Seed Run Co-op: bodhi's Good Medicine CBD Blessings Preservation Run (Closed)

The GM3 looked super pretty in the fade. Awesome shots. Great job on this run!


Congrats to New Mexico for finally legalizing!!!


Good news, and the bill appears to be pretty decent from what I saw. I like the inclusion of micro-businesses and creating a framework for inclusion of New Mexico’s indigenous communities. 18% is a bit steep for taxes, but if it’s used in a manner that helps communities harmed by the drug war it could work out.


Yeah, I’m pretty happy with 6 plants. :+1::seedling:


Dude, 18% is pretty great. Here in CA, the taxes are between 28 and 40%, depending on what city/county you’re buying your weed in. That’s the thing, too, the taxes vary not only by county, but by city. I guess it’s up to that particular city council’s discrepancy how much you pay in taxes.

The last time I went to a dispensary, two or three years ago, a buddy of mine kept going,”You gotta come with me to Cap’s dispensary! The MAC! It’s so good.” So I went with him downtown and grabbed two eighths, an eighth of MAC and another eighth of some MAC cross. Even with my “first-time patient discount,” (the discount was that they knocked the taxes off) I ended up paying almost a hundred bucks. So if I was buying it without that discount, I would’ve paid between $128 and $140.

For a quarter-ounce of weed.

That’s crazy.

Incidentally, I didn’t think the MAC was very good haha! At the time, I didn’t know anything about the hype behind MAC, I was just listening to my friend. I actually preferred the cross.

Anyway, sorry to get off-topic, @nube. Plants look good!


New Mexico could have been on the forefront of this green wave, but the state is so poorly run by its elected reps that they ignored the will of the people for basically a full decade+. As such, they lost out on a lot of potential tax revenue and benefit…though I’m loathe to invoke any positive aspects of monetizing cannabis since doing so is essentially a sin tax on the poor, a wealth transfer away from the people who need it most. Oh well.

@minitiger I haven’t found a cookies strain I’ve liked. Not one. Many look pretty but have zero effect for me. I thought GMO was weak and really skinny yields for needing 84-91 days of flowering. MAC1 looks decent but it’s not even that frosty compared to a lot of strains, it’s relatively slow growing and low yielding, and it has almost no effect for me. I think it performs better in outcrosses - whatever we can do to remove those inferior cookies genes.

Also, fuck buying or selling weed. Let’s just give it away. :slight_smile:



P.S. Looks like the GM F2 are gonna have a special bonus pack included. Open pollinated Dank Zappa F2 (1986 University of Washington Black Hashplant x 88G13HP) courtesy of the great and powerful @Torontoke, made from 7F/3M. I dumped 130 pics of his runs of the DZ in his thread here. The F1 bodhi pack was donated by none other than our resident philanthropist @The_Lazy_Hippie


Don’t be sorry for pointing out Mars long history of NOT standing behind their products hopefully someone reads it and saves themselves a future headache…you may have saved me from it im gonna be tent shopping again in a couple months :pensive:


That’s gonna be fire🔥, hella excited for some of that!
I liked that mighty root ball pic


[quote=“nube, post:74, topic:45247, full:true”].

Also, fuck buying or selling weed. Let’s just give it away. :slight_smile:


:raised_hands:t4: My sentiment exactly.
On the topic of legalization, I’m not in the best state myself but just one state away has passed rec and it makes me hopeful. The state will see the money, I see the opportunity to help others more openly.

Back to Good Medicine:

You’re one of a kind for these and passing them out, all for no personal gain. I’m not sure about anyone else but it’s contagious and almost all I think about in regards to growing. Hopefully this happens to others as well.


Two spots remaining for these seeds.

1 for a Regular (Tier 3) and 1 for a Member (Tier 2). @Craigson15 your name was listed twice, once at Regular #28 and again at Regular #46 so I erased your second listing.

Anyone who doesn’t make it on this list will want to wait and see if I have enough seeds to send a second shipment to @Sebring. If I do, I’ll post here when they’re sent, but just be advised that they won’t have the Dank Zappa F2 with them because those are very limited. I may have enough of the combo packs to send to to do another “buy 1 bodhi, buy 1 strayfox, get a combo freebie pack of both GMF2 and DZF2” fundraiser to help @Strayfox with his family’s medical bills. Will let you know.


Love that name man. Zappa Rules!!


What an awesome medicinal combo pack! A beautiful CBD strain, and a dank indica that’ll put you to sleep. Thanks for hooking it up!


Always on the look out for high CBD strains, it helps with my lower back.

Currently growing Harlequin from bagseed from a Washington State medical dispensary.

These are the two Harlequins, unsexxed.


Is the list full…it sounds like this will help great


There is a space on the list for you.

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Don’t know what level I am so I’m the last name


You are Member status so TL2. When you get to Regular you will be TL3. Here is the breakdown. You are in the correct spot bud :slight_smile:

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Hey all, just found this thread. Hope I’m not to late to play. Filled a open spot on the list.


Signups are closed. Thanks to all who participated - let’s hope there are plenty of seeds to go around!

The signups were limited to 50 spots for each tier. That’s why I put 50 slots and not 75. Anything after that will have to wait for a 2nd drop, if I have enough seeds. This thread’s been here for 2 full months, so if you didn’t sign up in time, no worries. Please refer to my last post for possible other options.


No worries here. I’m sure there will be some floating around.

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