Oozle's Indoor: Dragon Temple (Doc D), Pinball Wizard (Bodhi), Cherry Chem Soda F2's (Jaws)

I took cuts of the Pinball Wizards and Dragon Temples and transplanted them all into solo cups yesterday. I’m looking for 1-2 to keep around and run again.

Neither of the Pinball Wizards were vigorous from the beginning, so I was a little worried about them. They probably should have gotten a little more veg time, but I have cuts and if the smoke is good I’m going to give one of them another run.

Im hoping the Dragon Temples stop going up, I don’t have much more space. I think my light may be causing some of the extra stretch over the last 2 grows… it is almost 5 years old. It’s probably time to upgrade.


Yeah, I really liked the Pinball Wizard high, I just didn’t like the smell or flavor at all. I think I’m in the minority there, though. And judging from the way yours look, I’m sure they’ll turn out differently than mine did. They’ll probably be worth another run or two, for sure.

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Looks like you’ve got your nutrients dialed in, those are some healthy looking plants.



Dragon Temples (3) on the right.
Cherry Chem Sodas (2) back left and front left.
Pinball Wizards (2) middle left.

The left side of the tent is going ok, but the Dragon Temples want to go into the light. I can’t raise my light any higher, so sorry in advance middle plant, your leaves will get crispy.

Seeing these stretch so much, I decided to upgrade my light. I can’t replace the one over the Dragon temples for fear of bleaching the buds worse, but I changed out the left side.

I upgraded to a 260w quantum board from HLG. $186 on sale this week. My initial thoughts on the new light are positive. I like the coverage. My older boards were close together and I always got hot spots in the middle, now the light is spread more evenly. It seems the heat sync and driver are cooler then the other light and a knob to adjust the intensity is nice… easier than using a screwdriver like the old light kit.

Cherry Chem Soda:

Pinball Wizard:

Dragon Temple:

Feeding around EC 1.2-1.3. The run off was a little high, so I lowered the micro and astroflower slightly this week. I am increasing the feed to EC 1.4 for the next couple weeks.

Thanks for looking and have a good day.


Those light-seeking stretchy plants are always fun to deal with :wink: Congrats on the new light.

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I actually got tired of dealing with it, so I killed 1 of the Dragon Temple plants on saturday. The back plant was being neglected and the middle one was growing above the light and it looked like it had a few more inches to go. It was getting too chaotic in the tent, so 1 had to go. I have a clone of it, so I will probably rerun it soon, only flip it very early and run it in soil.

Still a pretty full canopy.
F31 Dragon Temples.



Dragon Temples (2) on the right.
Cherry Chem Sodas (2) back left and front left.
Pinball Wizards (2) middle left.


I killed the middle Dragon Temple last week. It was a couple inches above the light and didn’t look like it was going to stop. It was blocking a lot of light and the back plant was being neglected. I hate to cull a healthy plant this late, but the light won’t go to waste and I have a clone ready to go for my next flower run.

Dragon Temple:
I love the smells I am getting off of these. Lemon, lime, tropical. The first thing that came to my mind was sprite soda.

Pinball Wizard:
They stretched up more than I thought they would. The right plant isn’t topped, the left has 4ish colas sticking up.

Left plant PW

Right plant PW

Cherry Chem Soda F2:
They seem to be the happiest in the tent. The back plant seems like it’s going to put out some nice dense colas. The front is cruising along, smelling sweet and woody… the back one is more musky and earthy.


Feeding EC 1.3-1.4.
Remo nutrients
6ml/gal magnifical (150-170 ppms)
5.25ml/gal micro (150-180 ppms)
6ml/gal bloom (160-180 ppms)
3.25-4ml/gal astroflower (100-150 ppms)
water 50 ppms
1.5ml/gal liquid karma and SLF-100 twice a week.
PH 6-6.1
I’m basically following the remo feed schedule except instead of raising the micro I am raising the cal-mag because I am not using the Velokelp which has magnesium in it. I may even lower the N a little more going into week 6. They look ok, but it’s so easy to overfeed.

Thanks for following along and have a good one.


That’s a full house; even with one plant culled. The smell of the Dragon Temple sounds so intriguing. Sprite you say? :thinking:


That 9-bladed leaf on that one Pinball Wizard you highlighted is pretty cool-looking, but holy shit you shoulda gotten a closeup of the eleven-blader on that Dragon Temple haha. That’s pretty awesome.

Sounds like it could be a Temple or even a straight SSH leaner, maybe? I always thought SSH smelled pretty fruity. In fact, I have a sample of some SSH #10 (not sure what the #10 means, other than that’s the plant that whoever made the selection picked) that smells pretty similar.

Plants look good! Haha.


It looks like there are a lot of 11 finger leaves on this front one.

I am not sure, but I love the structure and the smells so much, I went and grabbed a pack of the Strawberry Temple… damn GLG taking cards makes it easy haha. The Pinball Wizards (SSH x Wookie) are fruity, but not as tropical or loud as the Dragon Temples. Bodhi’s description of Strawberry Temple: “big sticky wizard wands of orange bubblegum inspiration” makes me think the Temple is fruity.


I think it’s the SSH in the Temple that’s making it fruity. I got some fruity smells from the Mountain Temples I grew, but I wouldn’t say that that was the predominant smell. The Tree of Lifes (Temple male, so…) had a little bit of fruitiness going on, too haha. I don’t know anything about that William’s Wonder in the Temple cross other than what I’ve read, never blazed it, but like I said, SSH has always smelled fruity to me.

Fruity fruity fruity… haha.

Either way, who cares? As long as they smell good and smoke great, it doesn’t really matter where it’s coming from haha.


right on, IDK why I forgot SSH is in the temple.

I’ve never had SSH in any cross except some Super Lemon Haze a few years back. I’m excited to finish out these last 5 weeks or so.

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I wanted to drop a couple pics of the clones to show structure and leaf shape a bit.
I should probably transplant them soon.

3 Dragon Temples. The shorter one in the middle has 2 more fan leaf blades then the other two plants.

This is the shorter one in flower. F40. This is my favorite plant in the tent so far. The leafs taco inwards which look cool (kinda like a dragon head), large colas, and a tropical, fruity smell.

This bud is a little bleached, so i turned down the light and pulled it to the side a bit.

Pinball Wizard

The smaller pinball wizard is/was very slow in veg, so I am likely tossing it, but I am going to wait until I harvest and smoke it of course. The plant in flower has trichomes all up and down the stems and branching, so maybe it’s one of those very low yielding slow, but awesome headstash plants. Here’s to hoping.


The run off was a little high (EC .4-.5 over input) so I gave them a little more water today and yesterday and it is now back within EC .1-.3 of my input.

I’ll get pics of the rest of the plants on friday.

have a good one.



Dragon Temples (2) on the right.
Cherry Chem Sodas (2) back left and front left.
Pinball Wizards (2) middle left.

Cherry Chem Sodas:

Front plant:

Back plant:

Pinball Wizard:

Right plant:

Dragon Temple:

Back plant:

Feeding around EC 1.4 PH 6.0.
That’s about it. Getting my next run started and trying to keep everything happy.

Thanks for reading.


The tent looks great. Those Dragon Temples are impressive.

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Dragon Temples (2) on the right.
Cherry Chem Sodas (2) back left and front left.
Pinball Wizards (2) middle left.

Im thinking about 3 weeks left on the Cherry Chem Sodas and the Pinball Wizards. I think the Dragon Temples have another month.

Dragon Temple:
The shorter front plant has cool looking leaves. Like the buds are flying away like a dragon :slight_smile:

A leaf of the clone on the front plant. The other 2 taller DT’s leaves become more broader at the end and don’t have the serrations.

Back plant:

Pinball Wizard:

Cherry Chem Soda:

Thanks for checking in, time to water!


Cool set of genetics you chose to run! I have a few packs of Pinball Wizard so am really interested to read your thoughts on that one. That stem frost is insane haha.

One of these days I have to get around to trying some Doc D genetics too…

My local GC has them so I just grab them there but I think a few online places like BAS sell them as Vinyl Slip 'N Lock Plant Labels. Or just Label-Lock.


I am going to run one of them again in some soil and try to give them some more love. That side of the tent is running a little colder (69-72f most of the day) and I want to see if I can get some more out of the Pinball Wizard before I decide to keep it or move on.


Yeah, I’m not criticizing or anything, but that Pinball Wizard is looking a little, uh… spindly. It looks a lot different than the PB I grew. Do you have more seeds? It might be better to just look through more of them than run clones of the one you have flowering now, just because that looks like some kind of freak plant.

Other than that, though, plants look good! Haha.


Ha yea… I saw the same thing and figured maybe it was something I was doing wrong. I am running two and both are like that, smaller buds and fruity smells.

The one on the left with the multiple tops is an extremely slow vegger, even the clone is being slow. The one on the right is much more vigorous and is probably the one I am planning on re-running, but still not very dense and stacking weird.

This is the plant on the right i didn’t top: