Organical's adventure in growing - 3rd run! Currently Bodhi, Boss Hoss, Elite Clone seed co

I’ve been maintaining around 75 degrees average and 50% RH. I’m hoping this watering perks her up tonight.
Edit: vpd around 1.3

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Yeah I’d say you’ll see her perk up quickly.

I’m out of likes


Really appreciate your input, as always friend :grin:

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Did they perk back up? That definitely looks like underwater to me.


She was perking up a bit last night, not quite as much as I hoped and I was late getting out the door this morning so I didn’t get to check on them. I’m hoping she’s looking way better when I get home today.


Me too bro :crossed_fingers:t3: let me know when you get home, if not we’ll get you figured out


Appreciate that brother! I will definitely update later on :blush:



Thanks for the help guys, she is looking much better today! Very happy she doesn’t look so sad anymore. Now the yellowing is progressing on both though, should I proceed with starting low on the nutes and slowing increasing the strength there?


Yeah I would start increasing the nutes slowly and see when she starts to cry for mercy lol. I like to see just a slight burn on the leaf tips myself.

Edit to say if others disagree with my thoughts I would absolutely put weight on that. I’m still new enough to growing that I would seek alternate opinions.

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Alright - I think I figured it out. I wasn’t really including light stress in with the equation since she is shorter than the girl in the back. But I had upped my lights output from 70% > 100% because more is better right? Turned it back down to 80% about 24 hours ago and she is looking much happier.

And something curious, even through that week of stress she still was gaining height, the two are just a few inches apart now.

That’s all for now, thanks friends :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


This picture is so pretty I just had to post it!


Side Quest Activated - “Sprout dispo beans”

So when New Jersey first opened up for recreational - and naturally being up the road a bit from such a place, I went and checked it out. Bought a few things, but the first eighth I opened and ran through the grinder had 3 seeds, I was stoked and saved them. I was just checking them out and decided to try and pop them, I just planted them right into the Happy Frog. The strain was called Redline, I’ll be honest, it was the highest THC on the menu that day :laughing:. Anyways, that’s why it’s NJ Redline on the cups, we’ll see if we get anything out of them!
If nothing else I’m doing it just to get more practice in, I’m always about reps/repetition in something you are trying to learn.

Also, don’t tell my wife I stole her pedestal :rofl:


Man, girl in the back is reeking of cat piss, it’s crazy haha. They are both doing great, almost the same cola height but the better one has a beautiful uniform canopy all by itself, no training. Nothing major to report, I just like posting these pictures in one place :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


If the soil isn’t too wet, give them some shots N-MG next times you give them water. With a product like this.


Checking in, the LSD in the back has some trichomes coming in :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

The other girl got a little stunted from all they excitement before but shes only a week or two behind I think.

We have sprouts on all 3 of the NJ Redline, and it seems their name is true, as it appears the stems are red on all of them!

I have been telling myself to not think about a second tent for at least a year, but man is it hard :rofl::rofl:. Thanks for checking in friends :grin:


I have to wait till I get a new place. No room! Still trading for a 2x2 this spring. I’ll probably not be able to wait.

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Haha I’m right there with you, I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled on craigslist for something good close by :laughing:

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Steady as she goes! For the LSD girls I’m up to 7ml/gallon of parts A+B Vivosun nutes, I think I see just a touch of nute burn on the tips now. They are both pretty much the same height at this point but the bud growth is the starkest difference.

The 3 Redlines, after I had to perform surgery on the two of them to remove stuck seed shells, it appears the one just didn’t like that whole experience. I don’t know if its dead because it’s still standing, but it’s stem got pretty dark and it hasn’t moved at all. Oh well if it doesn’t survive, was bag seed anyways :relieved:.

It’s so cool the red stems on all of the Redlines, I have red lines going through on the stalks of the LSDs but they most definitely weren’t red as seedlings!

I’m so stoked overall, the one girl is just looking so tasty and just still reeking of cat piss haha.

Thanks for checking in friends :grin: :mushroom:


Looking good bro. Time to get that second tent so you can grab some clones. That bagseed might end up being something special, you can’t risk it :joy:

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Haha I appreciate it brother :smiley: , and I’ve already been planning the rest of the available space in my office out haha, it will one day just be tents surrounding me and my desk :laughing: :laughing:

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