You could build a palapa with those things!
No four day weekend for ya, aye? That sucks.
Whoa… @Bobgrows looks so healthy. And huge.
Thank you everyone.
That one is in a pot. I have another a bit squat and compact in ground. They really are nice green full of foliage.
Everyone who is here whom won the rainbow ylly. This was one of the moms of the f2s your receiving. Worked this strain and will continue working her for a while.
Those leaves are pretty! I love it
Nah brother I work retail. We don’t stop for anything. haha
Reminder, send me them deets when u got a minute and I’ll get those out to ya.
Up for grabs (23 winners)
- 1 Pack of Sour Grape F2
- 1 pack of Sour Grape F2
- 1 pack of AMG x BOG Jr. Sour Grape
- 20 individual winners of a 3x3 reg High Till I die stickers
- Every individual entry to the wiki generates a $1 donation to make 10 meals for those in need.
To the WIKI …
- @ix3u
- @mota
- @Skyf
- @FirstCavApache64
- @ShiskaberrySavior
- @m0sirys
- @blowdout2269
- @Tuned
- @freed111
- @Tracker
- @CapnCannabis
- @Uprangewilly
- @Movement13
- @AzSeaindooin420
- @Mrgreenthumb
- @Pigeonman
- @Cartwright
- @Bobgrows
- @RadioWaves
- @mainerJ
- @buckaroobonsai
- @LedZeppelin
- @deeez99
- @dingys
- @Jimdoors
- @MotaMan
- @duo
- @Loggershands
- @illicitmango
- @CanuckistanPete
- @anonymous4289
- @killabud
- @Thats_bank
- @SHSC-1
- @pawsfodocaws
- @PineTarBastard
- @Draig
- @420noob
- @THCeed
- @Hotrods_and_hounds
- @Smoklahoma
- @Smooth
- @ChronicMcBudz
- @Kasper0909
- @InTheWoods
- @patsnumone
- @Tejas
- @MonsterDrank
- @Piter
- @SEMOActivist
- @tresbundles
- @SonsOfAvery
- @OhNo555
- @Natea
- @HomegrownVABudz
- @Greenfingers
- @hawkman
- @Kami
- @503BudMan
- @BuckeyeBeanz
- @Cormoran
- @herojuana.tom
- @Tlander
- @NoCal
- @Cannaology
- @VAkish
Add numbers as needed. Please Fix Mistakes
This wiki closes at Noon Eastern Standard time July 4th 2023, a receipt for our donation will be provided at that time.
Have a Great Day.
Nice one @Heliosphear
I need your help OG’s
@PCC5rivers @NoCal @ChronicMcBudz @buckaroobonsai @HumblePie420 @mota @Skyf @Ris @Tripl3fastaction @MonasticDank @Cybersmib @Cyr_grow @DougDawson @PeaceCoast @sprinklememaynee @Kabuddha @misterbee @BigMike55 @killabud @Mr.Christmas @blowdout2269 @Shevchenko @m0sirys @Terpsnpurps @CanuckistanPete @KanehB @Pigeonman @bigzach87 @CapnCannabis @Thats_bank @Indoornesian @RadioWaves @Green_Light @Tlander @Rhai88 @Kasper0909 @Hotrods_and_hounds @GMan @Upstate @Redrum92 @GrowTheAtlas @deeez99 @PineTarBastard @ChefDGreen @A-Loc @MissinBissin @420noob @Mrgreenthumb @MyLittleGrundle @ReikoX @GregOG @ColForbin @unomas @hawkman @Cormoran @Cartwright @Tonygreen @Pawsfodocaws @Tracker @Eldritch_Lab @MLTVKYL @ix3u @dracodragons @SHSC-1 @DefNSmokn @Hemp @darkillusion @dna917 @Uprangewilly @LedZeppelin @splinter7 @MonsterDrank @Tuned @Smoklahoma @ShiskaberrySavior @Mr.T @Kasper0909 @NDNCHILD
Please sign up for the wiki to help those in need.
Just killin it bro!
thanks a lot @Heliosphear great
Thanks @Heliosphear ! That’s a lot of winners! Good luck everyone
Gotta conserve likes, sooo here y’all go👅
Thank you, @Heliosphear, for this opportunity to do some good in the world along with the fun and games we play. Seriously. Thank you.
Good luck to everyone!
I’m in at my absolute favorite number, 2.
That’s really cool to have the meals for charity included in a giveaway @Heliosphear . I hope it raises a lot for helping to fight hunger.
Hope I’m not late to the party guys,I’m never on time but I always manage to show up to crash a bash for a good cause
Together we have already generated $20+ dollars to supply over 200 meals for those in need.
I’m outta likes and taking a break for hour to let em build up, OverGrow the World with LOVE, BOG and to every OG who signs up for wiki, Thank you from the heart.
I’m in, Overgrow the World with Love, Freedom and Independence.