Organical's adventure in growing - 3rd run! Currently Bodhi, Boss Hoss, Elite Clone seed co

I love the purple showing in the close up bud pic. They look great! The purple stems is so cool too.

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I’m very biased, but yeah she is so pretty with all the color going on :heart_eyes:. Thanks brother :grin:


All is well! I think I’m only a couple weeks away from harvest, at least for my better looking girl. #2 is pretty much caught up, but I’m sure I’ll chop her later.
Couple of bud shots -

Now check out this leaf coming in upside down on one of my Redlines! I don’t know if that burn on the cotyledon is related too :thinking::face_with_monocle:, any insight on that friends?

(if you can’t find it, it is the right side, bottom leaf of the 3-leaf set)


I’m no expert as you know, but when I’ve had leaves curl and contort like that I believe it was from being a little too heavy on the nutes. This would also explain the burnt cotyledon, and those lower leaves looking a nice dark green. With all that said I wouldn’t change anything if i was in your shoes, probably just a nice rich soil that they will grow into.


Hmm interesting :thinking: and thank you brother. They are in fox farms happy frog with no added nutes but I’m sure it’s possible that scoop was hotter then the other, and they certainly are a very dark shade of green.


Microscope shots :drooling_face::drooling_face:

Plant #2 (the slower girl)

Plant #1


So stoked on the two LSD auto girls, we are very close to finishing the grow! I’m gonna go for a higher amber content on the trichomes just as that is what I prefer effect-wise.

I do have a question, does this look like foxtailing to you guys on my #2 girl? The amount of trichomes is noticeably less than the other one as well.

I transplanted the two NJ Redlines into 1 gallon fabric pots, the bigger one definitely took it better than the other. I am not a gentle handed man it seems lol. I think they will perk up in a few hours, the soil was bone dry though so that was interesting trying to saturate it without catch dishes underneath, just poured straight through! :joy:

I am just loving everything I have learned/am learning along the way here, it is amazing. Thanks again to everyone that has helped me thus far, as well as the people that will in the future! :green_heart: :sunglasses:


Looking great brother. I say get your harvest on :grin:!

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So close! I’m not sure on if I should chop or let them go a bit longer. I was peeking at the trichomes with the microscope and they are not quite there on the amber content, as well as I still have a few white pistils that haven’t turned darker yet. I’m off the next two anyways, and maybe I’m over thinking it, what do you guys think?


I agree with you man I’m not seeing the amber, and plenty of green left on her to feed those buds. Suppose I would give it a week and pull out the ole scope again.


Appreciate the input as always brother, I think that will be the plan, revisit it on my next weekend (Mondays and Tuesdays)


That main cola is a monster. You gonna top the redlines in veg or let em run natural?


Haha it is a biggun! That plant is funnier looking, the buds look big but the density of trichomes isn’t as packed. The other girl is super frosty vs that one is just… less stellar lol. I’m curious to see how they both dry/cure and than the effects, more for my own experience and learning.

I’m definitely gonna top the redlines, practice practice, I was gonna wait for a little more growth and potentially once they are upped into 3 gal pots. What do you think?


Agreed. My method would be to wait for another 2-3 nodes, then top, then give em at least a couple weeks of veg before 12/12.


Thanks brother :+1:, will certainly be taking the advice


Looking great @Organical ! I would definitely give them more time if you are looking for more amber. They look very healthy and the senescence (sp?) Hasn’t really set in with them yet. Plant 2 with less trichomes may be a pheno as is doesn’t look to me to be that far off the first plant.

I agree with @methodanon on topping the redline a little down the road.

All that to say your grow looks stellar! Hold strong to harvest and you won’t be disappointed.


Thanks brother, definitely just getting antsy before the finish line! Needed you guys to set me straight for sure :joy:


Give it that extra time.


Check in time!
So we topped the Redline’s, and uh, don’t mind that wonky leaf at the bottom of the RL in front, I may have let them go a day too long without water last week and it didn’t take kindly to such a transgression :sweat_smile:

Topped them at what I believe is the 4th node on each. Sidenote, I am pressing a couple of the leaves from topping in a book with some weight on it to see how they turn out. I haven’t done that since I was a kid with just tree leaves!

Both the LSD’s are looking great, I wanted to give it an actual week without looking at them under the microscope so I will check tomorrow and see where we’re at. I’d guess at least a few days for the girl in the back, maybe a week more. The trichomes have just been further along on her so I may chop them separately. Here’s a bunch of bud shots -

Thanks for stopping by, as always friends :slight_smile:


Topping is a great move. They’re going to bush out beautifully now.