Pure phosphorus (P) fertilizer or supplement?

TIL you can give your plants an enema.


Also, molasses are a good source of P


Ya I saw that and I was excited, cheap and concentrated…then I see 9% N which I’m already pushing. It’s weird too because it seems like all their other raw nutes are just a single element like K or whatever.

It’s a cool product line and someone starting from scratch could easily make a recipe with them that would last for years on the cheap.


wow you guys are super scientific with it… i was feeding megacrop at like 3 EC and above sometimes without any leaf burn… now i’m just feeding 0.5-1 teaspoon per 1.3 L


Fuck I can barely pick out pistils from balls 9times out of ten.

You want us to find it’s butt hole now? :rofl:


I dont know if any of these are what you’re looking for. At the bottom it looks like “build your own ferts” … it’s on @AquaTerra site

Nvm thought I read potassium lol


Lol if that was available in Canada, and I didn’t have like 700lbs of mega crop sitting here I’d definitely be all over it!


I see what you mean about build your own ferts.
book marked with thanks!



If you guys give me a list of chemicals I’ll source them out. The Nute Shop site is now redirected to my main site that I’ve been building and Nute Shop was a temp site. Triple Phosphate and maybe Mono-ammonium Phosphate. Haifa MAP is 12-61-0 but is 12 Nitrogen.


The potassium nitrate is tempting… for science


Its AG/Tech grade so not sure how good it would be for home science lol. And I’m suppose to get copy of ID when selling. Some sources of phosphorous https://extension.umn.edu/phosphorus-and-potassium/understanding-phosphorus-fertilizers#citrate-soluble-619561


I’d think ag/tech would be more sciencey lol. Funny how they require ID to purchase that. Yet someone could go buy gun powder with no ID no licence.

But back to nutrients lol


Hey nice site there, great selection of stuff. You have alot of interesting dry nutes as well.

I ended up ordering the superphosphate from earlier in the thread, it should be here soon. Hopefully it’ll do the trick for me, but I’ll definitely check your site next time I’m looking for stuff…you need to get some google-fu going :sunglasses:


Google is happening slowly most of my orders are for dry nutrients. I got Yucca powder coming soon and just trying to source out more stuff locally to get cheaper. Problem is there’s like 50 canadian hydro stores online lol totally stupid.


Oh I know it haha, hence the Google comment. You need to stand out. There are people you can pay for SEO, but it’s generally very expensive and there’s no guarantees.

A couple things I’d recommend: posting lots on sites like this (which I see you’re already doing), but also maybe putting the URL, name of your site and a general description of it in your signature on these posts. Obviously if it’s cool with the rules etc. This will have your URL and associated information showing up alot more when google crawls sites like this.

Find some popular cannabis blogs or YouTube channels and offer to guest post, or even send them something free to review on the condition that they drop your URL and give you a shout out. Backlinks to your site from others are very important to google.

Lastly maybe a bit longer description of your site/products on the home/start page of your site. Don’t go crazy repeating keywords (Google doesn’t like that), but try to focus on your specialties. I see you have ‘hydroponics’ on there a few times, but without looking that keyword is almost certainly super competitive and your chances of ranking high on it are probably slim.

I’d focus on the fact that you’re Canadian, sell online, and the intersting products you have that most others don’t (dry nutes etc). This might help more people like me find you, and once they order you’ll likely get some return customers.

Anyways just a couple thoughts, you really do have a good site and product lineup!


SEO is often a waste of money, when I ran my business - 6 months to top 3 listings in my local area, I was too 6 in Canada (only served my local area). I had 0$ SEO budget.

In front of me every day was a notepad labeled SEO. Every phonecall - wrote down the cringy wrong terms people use, problem/solution.

Those cringy wrong terminology ones that really worked for me, people google search those. End of the day before I sat down with invoicing - blasted out a bunch of WordPress posts, making sure I had those cringy terms covered with links to old posts on correct terms and each of those problems were addressed. Set them to post every 3hrs or so… Done. Best SEO you can get, is actually pounding out multiple Google linked pages per day - at first you need to go into your Google dashboard and manually have it re-index, didn’t take long before it was just indexing every day.

Like I said - 6 months I was ahead of even my previous employer - I personally saw and signed their SEO agreement, it was pushing 7 figure territory.


Nice deal. It really depends on the market/keywords you’re shooting for. For niche industries you’re definitely right, for a something like ‘new cars toronto’ you could write blog posts for the rest of your life and never hit page 1. I would imagine the online hydroponics market is pretty large, particularly in Canada… Amazon alone is going to outrank you on anything they carry

I do agree that paying for SEO can be a waste of money, there’s alot of shady people in the industry looking to burn your cash!


Given its still largely very small stores and sections in garden stores… Probably not far off - you want to top the list for automakers, that’ll get spendy.

But in a lot of ways, doesn’t take a ton - it’s still the same recipe today (I just did a bunch of online marketing courses) getting the keywords click through and original content… That’s still the biggest drive to push you up the list.

Oh and videos, google loves videos on youtube now I hear. :rofl: Id fail on that end myself.


Google is making large but subtle changes, that most folks are not aware of (how to boil a frog). They are catering to big commercial interests and promoting their own expanding list of products. Everything else will just be background noise in the ‘Googleverse’.
This is going to be interesting to watch as it plays out. My bet is on the wild tech savvy phenotypes pooling together and remolding the landscape.



Thanks, was looking to solve a P deficiency and I’ve already got them … beer3|nullxnull


In hindsight, I should probably rephrase that post as my knowledge on the matter has evolved.

Molasses are a source of Phosphorous, but not a good/efficient source. For years people have added it as a “bloom boost” but the science suggests that the real “boost” is coming from soil microbes chowing down on the molasses, their favorite treat lol.

If you’re looking for a quick phosphorous boost I’d first recommend looking at a PK booster as the K is usually helpful as well.

If wanting to get more phosphorous to your plants throughout your entire grow you can look into obtaining some mineralized phosphate and amend your media, top dress or mix it into your waterings.