Question on Defoliating During Flower

Style for sure. The only time I cut is in preparation for harvest. I cut off all the big fans a day or so before just so that trimming is a single motion not fan, sugar, fan, sugar.

This is purely for my trimming convenience and the cuts are there for such a short time that it doesn’t matter anyway.


Well here ya go:


That right there really needs “come back with a warrant” in small letters on the top back or under the image.


May i note when i’m plucking it’s only the sinker leaves.

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Thank you sir ! Ironically I let my son wear an expensive shirt last week in promise that he would take care of it. Well he didn’t ! In fact he ruined it , told him he owes me a shirt, but I’m not gonna make him pay 300$ but he can buy me this! Awesome

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Oh man! Absolutely! You just gave me an epic idea!


Depends on the plant, but I sometimes strip all the bigger stuff 2-3 days ahead of cutting.


Just for the sake of example,

From this:

To this:

It makes my trimming life so much more pleasant.


@Foreigner i’ll do the same to my lants in the final weeks too :+1:


Only once have I had a photo stack it’s buds so tight to each other that it benefited from plucking the bigger half sugar leaves right below the bud sites. Other than that it’s gotta have a red stem lol.

i went to jail in columbus oh once while wearing a short sleeved hoodie and shorts with pot leafs all over them. the cop asked me if i had any weed on me on the ride there after i put the cuffs in front of me. he said he’d hold it to keep me out of trouble if i did. i didn’t tell him about the eighth i had in my pocket and the never did find it. they were all joking how i was a huge buckeye fan - said it looked like buckeye leaves. i had a joint on the walk home the next morning. craziest shit ever.

oh, and just a small fyi, if a cop is talking to you and you just say “fuck it” and turn around, you will end up in cuffs. what happens after that determines if you go to jail or not. i am not one to keep my mouth shut when drunk though.


Yessir :clap: This is the best part. Can get the trim time cut in half or more it seems.


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It makes it easier to zone out and just do it instead the mental gymnastics of trying to do different actions at the same time, for hours.

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