Pruning suckers/water sprouts/tertiary branches

I usually cut them off. How about you guys? I like big colas and it seems to concentrate flower production to just the main branches. I also have crazy high humidity and need to do everything I can to help with air circulation.


:thinking: The only pruning I tend to do (aside from topping) is just to make sure I have reasonable access to the soil for each plant. In fact, I tend to leave a lot of the little scrubby side-branches because I don’t feel bad chopping them as testers when the plant is in its last couple of weeks. I used to do a lot more pruning to try and get the plant to focus on the main branches to give me trophy buds :trophy: That said, I don’t think it made a huge difference for me, growing in soil.

Pruning to keep good air circulation below the canopy is a completely different story… I’ve got about 18" (half meter for our metric friends) below my lowest branches, in which I have gale-force winds. If you’re flowering in high humidity, pruning for improved air circulation is unquestionably a good idea.

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Bottom third a week or two before flower. Then a heavy defoliation in week 3 of flower.

yeah i was thinking about it while i was doing it, and wouldn’t that just make it focus on regrowing leaves instead of buds? i guess it’s just trying to prevent any energy to go in to larf