Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 4)




what do you suck on then?

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I like to add them with a sharpie I carry at all times


nah, it is better now than ever. you’re falling into the trap of confirmation bias. you hear some things more than you used to, not because they happen more often, but because the media is spreading it around more often, likely to incite fear and drive clicks. same thing with all problems that folks think are exclusive to today. we are not new, nor do we have new problems. we have the same problems we always had with new technology. but again, that is your perspective and whether it is right or wrong is irrelevant, as is mine.

sounds like you’ve found my morality vs. ethical argument. you can’t call anything moral, that is an individual perspective. you call things ethical, because that is the negotiated result of the cumulative morals put together for society.

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My best friend was repromanded and suspended from working for 1 week by his administration after trying to keep a student that brought a knife to class from stabbing him or their class mates
 The only thing he could think to do was pick up a desk to ensure this student couldn’t pass him to hurt the classmates, and the desk kept them at a distance far enough the blade couldn’t reach him.

After everything he was also forced to apologize to the parents for his actions in a formal meeting!?!.

On top of all the above said that makes this unbelievable the real kicker is the following: this all happened in an ELEMENTARY GRADE SCHOOL!!! (elementary = kindergarten to grade 6 in :canada: )


Fuck those parents and everyone involved in this action against the teacher.

Here we have some teachers behaving like kids in the middleschool. the kind of like not speaking with the student for 2 weeks because he said something inapropriate to this teacher.





I believe Cicero was the first to overuse this line. ‘O tempora, o mores!’ was one of his favorite openings. Of course, he was a lawyer and a politician, so it was probably in his best interests to have people thinking that society was crumbling. If society is crumbling, it’s easy to convince people they need someone powerful to take control and force other people to believe the “right way.” I just wish I had access to this universal scale of right and wrong that all the politicians do and that makes it so easy for them to distinguish, personally. Often it just looks like shades of grey, from down here.


Politicians just follow the money on the path to reelection. They host fundraisers and who do you think that attracts like chumming for sharks. Sure isn’t me and my crowd.

Ain’t no one paying for a level playing field.



2023-06-16 14_46_27-Antidepresivos_ consumo diario España 2004-2020 _ Statista

this is the antidepressant consumption in my country. I know what you are saying and I see some truth in your words but reducing it to confirmation bias and affirming we got it right now at its best I think is objectively wrong.
Painkillers consumption is thru the roof also. Ppl take pills for anything.Without feeling pain you lose the ability to empathize with others. Society is becoming more and more individualistic

I dont know man, like you said it’s my view and I hope I’m wrong but I can assure you is not confirmation bias cause I’m not a fear addict, I dont have or watch tv

I find this topic really interesting but doing it in english is difficult for me. Also maybe the rest of the ppl here dont find it so interesting so I’ll leave it for now. I’ll read your response if you have one of course.
Have a nice weekend!





you’re correct, it is getting political if we start naming causes for the things that are happening, which is a shame because those things need addressed and fixed. i agree not to put it here though, i like overgrow just the way it is. your english has been great even if it hasn’t met your own expectations.