at my place its in the basement
why was it flagged? that’s hilarious
That’s even more frightening! Did you make it yourself?
WE did it myself
I truly believe that!
no, no no, u use baking soda
Some of the exhibits were banned here as well… Archeological remains are NOT the same as dissecting, plasticizing and displaying a freshly dead body for the sake of ones ‘Art’…
Archeology is to PRESERVE the remains and learn about the past from them-- not tear them apart and use them as personal ‘art pieces’…
I GET why they feel that way, I am not offended, just not real keen about the '‘artists’ motives.
He’s kind of a ghoul…and makes you wonder what else he does to the bodies he ‘‘procures’’.
Enjoy-- and pass the BBQ sauce! Gator is like a cross between turkey and fish… different, but good if cooked right! (So is rattlesnake!)
Yeeeah… What could go wrong there!??
but aren’t those all from magazines?
that greatly depends on one’s perspective. way too many things disappeared into collections and museums after being stolen by “archeologists”. if i recall correctly, the brits were really good at this at one time.