Seed Run Co-op: bodhi's Good Medicine CBD Blessings Preservation Run (Closed)

Signed up for this one @nube
Never tried using or growing a high CBD strain. But here I am, 65 yrs old, arthritis runs rampant in my family and I can tell my joints ache a lot. Maybe this will be my ticket to pain-free? We will see. Thanks for doing this. You ARE the man!


I bought big jim pepper seeds this year from free shipping and comes with a free seed packet :). The trick I have found to having peppers germinate in high percentages is too keep the soil quite warm and not to plant them to deep, bit less than a canna seed.


Thanks, I’ll check them out. I start everything in a warm, wet paper towel, all big seeds get a 24-48hr tapwater bath. Usually have great germ, no issues, but these all fizzled in the Dec. timeframe.


I heard good things about you @nube . your one reason I’m still here.


I, too, like growing peppers I have 10 or so different variety going right now. Enjoy just seeing how big And HOT I can get them. I have some called Dragon Cayenne that I really like. Very hot but not so much you can’t taste the flavor of the peppers. Also trying some hot poblano this year.


If its not too late I would like to sign up.

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Welcome @PGT710 . :slight_smile: Go ahead and do the normal sign up on the first post by editing in your name, being careful to put it in the right place and not erase anyone else’s names.

Back to the update, by day 26F, things were starting to get sexy in the garden.

The males had really started dumping

and I’d stopped watering them, in anticipation of collecting some pollen.

By day 42F, the males got chopped and their pollen was collected and dried (on day 27F), the females got put in the flowering tent, and the Mars Hydro tent retired. Things were looking pretty good overall.

You can see that I setup two tomato cages that I twist-tied some of the branches to because they were starting to sag. I hadn’t used any fans on these up to this point, and the branches were pretty weak as a result.

Some serious frost was beginning to develop, and you can see the calyxes were swollen and heavy with seed.

Here’s GM 1 & 2

And here’s 3/4/5/6 all lumped together.

And a pic of GM3’s cola:

And one of GM6:

Smells are extremely artificially sweet, kinda like the smell of a brand new cd case or cassette case when you unwrap it. Also, one has a distinct smell of tootsie roll pops, and another is super citrusy. All in all, these are quite a nice change of pace, and they all seem to be developing smells that differ significantly from the Barefoot Doctor I mentioned before (another Harlequin cross).


@nube :wave: happy tomatos, as always :wink: :camera_flash:

Do you have a link or recommendation for explaining the magic of CBD to … squares or people otherwise outside the weedo-o-sphere? something without Dr. 0z or :tv: Phil 0’shit? :laughing:

I met some yuppies :smirk: whose kid would likely benefit from some & they were interested but I couldn’t do the plant justice on the spot.

thanks & regards



These sound amazing, was actually talking the other day with my friend and his mom about growing some good cbd plants as she uses alot of cbd but can’t handle thc. Definitely excited to find this. Sorry to hear about the mars hydro tent, I made same mistake trusting their old lights.


Super sweet update @nube! Thanks for taking the time and letting us in the tent with those pics!:boom::v:t3::boom:


With the ban on research into cannabinoids for the last few decades, there’s not a whole lot more than animal studies and anecdotes about CBD. But that’s going to be changing in the next few years, now that the 2019 Farm Bill legalized HEMP and CBD. And also let’s not forget that, given the millions of people around the world with personal anecdotes about it helping anxiety, pain, depression, arthritis, etc, even if CBD is somewhat placebo effect, somewhat real benefits, do we care if it’s actually effective when used?

Here’s a decent TED Talk that describes it without being too buzzwordy or sciency:

And here’s a decent overview of the state of CBD research as late 2020, with references:

I do dispute the claim that CBD has no psychoactive properties - if it makes you feel calm, it’s psychoactive. For me, I’ve taken commercial CBD oil and saw no calming or other benefits, but because it’s not regulated by the FDA, who knows what’s in it. That’s why I wanted to grow some and see if phenos with at least measurable CBD content present any benefit. Canada does prescribe a 1:1 CBD:THC product for pain management, and a lot of the Good Medicine phenos grown by others over the last 8 years have been tested to be 1:1 or 2:1 or 1:2.

To that end, let’s not forget that there’s likely going to be a lot of high THC phenos in these plants. @Deadinside88 There may be low THC phenos too, but there’s certainly high THC ones. It’ll be up to you to pick out the ones that work for you. Since it’s release in 2013, this bodhi strain is well regarded for being great recreational smoke, not just medicinal. And I’m finding that some of the phenos are good producers, too.


That’s super good info man… appreciate you taking the time to post it!:point_up_2:t3:


Very true, I figured its worth checking out regardless as it may still work good for myself or someone else I know. Love trying new strains , especially if it’s not something that’s new and haven’t seen in overabundance locally if that makes sense.


Excellent & thank you :hugs:

I’m sending those right away!



Day 50F they started to fade a little bit.

I’ve been testing a lighter feeding soil mix, basically reducing all amendments by about 1/3 to see how plants react, and I think it’s safe to say that they need more than 3-4gal of this light mix. I’ll test 7gal next round. :slight_smile:

Here’s a few pics of individual phenos, starting with

Pheno #1


and zoomed a little on that same cola from #4

Here’s another cola on #4

#5 with the good frost, but smallest plant this round:

And #6

All looking pretty preggo, seeds poking out, looking a little ragged but should make it to the finish line.



Nice work @nube
Appreciate the update and the sweet pics!
Well done​:boom::v:t3::boom:


Good looking plants brother, nice bud structure,and frosty looking. Keep up the good work.!!! :+1::+1::v:


This is an interesting table I found a few years back that describes the probable genetic outcomes when doing CBD and THC crosses. What do you think?

I think I recall bodhi saying that his Good Medicine were showing alignment with row 3 CBD/CBD x THC/THC in testing



Definitely worth a bookmark! I think I used this feature throughout this thread :joy:


Do you mean row two? The CBD female and the THC male? It seems to me that the F1 and F2 generations would be reversed, kind of. Meaning: the F1’s would result in 25% of plants containing mostly CBD and negligible amounts of THC; 25% of plants containing mostly THC and negligible amounts of CBD; and fifty percent of plants containing a relatively decent amount of both CBD and THC. And I only say that because isn’t that how most F1 hybrids usually turn out? Some plants leaning toward the mother, some plants leaning toward the father and most plants ending up a 50/50 hybrid of the two? Obviously there are exceptions, where one parent plant will dominate the cross (I’m thinking of those GPS Stardawg crosses, where the male plant dominates, just as an example of that).

I also don’t understand what the third box in that row (the F1 generation) is saying. What do they mean by “100% CBD/THC”? That every plant will contain some amount of both CBD and THC? It seems to me that the F2’s would be all over the place, like the F2’s of most crosses, with recessive genes showing up and plants growing pretty different from one another. So to say that there’d be a relatively even distribution of CBD-dominant plants and THC-dominant plants in the second generation doesn’t sound accurate to me.

I really don’t know, though. Obviously haha. Maybe breeding with CBD-dominant plants tends to make future generations more predictable.