Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

As you did @Kavman, I sprayed the swamp twice this spring after finding this thread, and seeing it firsthand die under the microscope, and not 1 bit of it this year. I fought it all last year, and gave up on 1 plant, because it was a PM magnet, and was fighting a losing battle. The deer came thru in early March and ate the whole plant.
On another note, since your in MI, fighting Septoria as I am this year, and now your seeing bud rot start early in the season because of the screwy weather, have you been blowing your plants off in the morning??? 4 seasons ago, I had the rot pretty bad, then started using my leaf blower, and shaking them 1st thing in the morning. Only Bud rot I’ve seen the last 3 seasons, were due to caterpillars, and it stayed fairly localized to their boring holes.
The Septoria is truly nasty this year, and your plants look way better than mine. I need a beekeeper suit just to go into the swamp because the mosquitoes are at a generational type high. Walk out there, and get swarmed by the hundreds of thousands, so plant kinda got neglected this season.
:pray::+1::pray::+1::pray::+1: here’s to hoping you make it to harvest without losing too much, cause you got some real nice looking colas there my friend.
Let me know how the hypochlorous acid works on the Septoria, may have to add a generator early next year to add to the fogger and sulphur arsenal to keep this crap at bay.


I’d been fighting pm for the better part of a year. Nothing works but sulfur imo. Sprayed two weeks before flower. One more time 7 days into flower…never saw pm my last run. Everything else I tried was useless. Not sure why I never used sulfur in the past, I think I’d heard negative things about the toxicity, all I can say is that it works.


Misinformation campaigns against sulfur are legend. Elemental sulfur is non toxic. I personally use it in agriculture all the time for PH control in the blueberry patch. Killing off mildew is an added bonus :wink:


I was wondering when you were going to show those monsters. Massive top colas. Those look great @Kavman :sunglasses: :metal:


13 days later. That was sulfur + pyrethrin I’m calling it Napalm :rofl: you can find various combos of the two at market.

Clearly I’m a huge believer and extremely grateful Joe. You are right, fuck mildew. He doesn’t need to tell everyone he recommends it to to take precautions so at the risk of sounding like a hater there are few. And I’m sure they have been gone over in length in this thread already, if they haven’t then I’m happy to share my experiences.


You’re definitely a mildew assassin! Just remember when you try and spread the word about nuking that shit, there are people who will try and drown out the truth.

here’s your badge! lol! I always told the haters I just stick to the truth and that’s how I win.


Shooter eats pieces of shit for breakfast


Been reading a lot of this thread, unfortunately I don’t have time to sift through 827 posts. @JoeCrowe what product do I need to use on my entire huge backyard including inside my outdoor cannabis patch to kill this shit when everything dies back in winter?


not Joe, but something like this, @Meesh

Bout time you found this thread, lol!


You might not need 4 lbs, but that’s definitely the stuff! Cheaper by the pound heh heh. Mix a tablespoon per liter of water, or even half of that will work. Spray it around where you grew the plants. A 6 meter radius if you can! 20 feet. Do it twice to kill everything off.
Alternatively you can spray the plants twice after you plant them. Give them a really good dose, dripping with it. It’ll stink if you get it on yourself, but it’s not hazardous to your health. Don’t apply in veg and not within 30 days of an oil application. I think I got it all covered!


I get pm all over my yard. My sweet peas, roses etc… I take it that sulphur powder I can put in my new wet/dry hose end sprayer and go to town on the entire back yard?


@meesh be careful using that type of sprayer. You could possibly use too much. Sulfur will also lower the ph of the soil so some plants may not like it. Pump sprayer/fogger is all I have experience with and spray that on all plant material dead or alive.


Definitely! In fact, I recommend that. At minimum it’ll slay the botrytis and mildew that is laying around. You can never really finish off the botrytis with it for good, but you can definitely reduce spore count. If you are using a few tablespoons it shouldn’t acidify the ground much. I use a couple handfuls of sulfur on my blueberry patch, but the natural ph here is 6.8 so it can take a good sulfur dose before it even drops by .1


Good to know. I have never used a hose end sprayer before. We had septoria here in Michigan bad this year. I think I might try a hose end sprayer and see if that has any effect in reducing that in the soil.


So, on the label of the stuff @HorseBadorites linked me, it reads “Do not enter sprayed area for 24 hours after” Is this important? Do I need to take the dogs out front for a day or will it be fine?


It’ll stink. Other than that, you shouldn’t experience any side effect! After 24 hours it’ll be good and dry so it won’t get on you. That’s when it’s hard to get off. The stink really sticks to you!


I think Jo’s exaggerating a bit about the stink… or maybe I just like the smell of rotten eggs, lol! I sprayed our yard, about 1/2 acre, and the faint smell was gone in a couple of hours. Sadly no dog anymore, but the cat and deer didn’t care.

On the sprayer, I found the sulfur is not soluble. I let it sit in a jug, in the sun for a few days, and shook it every time I walked by. Still hadn’t disolved, so I strained it thru some cloth. Otherwise it would have definitely clogged the sprayer. Still worked great even strained.


I actually have a wet/dry sprayer. Is that what you tried as well? I feel like powder wouldn’t be as effective.


I’ve never used just the powder, so I’m not really sure, but I think the coverage would be much better as a solution. You want it dripping.

If your sprayer can handle particulate, without clogging, that would make it really easy to spray. I’ve used trigger spray bottles, and a backpack pumper, and both would clog if I didn’t strain.

Any pain in the rear issues spraying are all worth it to me… it’s been almost 2 years since I saw pm on our outdoor magnets like peas, roses, squash, zinnias, bee balms… :slight_smile:


Dusting sulfur powder on doesn’t work because it can’t get the same coverage as the powder mixed with water. You can use a wetting agent or even do the nuts JADAM thing where you make the sulfur into a liquid. Occasionally I would get a clog in my sprayer. I just keep shaking the sprayer and then open and close the nozzle a bit to dislodge it. The reality is the sulfur isn’t water soluble, it’ll only form a suspension. Under the microscope I can see little sulfur bits swirling around in the water.