Prize selection List for the 8 years of OverGrow

Interstellar medium (ISM) or nebulae.

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Would the word youā€™re looking for be ā€œglassā€?

Edit: ā€œmatterā€?

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Dark matter.
Just wanted to answer since I already claimed and not one was getting itā€¦
If Iā€™m right you might need to put up another cypher :slightly_smiling_face:

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Gee mate you must have a high opinion of your beanā€™s to have people begging for them . WTF . Isnā€™t this over grow the world :earth_africa: . Silly rabbit silly games.

Are you talking about @Heliosphear ,the heliosphere? :blush:


Interstellar matter?

@PsillyRabbit Oxygen maybe?

bro. mr NSW i gave you free beans. I dont recall you begging.
I have spent over $200 in stamps since I joined a year ago giving away free seeds. How many seeds have you given out ?

Yes i have a high opinion on my beans they are worth more to me than your beansā€¦ not to mention the ones for the picture contest took 4 months of my life to acquire the cut and only 1 seed out of every 8 matured.
I dont see the need for the comment.
I thought this was a quick lil mini game and the first or second person would get it.

you got it the answer is heliosphere send me the deets.


Nothing has turned up Bro LoL. And Iā€™m pretty sure I can say whatever I want.

Your postal system probably blows compared to the USA. :shrug: Please refrain from commenting/ participating in the rest of (my seed) give away. Please dont ask me to replace a pack. Please do not @ me when you get em.

Lets keep this positive
next pack goes to the first person to correctly list whats in the pack iā€™m giving away. If you won them already please give other a shot.

10 Reg ā€œPenny Pincherā€ (Harlem Shuffle X Iron Cindy )

Close but that list was edited

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Better? ^^^ :laughing: :rofl:

no much further.

I know this one! Iā€™m not going to comment on it but I read the thread about this one you created. itā€™s a great story on how you created it and a very cool name :sunglasses:

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Thank You Again @Heliosphear for hosting such a memorable event. :100: :call_me_hand:t2:


You might want to go and remove that reference to where @Pixie65 lives. In Australia we still face very heavy penalties for growing our own medicine and that ainā€™t a big place! Iā€™m sure you wouldnā€™t want to get them in any legal trouble over a petty online disagreement.

Pretty poor form considering this place operates on mutual trust.


i will remove there where abouts but i dont see whats poor form about that.
Next pack still available *

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Purple lemonade fast

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