Organic Gorillas Free Seed Raffles

Alright folks, I’m throwing up another giveaway! This one is for a 14 count pack of Crocketts - Tangie f2 Good luck to the first 50 entries!

  1. @Illicitmango
  2. @LedZeppelin
  3. @Smooth
  4. @Shanti-ri
  5. @ShiskaberrySavior
  6. @Big_Yeloe
  7. @CocoaCoir
  8. @Jinglepot
  9. @Mi-1000
  10. @Cartwright
  11. @tresbundles
  12. @humblepie420 :us:
  13. @BudWhisperer
  14. @CanuckistanPete
  15. @CrunchBerries
  16. @donuchee
  17. @buckaroobonsai :us:
  18. @Piter :es:
  19. @patsnumone
  20. @misterbee :us:
  21. @Groenevingers
  22. @Jimdoors
  23. @Ris
  24. @Tao
  25. @Mrgreenthumb
  26. @boatbum325
  27. @djtrip
  28. @TopShelfTrees1
  29. @Tripl3fastaction
  30. @FirstCavApache64
  31. @HappyTrees23s
  32. @Bobgrows
  33. @DJSF
  34. @Habitt
  35. @Kasper0909
  36. @MonasticDank
  37. @Pleasantrees420
  38. @Txana_kuin :brazil:
  39. @Granola
  40. @420noob
  41. @Tracker
  42. @Cormoran
  43. @Yetigrows :canada:
  44. @ramblinrose
  45. @MissinBissin :canada:
  46. @Greenfingers
  47. @Abbbian
  48. @pharmerfil
  49. @Natea
  50. @Weednerd.Anthony :us:

Please don’t add numbers :corn: