stupid amount of money on some stupid rock, you better buy me fruit trees. Lol.