People who work outdoors

I’ll say I’ll be working for one of the largest employers in the US and leave it at that. They like to find bad little boys and girls doing things they dont like and fire them.

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I used to go bike riding in 100+ in Texas and it was fine as long as I had water.

I ran out once and it was bad. Home as fast as possible and into a cold shower with my clothes still on.


If your gonna be there for a while those pop up canopies people use for camping are great, get you a whole set up with a chair and a cooler and a little radio👍 I grew up in Florida and heat strokes are no fun…


Light colored thin clothes help. I wear the Dickies white carpenter pants and white t shirt when it’s hot. People ask me if I’m a painter in like nope, just cool.


As a redhead that did industrial roofing for 10 years, I can say water is your best friend, sunscreen and those cooling towels are awesome. I also restored waterslides for a couple years across the country and in Canada. The average person will acclimate if its similar weather consistently but that job was crazy, we’d be in Iowa one week, then Texas the next and I never got used to it. I did with the roofing because it was months in one place. Started in Gulfport Mississippi after Katrina in 2005 as a volunteer, that quickly got old but a 22 year old me with dreadlocks working on a navy base was quite interesting. Stay hydrated, Gatorade helps when you’ve sweat all your salts out. Good luck on your new endeavor! Also, a old timer taught me to pour water over your wrists, its evaporative cooling but I didn’t do it often, I do recall it helping though.


My wife’s uncle who was a landscaper/turf maintenance guy his whole career blew my mind with this years ago. Look at what they wear in Saudi Arabia, he said. It ain’t t shirts and shorts lol


Plus sun glass , anti-glare, and uv protection

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A buddy owns a roofing company…that’s some crazy work.
I come from a long line of ‘shade seekers’.


I really like linen for keeping cool but if you’re doing heavy dirty work it might not be the best choice. It wears out quickly.


A broken analog clock is right twice a day, every day.


Shorts t shirt all Light colors
No blacks or blues

Drink a lot, and this tidbit right here will Make
Your day.
Do you remember getting out of a pool in summer
You be cold, grab a towel and it’s 95 f out.

Well keep a bucket of water around time to time
Put your shirt in it, squeeze excess out
But the wetter the better and put your shirt on
With a breeze you be like damn
Tokers a genius lol.


If you get sunburn, a balm with beef tallow and fish liver oil will heal a sunburn super fast.

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I’d move to a place that’s colder :man_shrugging: sorry



Both rest and urination , if its hot and your drinking water but not having to use the toilet, your not drinking enough water for the temps . That comes with a caveat, don’t drink too much as that can dillute/deplete your salts/electrolytes.

Our employer used to refer to them as "micro cool down breaks " its amazing how much longer you can withstand heat with frequent short breaks , shade for a minute or five and a drink of water, back to work for another 30,60 mins /few hours or what ever works for you


This is very wise of him to mention.
And he’s right. Heat stress can go to heat stroke before you know it.

Throughout the summer all of our crews have coolers in the service trucks with bottled water and Body Armour.
Though I always have my own, and still manage to not drink enough water. Granted, I am in an air conditioned cab 95% of the time, lol.

Some great advice has already been given, but I will add…
Keep an eye on your urine. That’ll tell you if you’ve drank enough or not.
There’s been days that I’ve shoveled my ass of in the heat, drank like 3gal of water that day, but my piss is still CAT yellow, lol. I was sweating it out as fast as I could get it in! So be aware.

God…the Texas heat. What a brave soul.
Much love brotha!


I need to get me a personal cooler. Maybe one of those backpack ones so I can just fling it over a shoulder.

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I worked in a steel mill once. The melt shop had cooling vests. You get to hot, go to the freezer and grab a vest. Gotta go work under the furnace, find a freezer and grab a vest. So nice!


I had to wear the ice vests at the steel mills too.
I hated them dam things, made me feel slimey but it kept me alive.

I worked outside in the sun doing concrete most of my life but in michigan not Texas so not really the same thing.

White clothes are your friend, I could not do tank tops or mesh pits those shirts feel funny on my slimey pits.
Gatoraid is better than water if your drippin all day long.
You probably won’t wanna eat but you have to, fruit and salad were good suggestions.

Your first day may feel like going through hell but slowly you body will adjust, it will never be fun but it will get better.

Remember heat stroke is no joke, :hot_face: take the breaks you need to when you need them.

Be safe and good luck.


This whole thread made me happy I no longer work in the AZ sun. lol

I don’t miss 120*F temps and working outside. haha

Good luck @Habitt!


But it is a dry heat…right…LOL