Purple blotches on outdoor plants

Hell yeah brother the plants flourished after everything I did to them record plants this year !
You already know I wouldn’t use any soil other then this…this is what I aided to the plants through the grow after purple showed up
Calcium amendment .
Calcium spray made from eggshells and vinegar
One and done spray for bugs
Flower kiss foliar spray
2 weeks into flower stopped all foliars
I think next year we will deff be better prepared !
Hope all is well brother


That’s a good experiment Arriba|nullxnull, thanks for trying and willing to see the results … beer3|nullxnull


@jimihendrix1942 , maybe look at this one.

Its not the soil. We use Promix BX, and Native Soil, Living Soil, and it happens in all 3. Ive been growing weed for 51 years, ( 1972 ) and until the last 10 years, NEVER had this happen.
I can use the same medium, and clones/seeds inside, and it never happens. As in NEVER.

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