OleReynards Shanty Bar 2021

When I lived in illinois I used to pray for cold weather, come May youd have to have the ac on till October.
Haven’t seen the forecast cant be the bad you just “hole up”.

Its a dry cold, lol.
But I love it up here.


Are you in a “legal land?” Close enough right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Its only illegal if ya get caught


And the law only changes as fast as you can :running_man:


Day off today and the back could use it.
Got the results from the MRI, not good, at all.

L1 thru L5 all herniated
Spinal passage way growing shut
Arthritis to the point that trying anything would be proven Iffy at best.

And this was just my lower back.
I’ve always been the heavy all my life now its time to relinquish the duty to someone else.

X daughter in law diagnosed with stage 3 advanced intestinal cancer.
I feel for my grandson but otherwise the bitch getting what she deserves.

On to other things:
First of all the Grendel just got put down to 50% survival.
@Barefrog 8813 60% survival
Had to pop a few more to insure enough moms to work with so
In went JOTI Affie #1 from the Tapster @Tappy
And I popped one more strain to not be announced.
Just kerplunked today,aye

No snow with last front but possible -60 with wind chill for a stretch.


Damn man, sorry about your mri results. Time to officially retire? And shit, can’t imagine -60 wc. We get cold, but nothing like that!!


We’re supposed to be getting back into the deep freeze this week also . Temps predicted -50’s later In the week carrying on into the weekend .


Sorry to here the bad news Reynard, its hard to slow down I find until the pain really kicks in then I have to say fuck it, and sit in a chair all day bored out of my skull. You just got to keep moving a bit so you dont seize up completely.

Minus 60 wc, cant even imagine what that’s like.


Thats windchill @Shadey but still .

Heading into town ahead of it for sustainits? Spelling not right I know.
Good thing Marc aint here to correct me, I know he would’ve.

I feel for ya Shadey, im beginning to know first hand.
What are you doing for it that helps?


Man sorry to hear about the herniated discs. I’ve had the T2 T3’s herniated and it was hard to even breath never mind lifting. You gotta give it rest man and definitely delegate the heavy stuff. Stay warm.


Minus 29 windchill is the worst I have experienced and worked in, freezing my nuts off 30ft up in a zoom boom lift in a dockyard. Couldn’t stop my eyes freezing together when I blinked lol.

Crashed my new truck that night on my way home. I got in my truck with everything still on I was so cold, slammed the heater on full, then passed out at the wheel about 25 minutes later doing 80kmh from the sudden heat change. Woke up 20ft into some trees going into a lake with the truck on it’s side.

Very surreal experience, being asleep and hearing all this banging and crashing going on, and then realizing you are supposed to be driving :fearful: and waking up nearly upside down in a lake.

The fire brigade showed up first, several people kindly stopped to help after seeing me disappear of the road and called them. Then the police and then and ambulance.

The firemen walked past me looking at the truck and then turned to the group of us that were chatting and said, has anyone been down to see if they survived. I said yes that’s me, and he looked startled. I didn’t have a scratch on me, the police could not believe I walked away either.

The biggest tree I hit went through the front of the truck to the windshield like a cheese wire, if it had been 4 inches more to the center I would have probably had and engine stuffed up my arse and out my mouth lol.

:angel: Angels were watching over me that day.



Is it clear now?this program is worst than my 9th grade English teacher. She failed me 4 years Inna row


Lucky man, they sure were



Uppotting seedlings, had to bust a few more of something else to make sure I got a tent full of girlies.

Uppoting heris today also, just enough for a full tent, one fooled me till his balls came out a bit more then shelacked him.

Orange tent has got hints of orange coming out.
Need to get my ass busy with that 8813 thats an oddball of the batch, today.

Back hurts today so I’m kinda lackadazingly getting shit done.
But it is getting done.


Breaking out of the bodhi drop, shouldn’t of done the joti thing with all I got alot wont see dirt.

Wouldve really liked to of had the bd x 8813 but fuck I got enough bd and 8813 to make my own.
Could even be better.

Been cold up here -20 not counting wind chill. Snowed a bit last night or was it frost flakes.

So I’ve decided to sell my tractor gonna have someone do the yard care and plowing for me.
5 herniated disks aint gonna allow me to keep up like I’ve been.
Going to 3 half days at work, just to get out and meet people.

Gonna finish the garage still needs sided and shingled, house railing needs to be put up then its up for sale.
Going to a townhouse on a great fishing lake.
Full scale retirement in the works.
Getting rid of my pontoon and 18’ deep lake boat for a new pontoon which will be decked out for fishing.
With nice comfy chairs.

Life’s a bitch then ya die or ya marry one which i didn’t do.


Forgot to mention paying taxes


Ya always know how to brighten my day, buddy


Thats what im here for, any moonshine left?


Stop on by, The Shanty bar is open


Im running low