Save Afghanistan!

I think now more than ever it’s important to band together and preserve some fine Afghan heritage regions and spread seed far and wide. I am worried about the potential negative side affects of the current situation in Afghanistan. Regions that come to mind:

-Mazari Sharif

I think regional strain preservation is super important and can potentially save this plant in the future! Id just like to open the discussion of a few possible linked seed runs or as a newbie I’m open to suggestions. I have; kandahar and mazar somewhere floating around (real seed co). Was planning on using these for breeding stock but feel it’s important to start talking about preserving the only pure indica heritage region on Earth especially during these times with such an uncertain future.

Happing growing!

Kbonsai​:skunk: :dash::fire:


Excellent idea to do a preservation run @Kbonsai.


There are some ideas around, hope they will fructify … beer3|nullxnull


we have a sensi maple leaf run in progress

it is a dutched afghani.

I think it’s still interesting because for many years dutched afghan was the only kind of afghani growers could get their hands on.


I may be wrong, but isn’t MLI being grown in Spain by the one guy who’s preserved the line this whole time? I remember reading it is the only strain Sensi hasn’t changed through the years.


It definitely hasn’t been changed since the late 90s. It is a dutched line, meaning it has been bred for uniformity, quick finish, and yield.

I’m not sure whether or not it has been outcrossed. I don’t know if anyone can say for certain.
They claim the line was collected in the 70s, if that is true I doubt it has remained pure.

My gut says it was crossed to skunk at some point for indoor performance and sexual stability. And then back crossed until the ratio of skunk in the genetics was less than 1/4. This was pretty much a standard practice with everything sensi has, and a standard method used by the dutch and spanish breeders from the 80s through the early 2000s.


Thanks, that’s for sure one in my wishlist, going to run right now some Afghans Upstate is kindly sending me … :yum:


I’m dropping more seeds this weekend , wish me luck for good germination. The current plant i have going is just now really starting to grow .


I’m tuned in. Check out Irrazinig on IG. They have amazing stuff. Although they might be more Indian landrace stuff.


Irrazinig has some good stuff, I like how he explains things in such detail. Very knowledgeable dude. Also check out Paklandracexchange.


I agree with preservation needing done on strains in those areas . I do not currently have those strains myself . But I will look into them and see about obtaining some to assist in the preservation.


I know I have some Afghanistan Landrace seeds I need to run someday.


Real seed co is a great place to start. Definitely agree with irrazinig or however it’s spelled. The more I read articles about cannabis genetics and what has been done over time, makes me worried about the future. There is no way to start over if you lose the building blocks.

Wasn’t trying to be insensitive with the title and apologies if anyone is offended. I get saying “save Afghanistan” referring to genetics during a time when countless people are being killed could be seen as that and that’s not what I intended… I pray that everyone over there has safety and peace.

That being said I do have 2 five packs of mazar and kandahar somewhere I’d be willing to use one for a seed run. Maybe I’ll go with the kandahar as that one had caught my interest lately. I’d need some time to get this going as I’m wrapping up a few things now. I just found a very nice plant in the mixed Afghan stock from real seed co….burnt rubber greasey…im going to spend some time and read through the other thread about preserving Afghan lines and hopefully we can combine forces!

Much love,



I’d like to see how the dutched afghans compare to the pure Afghan lines. Makes me think of afghani #1.


i hope a good breader on og will make some seeds to share .and or sell


I wanna find these, but I haven’t bothered trying yet.

“Boria Baf, Farmed Heirloom Variety, out of Balkh Province in Northern Afghanistan”


Whoa, some giant fans! The balkhi is supposed to be unreal. I wonder how much variation there is in that region or what’s special about the Boria baf.