Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 8)

I’m a deadbeat…


feels good too…

Nope…no excuse for acting like a rude, entitled twat just cuz daddy has money…


Beeotch has no idea…I stand by my “entitled twat” statement!

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Her relatives have described her as “very much a tomboy” who dreamed about becoming a veterinarian. Her mother recalled her saving money to buy monkeys, snakes, and goats, and once leaving “the snake out the cage […] at the Waldorf”.

Maybe sans her privileged, yet as wiki states, her “strict” upbringing, she should’ve worked with animals like it says she dreamed. My wife should’ve been a vet but was raised to get married and have kids like so many girls of her time. I don’t see any reason to hate her, or like her, for that matter. She’s kinda pretty, so she’s got that. I dunno. I mainly view this as a demeaning commentary on an affluent society, or as they call it, “affluenza”.

It’s a really interesting question. It’s a nature/nurture issue. She might have done great things as a nonaffluent person. The opposite may be true as well. Think of all the genius that’s gone to waste because of a lack of money to pay for education and enrichment opportunities.

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Fo’ sho’. People are able to do well from both sides of the economic chasm. I think it’s a lot of want-to combined with a lot of opportunity to do so commensurate to varying degrees of difficulty.

That means one can probably find fried chicken just about everywhere humans are…… I am reassured by this thought… It just seems right….


I agree!

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I want to Hawaii and the number of chickens freaked me out!

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Global distribution of chickens


I like it when once in awhile you’ll hear some great athlete who’ll say they will encourage their kids to pursue whatever they show interest, rather than steer them tp be that great boxer, or hoopster, whotev, that they were. Hilton’s parents failed to acknowledge Paris’ veterinarian dream, and thus didn’t encourage it. Not really their fault either to some extent. A DVM is just as hard to achieve as an MD, so i’ve heard. Should’ve sent her to

University of California–Davis

#1 in Veterinary Medicine|

Totally. I think the story is that they’re the offspring from domestic chickens freed during a storm. They are everywhere.

Last year on a trip with the family, I got a great shot of my boy facing off with a chicken on the patio of a restaurant we were in.

He’d never been that close to one that hadn’t already been fried.


Our neighbors next door to our b-n-b had a rooster with the hens and he would crow from dawn to darkness …. I mean…I get it. If I were a chicken living large in Hawaii with a bunch of loving hens, I’d probably crow all day too….

You’re right. They had the resources to help her seek her dreams, but not the wisdom to nurture it. In all fairness she may have been difficult to raise.

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Just like money, chickens don’t crow in trees. :crazy_face:

Maybe she’s still interested veterinary school? Start a gofundme, “Send Paris to Vet School.”

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That’s hilarious!

My friend had chickens he fed every morning. Every day, without fail, the rooster would charge him and my friend had to slap him with a rolled up newspaper.

Chickens used to be more difficult to raise. Politicians would talk about “a chicken in every pot” as a sign of increasing affluence. Now everyone has a chicken in their pot if they want one.

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It would keep her off the streets and she could run a 24 clinic devoted to nothing but chickens.

BTW - I just got the pun from above

sea chickens…she’d be the first marine biologist/avian veterinarian.

best just to ignore my posts. :nerd_face:

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Sea chicken