OG Website Feature Wish List

I would like to see search results listed from newest to oldest. Bring back karma!!!


You can do that already. Try to search for a term. Then click options and select Sort by: Latest post.

Likes are our Karma ā€¦ We donā€™t need negative Karma :slight_smile:


I agree with that, but the original OG didnā€™t have a ā€œnegative karmaā€ option. One of the things that made that karma system fun was the power of certain (high profile) memberā€™s karma when theyā€™d hit you with it. I know there were limits to how many times they could leave karma in a day, so they had to be selective about who to leave it for, which made even more special. Silly, perhaps - but I liked it.

For the record, I have no issue with the current ā€œlikesā€ system. Hell, perhaps there something going on behind the scenes that puts a quantitative value on likes, such as a point system, and the likes that someone like me gives has a lower point value than the likes given by someone like you, or @beacher or @cannabissequoia, etc., and the accrual of these points are a factor in how we earn our green dots. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Meh Iā€™m like a likes crackhead, I just kinda hammer it haha. I think if anything my likes should carry less weight šŸ¤·


lolā€¦and I like your likes, @beacher :+1:, no matter how much weight they carry :muscle: :weight_lifting_man:


Well have one more then haha


I noticed that when I login via smartphone (I use Tor Browser on Android), there are two things that repeatedly show up

  • A kind of sticky ā€˜reminderā€™ within discourse to turn on live notifications which keeps showing up.even within the same session after having denied it
  • A system popup to allow vibrating alerts/notifications (pops up the first time I like something after login and sometimes in between)

I do not want any of these. Ever. Is there a way around this nagging? The first one has a setting in my account details, so I assume there might be a server side configuration to turn off the reminder. The second seems like the same thing on the side of my operating system, which tbh makes me think my ā€˜noā€™ to notifications in discourse is ignored anyway. Not sure if itā€™s a bug, but Iā€™d really appreciate if I could just read my OG and not be bothered with stuff to click ā€˜noā€™ to all the time. Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

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You are unfortunately a rare case of user with browser which probably doesnā€™t remember settings you have selectedā€¦

Can you please check your Preferences -> Notifications?
EDIT: I see you have probably tried this oneā€¦
There is option to turn it offā€¦


But the setting is selective for particular browser :frowning: ā€¦

Another thing you could try is this one:

Instead of dismissing the pop up, you should be able to click the ā€˜Enable Notificationsā€™ button, then when your browser prompts you, click ā€˜Denyā€™ (or your browsers alternative). Discourse should register this and stop asking you.

If you select Deny, your browser should remember your choice and shouldnā€™t bug you anymore.


The setting says permission denied. Unfortunately it seems to forget it after the session (cookies get deleted afaik). Iā€™m not sure if I understand the second part correctly, but I think that is how it is setup now, but it has to be done again each session. Iā€™ll try again next time I log in.

Thanks a lot for your blazing fast reply! Much appreciated!


Yes, you are correct. The problem is that your browser clears the session and that includes information about Denied accessā€¦


If denying via browser helps with the first problem, that would be quite helpful already. I will give it a try next time. Thanks!

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Is there a mechanism to receive notification when my posts have been edited by others (TL4)? Can I see a list?

I am aware of one instance (I can share in PM) which was not a problem so much as an indication of a potential problem.


I donā€™t know that notifications can be restricted by the level of the person creating the situation resulting in a notification, but any post that Iā€™m ā€œWatchingā€ notifies me every time someone edits it. I dunno if that helps your situation. :slight_smile:


Only level 4 can edit other peopleā€™s posts. The specific edits are visible in the postā€™s edit history. I donā€™t know of another mechanism, other than individually openining each post and investigating edit by edit.

I will send a PM example to make the case more explicitly.


Ability to add an image slide show to a post.

Example here : https://meta.discourse.org/t/slick-image-gallery/81952


As @nube correctly noted, you will get notification for edits in topic that you are Watching.

I donā€™t think there is a way to be notified of every post edit in not-Watched topic but Iā€™m pretty sure that established practice among mods is to notify the user that his post needs to be edited. We do sometimes remove posts without prior notice but only if they violate the rules.


What about creating stickies for categories?

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What exactly do you mean by that? There are some stickied topics occasionallyā€¦

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Hi joe we need a laugh button


I second this. More reaction icons would be great.