Praying Mantis?




They love to eat Crickets and grasshoppers and its pretty gruesome they like to eat around the vital organs and keep the insect alive while they eat them and they toss the limbs and exoskeletons all over the place.Serves them right for nibbling on my ladies


I’m actually gonna start off finding a mantis in my garden this year and keep it as a pet first before I buy one of the cool looking ones on the internet…


They are really neat creatures. Every year we stumble upon a bunch of them in the garden, attached to the house, or just roaming the trees n shrubbery. They’re fun to watch eat other insects. Like when you hand them a dubia roach, they eat it like a cookie.

I usually find them in my garden every year in central Illinois… I also read/heard that the green ones are native ones and the brown ones are the invasive ones from China…
Either way they all are good to have in our gardens, I’ve also seen pictures of them catching a hummingbirds which is kinda sad to see but that’s nature for you.

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You should get a small supply of insect frass from cleaning out thier aquarium i would imagine from all the Dead dismembered insects you will be feeding them.The Cockroach dude knows whats up

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What an awesome yet terrifying creature. Imagine one of these from the perspective of its prey! They obviously inhabit an important niche in the ecosystem.

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I don’t think I’ll be buying a mantis egg sac.
They are sold out everywhere I look around here.
The other thing is, my wife grows milkweed to attract Monarch butterflies. The caterpillars would be easy prey.

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My local Home Depot sells praying mantis’, i put some in my garden a few yrs ago, they’ve had an on/off presence in our yard ever since


I always find them on the backs of wood sheds and plywood thats been laying around outside.They like putting those sacks out of the sun in shaded areas.They really like old Osb board.Probably gives them some rougher surface to plaster that sac too


Home Depot huh, gonna have to go my local HD…thanks for the heads up…

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Last fall, stayed in these flowers for a month or more. I would cut the grass, and be right beside it, 4-5 times. Must have been great hunting area for it.


Check out

The success rate is not high, perhaps 50% of the cases hatch but when they do you’ll have a plethora of them. Those are the Chinese variety, Tenodera aridifolia sinensis. Haven’t found a good source for the native variety.

They have a nice variety of other predators as well.

By the end of summer, the ones that hang around grow quite large.


Yeah. We have certain clusters of grasses, lavender, and other plants that seem to get mantis residents that hang out in the same spot all season. In the fall, we find egg sacs in those same plants. Must be like “hey! This is a great spot. My kids will love it here”


If you ever find a really really fat mantis go grab her up.Thier whole abdomen will be engorged it looks almost comical She will drop a sac and die soon after.Used to catch them as kids and keep them in those huge twizler clear plastic red top containers they used to sell like 100 pre wrapped twizzlers in.Fed them mostly those annoying black field crickets the ones that get in your house and drive you nuts for days


Many years ago, I was cutting back some ornamental in fall, as I was putting the stuff into my compost bin, I saw a Ootheca, and cut about where it attached, and right below it. I them placed that into a mason jar, with a few tiny holes pierced the lid.
Took it down to the basement, and promptly forgot it.
Early next spring, I spied it, and set it, where I would not forget it at.
A week or so later, as I walk by the jar, I thought I saw a tiny movement.
I took the jar, un capped it, an set in a tent. Real slowly the wee beasts started to emerge from the side of the ootheca, then like a dam bursting open, hundreds of poured out, and they immediately started eating each other!! I had some molasses sponges set out for my Lady Bugs, but they were not impressed .
By the next day, it was hard to find any trace of them.


Had this one hanging around my front porch for a few days last spring and I just let it be…Now that I know what those egg sacks look like I will definitely be looking around my property and hopefully will be lucky enough to find one or two…


I hope you keep us updated here! They are truly fascinating critters.


Just opened the lid and these bastards swarmed me