Octopot Grow System

This practice hadn’t occurred to me as the manual stated that you should always maintain no less than level 1 which is probably around 2 gallons. However it seems that more than one of you regularly just let it go dry, apparently with good results?


The res will go dry long before the medium does plenty of time to refill.


I let it go bone dry, or damn near close.

Probally not the best idea, but I go through funks where I just don’t want to deal with my plants.


have you done this yet joker?

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I’m wondering about this
Our system let the roots up take what they are given once the roots reach the res ? So coco may
Be fine !I feel it really wouldn’t apply to the Octopot system


I used coco my first run and it was not the best run. I switched to promix and things were much better. Im still using promix. I believe you can use coco or promix in your Octopots but you have to mix your nutrients differently. I didn’t get it right in coco.


I like my promix it’s what I’m use to I’m not switching but I’ve thought about adding it to the mix but I don’t need trouble

We know what we know


I used coco this last run. Used rare dankness nutrients unmeasured the entire run. Two plants hated it. Two plants loved it until the end.

I am not sure as I didn’t monitor things closely. But I’m guessing that towards the end the root zone suffered


I thought this too, until I started getting calmag deficiency. And it came on fast.


Thanks my friend for the heads up

I got some garden fabric I’m going to try making my own bags.

Thanks for the idea

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Actually, I forgot about it. But I am watering tonight. Mixed up 2 gallons. Each received 3 ml Cal/Mag, 4.2 grams Jacks 10-30-20, and 3 ml PH down. Only difference was temperature.

PH-5.9 EC-1.09 Temp-91

PH-5.9 EC-1.08 Temp-69

I use well water so I don’t need to gas off.

I may test again in a couple hours, but from my test, virtually identical with 32* difference in water temps.


what i was wondering though was your nute solution you have at 91 degrees, when that cools down, what is it then?

cold to hot should drop the ph, so if your solution was hot, and it cooled down the ph should rise as the temp cools.

this is where i read up on it after it happened to me

had to search for that

Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) compensates for the fluctuating milli-volt output from the electrode. ATC is commonly built into today’s pH meters for quick and accurate results.

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Just read this from the beginning, @OctoKaley sure wasn’t around long to answer questions.


3 days I think we got out of her

But she got member of the month…

I could have used that


Got it. Will do the same thing again. Then let both gallons sit for a day and test them both for a 2nd time and compare.


Greetings OctoPosse!
Is this still the thread that rightfully accumulates knowledge of All Things Octo?

I hope so because I am considering “Staffing Up” on the original OctoPots from Chris and I have a few questions to ask.

I have a four pot Micro Octo growing at the moment and, after a very bad start, I’ve dialed in the Octo concept and have a quartet of healthy plants SIPping their octo reservoirs and growing robustly.

My confidence in the system has grown to the point that I’m ready to scale up to a "3 Gallon Auto-Fill - 6 Site octopot system" and I am wondering if any OG Octo-grower has used that configuration successfully?

I’m seeking a relief from daily watering duties in a way that doesn’t compromise the health of my plants, or the success of my grows. The six pot autofill would seem to fill the bill to a tee. With a 30 gallon external reservoir and six 3-gal octo boxes fully tanked up to start, I think I could leave them alone for two weeks under the care of the automated lights and environmentals.

Bottom line, I may need to bail completely to take care of my aging Mom on short notice and I’d like to know I could do that without the certainty of my current grow room facing Apocalypse.

Clearly the AutoFil feature isn’t the only, or most important, OctoPot advantage, but I bet I’m not the only one whose life makes it difficult to be away from the grow room.

Question: Does any OG grower listening use the OctoPot AutoFill system with 3 gallon pots and an external rez?

Thanks in advance and also for listening.

@Syn @firehead @Qtip @Joker, @pap @Floyd @Enjoi802 @ShiskaberrySavior @North_4th @SaintAliasKnife @GramTorino @Grease_Monkey


I know it will work for you

I don’t use the auto fill system I use the 6 gallon large Octopots

I know I can leave them for a week once filled during veg

And during flowering I have left them for 5 days before refill

I believe it will service you well

@Syn i think uses the auto fill system


Im using the same as Paps. So nothing really to add other than I agree with him that it should work well for you.


6 gallon sites here. no auto. but i see no reason it shouldn’t work. once you figure the consumption rate, you’ll know for sure how long you would be good for.

BTW, I called the octopot people and I’m told a pot height of 10-12" minimum is needed. using a 3 gallon sleeve isnt a great idea. Explains my last 2 plants. its a mulligan.


I’m in Tempe, AZ. Went to Puerto Rico for 9 days last April with a flowering IGLM WWA outdoors in 90 degree temps (desert dry late spring weather).

Plant drank every drop out of the full container by the time I got back, but didn’t show any signs of stress.