Return of the Husky Hut

That was before the automated fertigation setup, but I use a similar setup in my veg room.

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I had a watering can with a wand attachment but I still need to be able to pull plants to inspect for pests and intersex issues as well as sucking up the runoff. If my back wasn’t so bad it would work way better. I try to do everything at chest level so I water them while they sit on a 5 gallon bucket to make it easier.


They’re starting to frost up.



Looking great dude!


This is fascinating. I love the coco mat in conjuction with the block to get the rear cubes watered. Really cool setup!

I’m just starting to grow inside, in rockwool and glad I was pointed to your thread!

I’m a little confused about ideal pH for rockwool. I’ve been soaking and feeding at 5.5. What do you run on average?


Thanks, man! There are sprayers between the plants, so they are all getting hit. The coco mat was a new addition I put in just to act as another layer for the roots.

Rockwool should be kept at 6. You can go down to 5.8, or up to 6.2. The ph tends to drift up, so starting between 5.8 or 6 will give you some wiggle room.

You soak them in 5.5 solution the first time to counterbalance the high ph of new rockwool. After that you target around 6.



I wondered if I was misunderstanding this is spelled out crystal clear. So, start 5.5 when I soak it, subsequent feeding ~6. Thanks :sunglasses:

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They have started their stink. It’s a borderline nauseating gasoline stench. It finishes with more of a grape scent, but right now it’s all gas no grapes.


Nice looking plants. How do you like your Pulse system?


Thanks! The Pulse system is great. At some point they are going to start selling smart outlets that are controlled by the sensors, and I’ll convert my Growtek irrigation system into a high tech Blumat setup.


Tomorrow I’m going to order some of these and do a coco run. They are small pots that will fit into my leach trays so that I can leave my automated runoff system in place. I’ll probably change the sprayers to ones with more of a downward spray and position them above the pots as opposed to between the plants. I may do half of the trays in coco and half rockwool just to see which works better.


One thing about these is I can transplant the plugs directly into the pots without having to step up the pot size or worry about overwatering in the early stages. They will also use hardly any coco, so prepping the bricks will be easy. I’m going to set the pots on strips of coco mat to give the roots a dark environment to grow in the troughs below.


Interesting approach for the new setup :smiley:

They make expanding coco blocks in pouches that are similar to the rockwool cubes, have you seen those? They look really cool to me… available in bigger sizes too


I’ve used a few different types, but didn’t care for them. The coco was either too loose or too tight. I also had the ones with the holes cut out for the plants, but I eventually cut the tops off of them because they made it really hard to water. All of those issues made them hard to water. The tight ones wouldn’t drink, especially after the roots filled in. The loose ones shifted and caused uneven watering, and the coco would also flood out of the top if I watered too fast.

After that I just bought small nursery bags and filled them with my own coco, which was also better quality. In theory coco cubes are a great idea, but in reality they were a waste of time for me.


This is good to know, I liked the theory of them so much I almost tried them.


@Hashpants with the April fools a few months early.


That’s a pretty sweet case.


The guy is out of control!


Hahaha that’s good! You just don’t know what to believe these days…like are his pants even made of hash?