Organical's adventure in growing - 3rd run! Currently Bodhi, Boss Hoss, Elite Clone seed co

Definitely not, it’s insane the variation you could get, if it was super yellow or whatever I’d worry but nope, all looks very good, keep up the great work @Organical


Well said my friend ,there’s a crap load of genes floating around most likely some different will appear .


They do look healthy and happy


Thanks for the responses ! Still overthinking some aspects of the grow. You guys are great :grin:


Hey all :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Everything is going pretty well with these two girls! I did have a question, after watering today I noticed on the taller girl, some yellowing on her lowest leaves. I believe it is the start of a nitrogen deficiency, as I have yet to use any nutrients and they’ve just been working with what was in the fox farms up until this point.
Am I right in my diagnosis? Here’s some pics of the progress/issue.


Flowering time! Looking great!

Like I said in the other thread you can topdress a diversity of organic matter.
You can sow beans now too, then you’ll have enough N for the next grow and you can use the same soil.

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Thanks for all the information and replies, it’s very much appreciated :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, I’m definitely going to try and incorporate it!

I am super stoked to be flowering without any hiccups so far, especially with some of the horror stories I’ve read with autos.


How’s the humidity, are you ventilating?

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Humidity is around 47%, it’s low because of a small space heater I use in the tent as it lives in my basement office, which isn’t connected to the heat/air for the rest of the house. I have an small circulatory fan as well as an exhaust system running.

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That’s great, low humidity is no problem if you stay on top of watering.
Easy breezy! :grin: :+1:

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Thanks! :grin: just learning the whole process has been extremely enjoyable for me. I am in love with growing so far, haven’t had many hobbies in recent history so I’m stoked!


The longer I grow, the more I enjoy it too!
Wait til you start making your own seeds!!!

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Haha I’m sure I’ll get there! The genetics aspect is a rabbit hole I’ve just looked into a bit haha.

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It looks like it’s just eating away at those bottom leaves, plants will do that when the leaves are no longer useful. Doesn’t look to be a deficiency at all, as the rest of the plant is looking fine.
I’m not familiar with the soil you’re using though, so someone with experience might be able to help with a time table for feeding.

What are you planning on using for feed?

Plants are looking great so far, and the set-up is clean too! :ok_hand:

Looking forward to following along on your growing escapades.



Okay that makes sense and is in line with @Rogue as well.

I have a two part Vivosun nutrients that I plan on using when the time comes, I got everything on a decent deal so I figured why not.

Thanks for the compliments on the grow so far :grin:, and the great feedback!

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Then you better change your name to Vivosunical, that stuff doesn’t seem very organic! :grin:

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Haha choosing my old stoner handle from gaming may be a poor choice in hindsight :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I run my gamer tag here too lol.

Your plants look great! I think your plant is cannibalizing old leaves. I read about the battery and sink of the leaves. If iirc they start as a sink become a battery as they start photosynthesis and then as the become blocked or as they age they produce less energy to the point they become a sink again.

I made the personal decision to cull lower and older leaves that I think will become sinks for this reason. Usually I do a defoliation right before I flip to flower and then I try to keep the branches stripped below my Scrog net through flower.

My son is learning with the walkenstien’s in my current grow and has decided not to strip the lowers like I do. It will be interesting to see if there’s a noticeable difference in harvest between his plants and mine that can’t be chalked up to genetics.

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Haha yeah I think I’m gonna have to try full organic at some point just because of my name.

And that is an interesting tid bit, it makes sense to me! Ive been weary on any stressing of the plants because they are auto’s, but I should probably pull these yellow leaves, ive got a few more turning now as well. I’ll have to snap a better pic when I get home from work today but heres one of the taller girl.


Alright so some input on this one would be much appreciated, @Gadarien @Rhai88 @TopShelfTrees1

This other girl started getting a little droopy a few days ago, I thought it may be because I had over watered for a week or so. I just let her dry out almost completely, this was what she looked like a little while ago.

I just watered with 1/3rd the recommended doses for the nutrients. Is there anything else I should be paying attention to? There are also some more of those small kind of brown burn spots on the leaves (you can see a little bit of it in the bottom left.) Any input is much appreciated :+1:


Do you know temp humidity? It looks similar to when I’ve over watered. I’ve also seen it when my vpd was out of whack.

I’d definitely check it out after about an hour post watering. They seemed to perk back up really fast if it is water.

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