Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 8)

That… and just plain stupid people who think they know EVERYTHING about EVERY subject, and have to insert themselves AGGRESSIVELY into EVERY conversation! Then thy argue with everyone that they are the only person in said conversation that knows WTF they are talking about. I turned off/uninstalled ALL my Social sites because of this…

This site is the only social media site I belong to.

However, I take your point. I think in many contexts the impersonal nature of social media let’s ppl act at their worst and say things they’d never say to your face.


Was that a real quote? Hilarious either way!

He did!


Does it really matter anymore?


Stealing this one…







arachnukephobia :laughing:


That’s good!




yet i would bet that most, if not all, of those countries have archeologists digging up the human remains of all sorts of people…

i’ve read that it is a myth and doesn’t really exist. i’ll see if i can find a link.
this is what larry 3.5 said, but i have to wait for larry 4.0 to get some links. or i could get them myself.:
"Certainly, skepticism and critical examination of psychological theories and concepts are important aspects of scientific inquiry. While the Dunning-Kruger effect has gained considerable attention and empirical support, there may be alternative perspectives or criticisms of its applicability or interpretation.

One line of criticism suggests that the Dunning-Kruger effect may not be as prevalent or as pronounced in all situations as initially proposed. Some researchers argue that factors such as cultural differences, task complexity, and individual differences in self-awareness may influence the magnitude or manifestation of the effect.

Additionally, some scholars have raised questions about the methodology of studies investigating the Dunning-Kruger effect, highlighting issues such as sample selection, measurement techniques, and the potential for confounding variables.

However, it’s important to note that while there may be critiques and debates surrounding specific aspects of the Dunning-Kruger effect, the underlying concept of individuals’ ability to accurately assess their own competence relative to their actual performance remains a subject of ongoing research and discussion within the field of psychology."

I agree that the effect may not always be pronounced. However, I have observed ot too often for the theory to be easy discounted.

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it’s like most theories that just sound right. most of them are mostly true, or true for the majority of folks, but there are enough differences for it to be heavily influenced by the environment or the differences in people. not that it isn’t true, they (the articles and studies refuting it) are just a few things i have picked up over the last couple of years, but they need to be put out there. i think the problem with most of the studies that confirm it’s existence have more to do with having flaws from expecting the results they get. confirmation bias i think but i’m having a bowl now and may have that wrong. nothing is absolute, not even the siths (they got that part wrong i think).

edit: unless they are referring to the political situation of the modern era like some movies do.

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I agree with you on research methodological issues, low sample sizes, etc. Those are standard issues that should be noted in any review of a study.

The theory has utility in my life. I use it to temper the advice of others who are new to a topic. I also temper my own advice in new topics because when I’m new to a topic, but immersed in it, it’s easy to think I understand the issue in its entirely when in fact I don’t.

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Your writing regarding the objectivity of science is right in line with the premise of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Have you read it? It’s a constructive criticism of objectivity.