Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 2)

I do , lol Thats awesome


Great win


I wish I could find something that would take away my psorisis ā€¦ This shits is awful to live with , never mind the joint pain and immune issues the rash and scaling crap is just horrible.


I put Arnica in my pain cream.


Congratulationsā€¦you DEFINITELY deserve this win!

Always spreading good vibes around hereā€¦itā€™s awesome, Iā€™m happy you won!

Thanks again @Rhai88 for all these chances


Missin the party over here! :partying_face:

Thanks @Rhai88. And @OhNo555 for the tag.

Congratulations to our recent winners.


Thx brother its awesome winning one of @Rhai88 giveaways . I have nothing but respect and love for ever member on here. @Sbeanonnamellow is a class act and I m glad to call him friend . This group is great ā€¦ Hope everyoneā€™s having a great day .


Iā€™m hard outta :heart:

I hope everyone else will share the love!


Very interested to learn more about this @Rhai88

Not at all @Trimeresurus itā€™s a pleasure to have you with me.

Full salve recipeā€¦ (topical only)

  • 2oz decarbed herb. Higher CBD-CBG the better.
  • 2oz Arnica flower.
  • 5 cups of Organic coconut oil
  • 2oz of beeswax (locally sourced if possible)
  • 2oz of DMSO.

Step 1: Decarb your herb as you typically would. I usually do around 220*F for about 45 mins or just like when youā€™re cooking and you really smell your herb becoming aromatic is usually a good indicator youā€™re good. lightly toasted is what I look for.

Step 2: Place all 5 cups coconut oil into a small crockpot turn on low. Once Coconut oil breaks down into liquid form add in your arnica and your chosen flower. Stir in well and let it ride for about 4 to 5 hours. Stirring occasionally.

Step 3: Once complete ā€œcookingā€ strain your mix into another bowl with cheese cloth. Be sure to strain well and squeeze your cheese cloth to get all the oil mixture out of your flower/arnica. Once in the new container while still hot/warm add in your beeswax and DMSO. Mix and let set. Put into a large container or individual containers to share with family/friends.

Disclaimer: I use DMSO and have used it for a long while now. I suggest making sure youā€™re not allergic or have any type of reactions to it.

I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice!



I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice

WWWwwwhaaaaat? well shiiiiitttt.

thx man, wife has terrible back problems, she uses store bought Arnica and DMSO this will be welcome project.

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I just use infused refined coconut oil. Works as an edible and a topical.


Hint Hint, @Ratbastrd , its edible ā€¦ the wife is going to lovvvvvve it ā€¦hintā€¦

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OOO wait Valentines is overā€¦

Finished salves starting to set.


WOW ,u did a great job ā€¦ Well done

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I am so interested some day making salve. I already screen shot your recipe. :rofl:Looks amazing!Very vibrant color.

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You shouldā€¦ all that trim we always sit on ends up coming in handy. Waste not want not. :wink:

Stuff smelt excellent on its own but I will say as a side note I addedā€¦

  • Lavender essential oils as well as eucalyptus.

Add just a little over an ounce between them both and damnā€¦ plus I know people who want the effect of the salve but canā€™t stand the smell of weed. Itā€™s a win.


Any reason you use coconut oil? donā€™t get me wrong I love coconut oil.