Oozle's Indoor: Dragon Temple (Doc D), Pinball Wizard (Bodhi), Cherry Chem Soda F2's (Jaws)

Hm. Yeah, I dunno. If both of them look like that, then maybe it is something you’re doing haha, but I don’t think so. If I had more of those seeds, I’d be inclined to plant them just to see if I ended up with something similar to yours, but I sent the rest of that pack to someone a few years ago (I don’t think they ever did plant them haha), just because I didn’t like the flavor at all. Good smoke, though, for sure.



Dragon Temples (2) on the right.
Cherry Chem Sodas (2) back left and front left.
Pinball Wizards (2) middle left.

Getting closer. I am thinking 10-14 days for the left side of the tent and 3 weeks for the Dragon Temples.

Dragon Temple:
The pistils on the buds finally started to curl and looks like a F75-F80 harvest. The smells are changing still and not as tropical as it was.

Cherry Chem Soda:
The front CCS is smaller and isn’t stacking as well. Maybe it is environmental along with the pinball wizards, so the buds didn’t get larger. The one in the back is doing great. The lower buds have a lot of purples in them, so I bet the buds will be colorful when they are ground.

Back plant:

Pinball Wizard:

I think I kept the magnifical in for a little too long on these, so I will test my new feed schedule on the plants in the 3x3 that are 3 weeks behind these.

Have a good weekend!


This week I will update each strain individually as it will be the last updates for the Cherry Chem Sodas and the Pinball Wizards.

F63 today.

Cherry Chem Sodas
Back right plant:


Front plant:

I am planning to pull these F67-70. A little amber here and there and I still see some white pistils shooting out.

The Cherry Chem Sodas are yellowing out a little faster then the other plants. Looks like a mag deficiency? I am guessing it is from the PH dropping. The run off was a little high weeks 7 and 8, so maybe this strain is more sensitive to the PH drop or wanted more mag. Next time I run this setup I will try to get some auto watering system and either add epsom salts or buy the natures candy product from Remo to complete the line as that has mag sulfate in it.

I tried to compensate by adding more of the magnifical instead of the micro as the feed schedule suggests mid flower, but doesn’t look like it was enough. Either way I think increasing my watering frequency when I run coco is my best bet.

I’m excited to get these plants hung and in the pipe.


Pinball Wizards.


These never really chunked up, similar to the front Cherry Chem Soda. Environmental, maybe. I will run one of the two again. Probably the one on the right, but the left one is starting to win me over. I will wait until the smoke to decide.

Right plant:


Fruit along with some other smells. There is a lot going on in the tent, so hard to be more specific.

I am planning to take these the same time I pull the Cherry Chem Sodas, so probably F67-F69… maybe I will be able to push the chem sodas a little longer because these still look like they are plumping up.


Dragon Temples x2


The monsters in the tent.

Smells are still a bit tropical/citrus up front, but there is some other smell on the back end. Musk maybe incensy.

I planning a harvest date around F77 give or take a couple days.

Thanks for reading and have a good day.


Hoowee, right up against the carbon filter and everything! Haha.

Plants look good, especially those Cherry Chem Sodas. Really weird about those Pinball Wizards. I guess you could posit that it’s environmental, but then how to explain the rest of the plants looking really good…? I think you just got two freak outlier plants haha.


I am going to go with not enough light, too cold, or maybe didn’t like the wet feet of coco… so all of the above haha. I think lack of light is a good possibility because I only had a 240w light on each side until i upgrade one light to a new 260 watt quantum board mid flower. So for 4 plants on one side, thats not a huge yield per plant and those dragon temples got a lot of side lighting because they were so big.

I flipped those Dragon Temples at like 16-18". I didn’t expect such a huge stretch, so some bleached tops. Next grow I will be much more prepared to keep them tamed.

thanks. I don’t grow many plants with purples in them. I always enjoy seeing the different hues.


I know I posted pics a couple days ago, but the back Cherry Chem Soda is photogenic.
Smell is a funky mix of sweat, BO, and musk at first. Then there is some sweetness and earthiness to it.
A coupe more days left.

Cherry Chem Soda:



Dragon Temples (2) on the right.
Cherry Chem Sodas (2) back left and front left.
Pinball Wizards (2) middle left.

I thought I would harvest a day or two ago, but they needed more time, especially the Pinball Wizards. I will harvest them in the next couple days. I need to harvest the left side of the tent all at the same time due to drying space. I like to dry in a tent with AC infinity controller… it makes it so much easier to keep the humidity in check and not much is worse then drying herb too fast that I spent months growing.

The Dragon Temples I will take more pics next week as they need 7-10 more days at least.

Dragon Temple:
Feeding these EC .8-.9 over the last week

Pinball Wizard:
I am a little shaky for the macro pics. I used my loupe and my phone without a tripod… so not perfect trichome shots haha.

Cherry Chem Soda:

This pic was taken a day or two ago.


Looking lovely. Very nice pics :camera_flash:


Dragon Temples F73.

I started to see some a little amber on some of the lowers. In a day or two I plan to chop off one of the side buds and scope it… it’s much easier for me to do that than hover over the buds with a loupe or take blurry pics with my phone.

I’m watering about EC .5-.6 over the last couple days, down from EC .8-.9 from last week. The run off is right around an EC .8.

2 plants, 2 gallon coco.

Front plant: The smell isn’t quite as tropical/sprite like. I would say it’s closer to a mellow yellow, but that smell fades fast into a smell I’m not really familiar with. It’s a little musky, incensy… sometimes I get burnt campfire smell.

Back plant: I’m not getting much fruit or tropical notes. I don’t know this smell, so once harvested I will get it out to some other people and give their feedback when with the smoke report.

I’ll be cleaning up the leaves in the middle and battling this rain/humidity up in New England. I had to put my dehumidifier on last night… I don’t like running it at all.


They look great @Oozle!!


The closeup pics actually remind me of some of the pics on Doc’s IG. Not necessarily the EXACT Dragon Temple pics, because I couldn’t tell you what those look like haha, but just in general; he seems to post a lot of sorta “unique”- looking flowers. The ones you’re growing are from seed, right? I can’t remember. In any event, that’s why I LOOOOVE seeds haha.

You have those plants numbered? Or you’re gonna keep track of which was which after you’ve chopped? Both sound good, but that Mellow Yellow/musk/incense one sounds really fucking awesome haha, definitely wanna hear how she ends up smoking. I mean, I’m looking forward to both smoke reports, but that “front plant” sounds especially promising.


Yep. I have 5-6 seeds left and half a pack of the Ethiopian Flame… maybe I should have stocked up on more Dragon Energy crosses haha.

It’s only the two, so I have them labeled Tall and Short. The short one only got 52-60", the tall one is probably 6-12 " taller. I’ve been looking at the plants so much now I can tell the leaf shape difference on the veg plants too. The short one has narrower jagged looking leaves.

I had a third female I culled week3ish of flower. That one got above the light and seemed closer to the back plant in leaf morphology and early bud structure.

I hope your right about the front/short plant. It caught my eye early and I’ve been counting down the days until harvest.
I’m planning on running at least the short one again right after this harvest. I’ll let my next batch veg for another 2-3 weeks after I harvest this tent and flip.

Same. I have so many packs I want to run its hard to make space for these clones, but I really want to get a couple plants that I can really dial in and get familiar with.

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Mm… Everybody’s tastes are different, but of the few DE crosses I’ve grown, the ones I liked best were the ones that seemed to lean towards the female. I’m thinking specifically of the C. Gold cross, really; the smoke from the mom-leaner that got huge was fucking awesome, but I wasn’t thrilled with the one that stayed relatively short. Again, though, could just be me. And that one single plant haha.

Oh, the front plant is the shorter one? Never mind then… haha. Just kidding.

Mhm, makes sense, especially with the coco and the nutes and all that.

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I don’t have a ton of knowledge on the DE male. I’ve only flowered 5 plants (3x Ethiopian Flame and 2x Dragon Temples I haven’t harvested yet). They all got pretty tall with nice sized nugs, that needed supports. In my experience, the vigor and the structure of the DE male is great.

Tomorrow I’m going to take a read through your Colombian Gold x DE journal, looks like a lot of good conversation and pics

I am have some Strawberry Temples in veg now, it will be cool to see some of the differences between the two strains.


I think even if the DE “blends” with the female to which he was crossed, it’s fine, but I reeeeallllyyyy did not like the smoke of the obvious DE-leaner in that C. Gold cross. The Mexican Death Sativa x DE plants were awesome and there were some noticeable influences from the DE male going on there (mainly really huge flowers haha), but the smoke still seemed pretty MDS-heavy, with the spearmint/peppermint/spicy nose and taste and a really kick-ass laidback high.

The DE-leaning C. Gold cross was a pretty “crushing” sorta high, totally different from the other plant. I spent a few days blazing it just so I could write the smoke report and then never touched it again haha.


Now that you mention it and I’m more familiar with the male, I think my favorite out of my Ethiopian Flames was closer to the mom. It had the red sap trait, but it had a lavender and floral smell and the bud structure wasn’t as big, so I am guessing that was an Ethiopian Banana leaner.


Yeah, “lavender” and “floral” doesn’t sound like a DE trait haha, but I dunno. One of the C. Gold x DE that I grew also had that red sap thing going on, noticed it when I topped, but I can’t remember and never made a note of which one it was haha. I did post a really shitty picture of it in my log, though.

Speaking of which, if you’re planning on reading that, set aside a few hours haha. That one, like all of the others, got super-chatty haha.

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haha. It will be a long read, but I’ll start going through it after lunch.