Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 8)


What making slightly more that moves you into a higher tax bracket CAN DO is make your take home paycheck actually lower depending on how you filled out your W-4 form. All that means is you will get a bigger refund than you would have when you file taxes, though, and you still do not end up making less after taxes. In essence, this is how the myth got started and people actually believed it.


the myth got started based in fact like all myths, but this one was real. we used to have a tax system that tool a lot more of your money if you made a lot. then the folks with money started changing it and now they donā€™t have to pay any taxes if they put it in the right places. folks who worked construction and the like would work almost twice as long from one week to the next the paycheck was really close to the same. that part was what you are referring to, and it was only an artificial lower pay since you got most of it back at tax time.


You wasted a lot of words arguing the same thing you quoted me saying in a sentence.


the tax thing was new, and it wasnā€™t wasted, it was explained rather elegantly i think. people like me read these comments and think ā€œman, that looks made upā€ or ā€œi wonder if thatā€™s really how it isā€ so i decided to give those folks something to look up if they choose. it gives me pleasure spending a little time on this site looking up odd ā€œfactsā€ that folks post. sometimes i even correct them but usually itā€™s just for personal gain to keep my skills honed. iā€™m about to use them professionally again. and iā€™m done with it, so thatā€™s all there is. enjoy the weekend.


When income taxes were introduced, the progressive taxing system was also introduced. We have always had progressive taxing. There has never been a change.

they used to take like 80% of your income when it got high enough or something like that. the numbers have definitely changed. i canā€™t recall them but have seen them. and then you have the exemptions and loopholes, not to mention the entire tax code that now requires a degree to understand. (a bit of an exaggeration)

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All this taxation talk reminds me of friends who moved to ā€œinterestingā€ countries to avoid a good bulk of their foreign investors funds from going to a government that isnā€™t helpful to them.



There was one year I lived half in Texas and half in Canada and was taxed half in Canada and half in the US. Since I was in a lower bracket in both places because of the split I came out way ahead.

Iā€™ve read that the two best indicators of a stable society are the presence of a middle class and the ability to tax its citizens.


It was still progressive and the percentage did go into the 90s even. They never took 80% of everything, it was 80% of what was made above another level where it was taxed at a lower rate. There has never been a time when making more money meant you did not get more than you would if you made less money. Those high tax rates go back to a time when middle class income was also increasing at a rate consistent with national productivity as well. When those rates met their doom in the early 80s, the middle class income increases have never been able to keep up with national productivity. The difference has ended up in the pockets of the extremely rich instead of being spread across the middle class.


Well stated @Zolorp. Thatā€™s my economic view as well. But, the trend continued in the 90s with the explosion of debt where many ppl were trying to live at the standards of the previous generation.

This parallels the increasing cost of education. Relative to their incomes previous generations paid substantially less than those in the 90s and later.


This was pretty amazing the first time I saw it. It remains so in my simple mind.


Pretty cool!

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When I do explosive street art I call it a ā€œriot.ā€


Outta likes. (Hey, itā€™s after 8am here.)

I see the issue. Itā€™s really a matter of semantics and poor naming. ā€œStreetā€ art should have been called ā€œwallā€ art, since the artsy part isnā€™t in or on the street at all - itā€™s on the walls!

The type of street art you are alluding to is real street art that actually occurs on streets.

Itā€™s clear as mud, but it covers the ground.


Art imitates life imitates art

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Was married to a stripper but sadly she passed away we were happily married for 5 years :grinning:

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Me personally Iā€™ll start paying taxes when the dam govt starts looking after US citizens instead of the millions of usurpers coming into our beloved country. Iā€™m talking vets senior citizens and people that canā€™t take care of themselves. Itā€™s dam disgusting that a user per gets free this free that and free the other thing. When a senior citizen of Social security that has worked the whole life and struggles with an average of about $1550 to $2000 a month then on top of that has to pay for some of their Medicare . Absolutely FuKin disgusting. If my rant pisses people off and hurts some feelings thatā€™s just to FuKin bad.
Yā€™all have a great day


Your frustration is warranted