Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 2)

Sounds so dirty lol…

What do you use? I like using the lysol not the can but the actual like black bottle liquid… makes it smell like a doctors or dentists office… absolutely 100 percent sanitary environment… makes me feel like I’m raising white collar plants :rofl:


Hi Rhai88,
I was wondering how you like the Mammoth fixtures? After all the years of going old
school with 1000w MH and 1000w HPS fixtures, I finally broke down and ordered a
Mammoth 8 lamp 880w fixture with optional extension cord to keep the driver out of the tent. Any quick advice on how to get the most out it? Dimmer settings on the driver for the varying stages of growth? I’m sure I’ll have to arrange my filters somewhat differently as the one in the tent will now be in the way of the headroom the light fixture may need. It was a toss up between the Scorpion, Gravita, and the Mammoth. The price on the Mammoth won me over. I’m hoping I can save a few bucks on my electric bill as well as gain a little more headroom for the stretchy strains. Nothing fancy, just a tip or two for someone who has just graduated to leds.

Anyway, I too am a confessed seed whore. I do not need the seeds, I do not need the seeds, I do not need the seeds, but I’m still going to try anyway. Looks like some great genetics in these.

Thanks so much for all that you and Rena93 do for the community. Your garden space
looks fabulous. I have two tents and feel some jelly looking at your grow room.

Thanks for another great opportunity and good luck to everyone.

:grin: :heart: :fireworks: :four_leaf_clover: :mailbox_with_no_mail: :four_leaf_clover:
:four_leaf_clover: :mailbox_with_no_mail: :four_leaf_clover::heart::fireworks:


If @Rhai88 wants to give those Black Snow you gifted me a shot I’d gladly send them his way. I won’t get to them until outdoor is done, and so far didn’t have any luck germinating the first batch. If not, I will get to them Octoberish.


Honestly I can’t speak to this without having run the same cut under the Mammoth and HLG and isolated them to their own 5x5’s to give a honest review which light is doing what.

I can say without a doubt however the tips of the plants that are closer to the mammoth mint lights have ZERO bleaching and are actually grown beyond the light just a couple colas) I will down the road probably mom out a specific cultivar I truly enjoy and try 8 cuttings. 4 each in both the 5x5’s to compare the Scorpion Diablo and the 680w Mammoth to each other. Currently the 880w mammoth is running at 75% around 660w which is comparable to the 650w output of the HLG SD.

It was my Galaxy S21+. Actually was a funny story. Rena and I were sitting on the couch and my pup knocked the phone down in one of the cracks in the couch. We were both pretty lit from smoking a bowl of the shisha/TK x Guerilla fume smoke and didn’t want to move so I tried to slide the phone out using a back scratcher without success but I did manager to move it forward a bit. I got my ass off the couch and me being high tried to use the couches power button to lift the chair’s leg rest high but in my infinite wisdom went the opposite direction and crunched the fuck outta the screen with the couches metal hardware. :grimacing: :rofl:

I think I have some Black Snow bears here honestly but I’m saving those for a rainy day. haha Although I am getting low on everyone else now. I think I’m down to about 200 beans each! We did some work on those.

Hypochlourous Acid all day. I love it. Throw it in a fogger and spray all surfaces down and follow it up with a microfiber. I’ll also stream clean all of my tents after each run. @Rena93 did all the stream cleaning before this last run! :wink: I like to do that and create super high humidity as well so I know I’m killing any and all pollen spored that may have been left behind from the last run. Don’t like the thought of cross contamination.

Love them. Without typing a novel… they stay cool(much cooler than my Scorpion Diablo at full power). They’re built solid. They really are bright AF like their slogan goes. I have two runs in with them now and I like them enough to know I probably wouldn’t make a change unless I seen someone else come up with something insanely effective.

As for the dimmer I’m currently only running the 880w at 75% so around (660w) and having excellent results while keeping the wattage the same as the HLG and the little brother 6 bar emerald green. It’s all about feel when it comes down to it and this round kinda sucked for that because I had too many heights with the different cultivars but I’m also not to worried since this round was a seed run specifically. Not going for the best flower here just feeding until I know I have some solid seed production.

Also a bit experimental because I’m running drip for the first time EVER. lol In the end I’m just trying to enjoy myself and learn at the same time. :wink:

I have some! Keep those. Oh man no germ at all? How many did you try to start when you did?


Good morning @Rhai88 :sunglasses:

Making some new seeds for the OverGrow 8 years anniversary… BOG LSD X Celtic Stone. :smiley:
Looks like you have been busy, very impressed. :+1: :+1:
Have a great day OG’s.


Nice to see you are ok and busy with projects. I think we were all getting worried about you. :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Your grow space looks lovely with all those stickers…like a story about your grow journey :v:&:green_heart:


Holy shit it’s good to see you @Heliosphear !


I think I dunked 7 or 8. I tried scuffing and cracking…nothing. I think Greenfingers got one to pop, but it died.
I’ve got a tent full, a yard full, and whatever was left that isn’t going in the yard goes in the tent once its empty. That includes your and @anonymous4289 progeny BBDXBC that I’m looking forward to…it just hit the dirt a few days ago.


Hey, glad to see you back…we were getting concerned about you.


Pleasure to make your acquaintance @Heliosphear. Seems the legend is live and well. If you ever make your way through Alberta - Edmonton to be more exact send me a msg and we’ll share a puff :slight_smile:


Thank you for the extensive reply……great breaking phone story, had me laughing out loud…and also , now I know what light to buy. Thanks for the laugh and thanks for sharing your story with us.

Have a great Memorial Day and thanks for your service to any vets!

Happy day all you OGER’s


8 ears WOW! Your tent and plants look amazing, thanks for being an OG! I was wondering why I got all my original information on Rollitup…it’s where I have my first grow documented, wish OG where around, I would have my first pics here from an underground…highly illegal grow in Chicago almost 20 yrs ago! I just realized how old I am (48) not too bad. I grew out

Magic Bud

Magic Bud quick flowering short and stocky plant, that grows bushy in Christmas tree style. Yields compact nuggets that bring a relaxing and powerful effect

That’s the description of the first seeds I bought in 07-08, they were the cheapest beans I could afford at the time, but WOW what a first run…made it all the way through and ended up STONED TO THE BONE, after smoking a mix of brick and expensive good bud, I had moved to California and Seattle before that and when I moved back home for a minute I had to grow my own for the first time and am hooked now. I just wrote a novel, sorry but thanks if you read this, I forgot what got it going

But happy day all you OGER’s and thanks for your service all you awesome stoned veterans!


So glad to hear from you dude …and stoked to see you’re growing!

Don’t be a stranger! Even a few one liners here and there would be great! :laughing:

I hope we can get back to running some events again soon! It hasn’t been the same without you my friend! I hope all is well with you and the family!


I’m glad to see someone doing something with that Celtic Stone. That’s one that I really regret missing out on


:partying_face: Alright, alright! :partying_face:

:arrow_forward: Lady luck has granted a win to @DirtySlowToes!

You’ve won our @anonymous4289 care package :exclamation:

Please send me your details!



Congratulations @DirtySlowToes!

Thank you @Rhai88!


Congrats on the win @DirtySlowToes :seedling:
@anonymous4289 :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: getting some :fire::fire:growin :leaves:


Holy cannoli!! Just as I’m brewing up some herbal tea with a fitting name

Man. Holy nuts. What a win. I’m beyond thankful to you @Rhai88 for hosting this and @anonymous4289 for doing this work. It will not go to waste at all. I’ll be getting into two as soon as I can. Damn. Let me go get my stash of seeds and see how I can keep paying it forward. Thank you all.


Alrighty. So! @Rhai88 not sure how you’d like to do this but I’d love to toss up some packs for the group! You are welcome to list them in a wiki or duos or just pass them out(or I can), but the list is as follows…

1 pack of freakshow from thceed

1 pack mystery mix from johnnypotseed

1 pack Slippery Susan x p25 from Kami

1 pack Northern Purple OG x Skunk #1 from Kami

1/2 pack of Neroli 91 x Phone Home(open pollination) from sober with 3 seeds FEM/photo Pink Garlic Cookies from andrane.

Love you guys!