Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 2)

Sending positive vibes and energy your direction:)!..

…I feel you on financial issues really messing with your head…I know it does mine…stay up… we’re all here together and we will get through anything!

You got this…it’ll work out


Yes, hopefully it gets squared away fast,


These work well cheap and can put printed pucks in them as well. 100 count $5


Nicely done @Rhai88 …you’re a good man!

Damn, just read your next post about the fraud…sorry to hear, hopefully it gets straightened out toot suite!


Jesus, I hope that you get things straightened out @Rhai88. I know it seems like you’re climbing a mountain :mountain: but it gets easier as you fill out the umpteen forms. Went thru this about 26 years ago when we owned a Muffler Man. The supposed “Shop Manager” embezzled around $35k, then forged Pops signature on about 15 credit cards to try and cover up the missing $35k. Paperwork for months for the banks, detectives and the IRS.
2 trips to DC with about 60#’s of paperwork, and the IRS finally decided to pardon Pops, and agreed, it wasn’t him, it was the Manager, and lifted the fines off Pops, and went after the Manager to get their money.
It was hell for Pops trying to keep payments to the IRS, deal with the Detectives, and fill out all the paperwork. In the end, the IRS refunded all the payments, with interest. Detectives went after Don (Manager) and got him. 10 years Federal time with over $65k in restitution.
I really hope that this gets straightened out for you and @Rena93 in a timely fashion. It’s a pain in the ass, and praying :pray: that this is handled and you can breath a sigh of relief.


yeah it sucks but I know we will get it sorted/figured out.

At least it’s not health issues. knocks on wood lol

@Kgrim man that sounds like an awful situation. I hope we have technology on our side to get this sorted a bit faster. We will figure it out one way or another like we always do.


Sorry to hear about your troubles @Rhai88.

A tip to everyone regarding this. Freeze your 3 credit reports now!

It is free to do online.

99% of places will not give you a dime without pulling your credit report.
If it’s frozen, it will not allow them to pull.

You do however have to temporarily unfreeze the reports before applying for a loan or credit. Again easy online.

This concludes your PSA for today :wink:


yeah i just heard about this the other day… we will be taking advantage of this! Thanks!!


Ya guys, so sorry to hear this happened to y’all .
Can’t imagine what that entails to get it all settled.


I would say yes, you have technology on your side, much more than we did back then.
It sucks that it’s easy for someone to rack up debt using your name, and hard as hell for you to get it reversed with all the hoops you have to jump thru and 100’s of forms to fill out.
:pray: sending good vibes your way that it gets settled quickly for you and the family.


Yeah it’s all kinds of a pain in the ass but we just put our heads up and are dealing with it. She flagged all the BS accounts through credit karma and made fraud alerts with all 3 credit reporting companies. Now we are pretty much sit and wait for all the packets that are being sent our way… oy vey!


I am so sorry @Rena93 to hear about your dilemma, I went through the same problem many years ago myself and it was a very long slow process that seemed to take forever. I believe I filled out papers :page_facing_up: for a very long time, but it did all get straightened out. Please try and keep up beat about it and this to shall pass. I got my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: for it to go away a fast as possible you just got to have patience and faith in the system! :wink::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


:anger: WTF!!?!! :anger:

Do these people know how fucked they are if @Rena93 find them after getting custom Freddy Kruger claws from her nail girl?!?!!?


Wishing you all the best to get this worst kind of fuckery sorted.

If you can access it, watch “The Beekeeper” for a silly action revenge film taking out social leeches like this.



Duuude. Too true. I’d dare not mess with those. She could legit gouge some eyes out ahaha



:football:Happy Superbowl Sunday:football:

:game_die: How about a game of DUO’s :game_die:

:arrow_forward: 2OG’s per number. (win as a team) (1 pair of winners)

Kicker: If your duo team wins… you must decide on the same pack of beans!

  • BBD F2
  • Bambam F2
  • Chem Fuego F2
  • Soloberry #2
  • BBD F2 x Black Cherry (Dark Helmet)
  • Tombstone F2 x BamBam (Negan’s Bat)
  • (Triangle Kush x Guerilla Fume) x BBD
  • (Coastal BB x BOG Sour Grape) x BBD
  1. @Originalweedman @Sbeanonnamellow
  2. @ix3u @Amendment3
  3. @Smooth @GallacreekD66
  4. @I.am.human @darkillusion
  5. @OhNo555 @Emeraldgreen
  6. @chronix @Rhino_buddy
  7. @Pigeonman @HeadyBearAdventures
  8. @HollySun91 @Abbbian
  9. @Loggershands @DirtySlowToes
  10. @Bobgrows @Weednerd.Anthony
  11. @Osogreen @Rabeats2093
  12. @Jimdoors @OnePassionateGrower
  13. @Movement13 @420noob
  14. @cannaology @JOHN1234
  15. @Natea @blowdout2269
  16. @Kgrim @Jetdro
    Do not add numbers. (2 OG’s per number)

@Sbeanonnamellow Jump in on this one

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Come on @blowdout2269 you know the drill we got this one bro :sunglasses:, it’s in the bag :briefcase: this time! :wink: :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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Woo hoo! Go team #3!

If your around

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Lets gettem!!

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