Reviving cuttings

Hello I am going to be receiving some snips in the mail and they might be arriving late and will be about 6 days old by the time I get them potentially. Depending on how they were sent and if they seem alive still can I just soak them in some water for a day or two to see if they bounce back? I haven’t invested in an areocloner yet and have the basic humidity dome and heat mat set up for cloning.


I usually cut an inch or so off the stem and soak them for about 8 hours or so. If the room is really dry I’ll put a baggie over the top of the cup so they don’t get shocked going from the humid environment of the baggie to the dry air. Then just clone as usual in the dome.


Thank you for the advice :pray:


Here’s a clone tutorial I found posted up on discord. You might find it useful as it shows how this clone seller preps his cuts for cloning using root riot plugs. In case your talking about the clones I just shipped this week you should have no concerns. I had a package arrive late this week took about a week and a day in the mail due to delivery issues with the receiver. The rooted clone was toast but he said the unrooted snips I sent were surprisingly in good shape. They go in a clone shipper then get double bagged with poly bags and into a small priority box. If you do have any issues with then please let me know and I’ll get replacements sent ASAP


Don’t overthink it.
Cut an inch or so off the bottom and put them in a cup of water in the fridge. After 12-24 hours, dip in your favorite cloning powder/gel/solution and into the dome they go.
They’ll either survive or they won’t. Give them several weeks to develop roots or die

Good luck


Thank you for replying and the info, I will let you know if they are fried when I get them and also really appreciate your willingness to replace them if things go south in the shipping process :metal:


No problem @AmnioticBaptism. I hope they come in great shape and there are no hiccups along the way but im just a message or tag away just in case you need replacements or help along the way


I got some from across the border that took that long. They wrapped in wet paper towel and than plastic bag. Unfortunately the weather was freezing and only the ones in the middle took. I also got some from close by the same way in the same temps and got the same results. It we had better weather I feel they all would have done well.

I really like what @FirstCavApache64 and @Vagabond_Windy recommended. I learn something new everyday here.

Do you do this with all the cuts you clone or just if the ones taken for a time before you are ready?


Only when receiving cuts from someone else via mail. They’ll sit in some water as I take my own cuts from the mother plants before they go in the cloner or cubes/dome.


Thank You! Great info. I am glad you asked this question @AmnioticBaptism.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Here is a thread that I used to help me store and revive cuts. Good luck, I think you should be able to get those snips going. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I used the same setup to root em. If I remember correctly, my cuts took 2-3 weeks to root after storing.


Glad it worked for you!

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Something I always do with any plant cutting i bring in from the outside, including cuts from my Dad. . … fully dunk them in a hypochlorous solution roots & all if rooted (make your own with diluted bleach water, or buy a ready product like Athena Cleanse, it’s what I use). This AND be sure to isolate that cutting from your other plants for a week or two.

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I do it with any I don’t take myself. I’ll put the clones I’m cutting in a glass while prepping everything and then right into the Root Riot plug with Hormex#8 powder. This one took 9 days and had some nice roots before transplant into soil.

I’m finding that sending them on the dry side in the zip lock bag helps when they travel a long way. I just barely dampen a paper towel then wrap the cut ends in that. Having the towel too damp seems to speed up the brown slimy stems and make them weaker in my experience.


I’ve gotten cuts from @FirstCavApache64 a couple times like this. I put them in a glass of water with some aloe and microbes for 12-24 hours until they perk back up, then it’s cloning as usual. I’ve gotten them all to root, even though they weren’t mailed. So they were probably in the zip lock bags for a few hours.


Hello I invested in an areo cloner and I was curious how those of you that use them keep the cuttings from not looking like death. I use tap water that’s about 70 degrees, and use 1/3 strength salt based flower nutes based on the volume of the cloner.


It’s all strain dependent. Some strains want really high feeds and some are ok with standard levels. Hard to clone multiple strains at the same time and expect great results everytime because your not gonna be able to cater to just 1 strain without others suffering so they all get the same treatment and just take longer to root and get yellow leaves. When you transplant just feed a bit heavy. I like to use recharge after a heavy feed and the ladies seem to love it. I know it’s hard to clone just 1 strain at a time lol I can’t seem to do it either im always running multiples and getting the same issues


Why nutes? Why flower nutes? You should look into Griffins Tech. But tbh I’ve had plenty of success with just Clonex solution in the cloner. But have had equal success with just plain water :sweat_smile::man_shrugging:t2:

Edit: I’ll expand by saying, cuttings have no need for nutrients, they only need moisture


IMHO It’s all about the ratio of the npk

During this faze the higher p and k is important for developing roots

Now that being said I only use water and a rooting hormone lol


I’ll look into griffins tek but honestly the reason why is so that they stay alive and I’m very prone to being one of them people that when it comes to research I either look for the quickest answer from the most reasonable sounding source to reading scientific journals talking about spintronics, consciousness and how gravity is most likely responsible for our perceived realities lol.