Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 8)

Like, one of those undersea cables, but a big one.

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yeah but nerds have to make sure everyone knows…you should hear they’re ‘Black Hole’ theory…

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Nope. It was my old high buddy, Danky Farts (his name was both a proper noun and an active verb!), that, to my knowledge, first realized the potential here. Props to Danky. I’m sure he’s still fartin’ around somewhere.

All this talk is making me hungry. I gotta make some breakfast.

@Foreigner, very likely. Bacon, tomato and spinach. Super popular!


I also suspect you are responsible for the Korean super group BTS but I don’t have enough evidence yet.

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Electricity doesn’t run faster than light. It could theoretically achieve the speed of light in a perfect superconductor. In your home wiring electricity runs about 1% the speed of light.

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I’d like to float the basic circuit understanding with an astropysicist, but I can’t even spell astroppizzicyst, but yeah we use Electron Theory among other things to ‘understand’ electricity, and the bits of shit we call electrons… BUT, nope we haven’t figured it out yet. A circuit with an adequate solid conductor, becomes live when excited, regardless of distance. Amperage, increases slowly but the ‘current’ flows instantly. Remarkable ‘hey wait a minute moment for Einstein et al.’, called it spooky action from a distance, when we have already named it induction. IMO why Telsa wanted to work with it, instead of just thinking about it.

You’ve opened my mind

I quit 2000…cold turkey and weed helped me quit, when I hung out in bars and my friends smoked I would go to my car/outside and do a 1 hitter of my kickass homegrown… after 1 month of doing that I could smell cigarettes smoke on my clothes…
nowadays the only thing I smoke are my kickass homegrowns… I’ve been with 3 ex girlfriends who smoke and lit their cigarettes but not inhale and I still don’t have the urge to smoke… I’m glad I kicked the habit…I also don’t preach about the harm of smoking to people who do smoke, that’s their cross to bear…


I quit smoking tobacco a long time ago as well. It’s weird how easily I can detect the smell. Like on the freeway, it blows my mind that I can tell the folks driving in front of me are smoking.

On extremely rare occasions I get a fleeting craving but it goes away wicked fast when I remember the flavor.

Worked in chemical dependency units years ago. The counselors, who were recovering themselves, said that quitting nicotine was worse than the other drugs they had been on.

This is anecdotal evidence and I’m not claiming it generalizes.


I started at the age of 11. I quit at 36 after my wife told me she was pregnant. Went cold turkey, haven’t backslid since. Total misery for about 6 weeks, then slowly a bit better daily.

Sadly, she miscarried 8 weeks later.


That breaks my heart

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i think they call it ‘dark energy’ nowadays…ooooh scareyer name lol. Still stuggling with ‘spacetime’ being actual matter which is conductive which makes the entire actual universe observable/understandable as an actual live circuit we are in…
wow…I’m getting really stoned on some of @Neb s hard work, I think it was meatbreath, outdoors harvest turned to bubble.
So if you wanna turn on your cosmic circuit, call Neb and grow some meatbreath, it’s makin me say HMMMM I miss Neb u l…hmmm.


Dark energy, dark matter… how much of the universe do we really observe?

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Btw, for the past few years though I’ve been hanging out in the smoker’s lounge and loving it…

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Theres a youtube video on that…cause we use optics and light we will never see what exists beyond our ‘real’, but math dudes have it RE figured out, of course because the new magnifying glass seen farther than we could think so far…everchanging THEORIES 'cause we are children looking at eclipses, but the stones we throw may never stop skipping…until it stops…and we notice.

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TRUTH! PREACH IT! Areolas Uber Alles!

