Purple blotches on outdoor plants

Please do.

Please also take a look at the reddit thread i posted and the study i linked.

This is spreading fast and we need to all know how to deal with it.


I didn’t realize this is the thread I was talking about. Im up to speed. Yeah, I only get that purple When I use the manure. It isn’t related to bugs, that I’m sure of.

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It’s been dealt with. hydrated lime is the fix. It’s definitely not a bug. Did you read the whole thread?
I tried getting on reddit. No luck without an account. What did you spray? Maybe between the 2 fixes we can isolate the working ingredient

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

Close to 25% of posts here are from you :joy:

Just messing with you man lol


I have some of that purple on one plant now. This time I used a flowering tea and that worked too. I’ll get a picture shortly.

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Hope at least you can read PDF’s empollon|nullxnull , here you are … beer3|nullxnull


Whats the flowering tea consist of ?

Duff scenario then last year .hydrated lime has not resolved the problem yet nor has a calcium foliar spray I recently did the one and done spray after noticing an abundance of leaf hoppers and the leafs look "heat damaged " still …also a indicator of lafhoper damage …last year the leafs still had purple at end of harvest…cavern cultures and hydrated lime coasted them along and got them to the finish line never resolved the problem…also alot of insect damage it seems this time around …

I have a plant in a 30 gallon pot I have been applying only calcium foliar spray …it was the worse of the bunch now it seems to be recovering deff less purpling then before. Time will tell …I shall get pics as previously stated
As I said in my case deff seems like a combination or some sort :thinking:

I disagree.

Who actually reads the "book of growing marijuana "?hahaha. Thanks for your input, but not what you are implying.

I read LOTS of books on growing marijuana. Also I read articles online, listen to podcasts and ebooks in the car…

I even actively belong to online forums and groups on that subject too! :wink:


:raising_hand_man: i read a lot. i like actual paper books especially.
he might mean this book

pretty decent actually.


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A lime fruit is acidic but hydrated or slaked lime is base.
I saw some of this purple the other day, snipped it and am now looking to spray something. I see what you used was acidic and worked. I am ordering some stuff to make that :slight_smile: I have also seen mentioned hydrated lime being sprayed but have not seen the specifics of that.
I had this 2-3 years ago and I culled the plants. Others that had it at the same time said the plants grew out of it.
And yes, those neon leafhoppers have been hanging around all summer.


This plant had all purple shoots 4 weeks back. I skipped hydrated lime this time and instead used a castings/ high p guano tea, and topdressed with high p bat guano. It took a little longer for the plant to snap out of it this way, but it’s just about all caught up with the others now.

Sometimes they do, depending on how bad the deficiency is.


Fresh Castings, 0-12-0 bat guano ( teaspoon/ gallon), 3-18-0 fishbone meal( for the calcium and high P) kelp, calmag, molasses.

I just scratched it into the surface of my soil and watered it in.
I don’t have any leaf hoppers around this year and I also get this issue indoors during the winter If I use the soil that is high in horse manure, so it can’t be leafhoppers alone doing this.
It’s something in the soil. Maybe a bacteria, Maybe some sort of antibiotic given to the horses is killing the microlife responsible for processing phosphorus and giving it to the plants in an organic grow…
How long ago did you apply the hydrated lime?


I had to use a bunch of my garden soil( lots of that horse manure In it) for my latest transplant this year And just like every other year, I got those purple shoots not long after…but only those plants that got that soil were effected.


Cavern culture along with the hydrated lime is what I used last year!

This year
I wish I took pictures of what they looked like before hand pretty bad lot of purpling …
I went out today to take pictures and to my disbelief it was almost unnoticeable compared to my last look
You can see the twisting of the leafs wich is a sign of calcium deff

This year when I first noticed the purpling I went through last year’s procedure DE and hydrated lime …week or two went by no improvement so I went and got fish meal dry ammendment 18% calcium well still no improvement after that so I made my own calcium foliar spray using eggshells and vinegar I noticed some aphids and leaf hoppers so I also used Johnny’s one and done spray ! …a few days later is when I noticed the change .I then started applying flower kiss …wich is a foliar spray made by fox farms containing calcium magnesium zinc copper …and these r the results

That’s my story…
Will update with more in depth pics when the sun isn’t on my back


It showed on my ssk12 grown in promix hp fed with osmocote last summer. This year one patch of hashplants, Chem d, lifesaver and sour strawberry is showing it. Haven’t seen them in a month tho.

The skunks are clear so is the rest. All grown in promix hp with osmocote :man_shrugging:


I haven’t applied any lime yet.

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I still haven’t applied any lime :wink:

What I did was snip the branch off. That was on Raspberry Parfait. It has not come back…meanwhile a short leafhop away is Royal Jelly. And I see some crapola on that. 2 days ago it was a spot…today it looked like this

So I snipped that branch off. Will continue to hawk watch it.


Looking good now. There must be a calcium lockout going on for some reason…and this prevents P uptake. After summer is completely over, and all leafhoppers dead, I’ll gather up a bunch of my horse manure, and I’ll put it in a container mixed with my other regular soil and grow a plant in it… and when flowering starts and the plant throws purple shoots, Hopefully, this will convince everyone that it’s the soil that is doing this purple shoot/ no bud thing, and not hoppers causing it. When the plant starts to show symptoms at the start of flower , I’ll try just that fertilizer spray you used at the end and see if that corrects the problem without adding the lime. It’s hard to say if that’s ( your spray)what ended up fixing it in the end, because that lime takes a bit to work. I put about twenty five plants into soil containing large amounts of that horse manure this year for my last transplant, and every single one of them had at least a couple purple shoots while nothing else in soil without the horse poo had any at all. Glad your plants snapped out of it. We’ll figure out what the hell this is…and hopefully how to prevent it from happening even in this soil we use.