Seed Run Co-Op Purple Badlands closed

I better start getting mine flush again. Same account? The April pack will be fun… my birthday is 4/20, lol. The young kids around here always get a kick out of that. PM me anytime if there are any changes I need to know about. Hope all is going well in AK land. Hey, I got a promotion recently, so I think I can move my name to the first list now… heh. peace



That would be awesome if you wouldn’t mind…i’ll pm you this weekend when I am not so tired from busting my ass off at work :wink:

Unfortunately no. thats the pain in the ass of the paypal pools - gotta be temporary. I have pushed it for 12 wks then received a warning that temporary means no more than 6 wks and if I continue then I have to abide by it or they may suspend my account. I’ll get the new one set up either this weekend or next…when I do, i’ll do a mass pm for everyone on this list and the Hibernate list as I know they are ready to go short of individual labels. I’ll have to spend more time checking out the current runs to estimate if they’ll be ready for the April box or not unless @MongoBongo, @Daytripr69 etc lets me know 1st :wink:

I bet they do especially this year :stuck_out_tongue:

The major hurdles seem to be over. ((knock on wood)) Almost done putting my home back together so I can start slowing down again and visit with ya’ll more :wink:

Sweet! Congrats!!


I was thinking spore print aswell…


Looks like a spore print to me too… or someone lost a fake eyelash!


@MomOnTheRun I’m at 8 weeks since flip as of yesterday. When I travel back home I’ll check them and give you an update on progress. Hope to have them done and out the door before the month is over


It definitely is. You can see the blades of the mushroom perfectly ( it’s a negative image of the underside of the mushroom cap)


I understood what it was when I saw it.
I’m an old acid/shroom/peyote head from days gone by.

All the hallucination inducing substances I enjoyed back then… I have fond memories of those days! … at least I think they’re my memories! I think I was there and didn’t think I was thinking I was there.


:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin: (think that should take care of the 20chars


I really looked forward to the feeling of well being that would last for many months after a good shroom session.
Everyone should try some type of hallucination inducing substance at least once in their lives. Expand your mind and learn to see things in a different light.


Many studies are now being carried to understand the effect and importance of magic mushrooms and the relationship between depression. Psychedelic drugs are supposed to open new neural networks and paths in the brain. I am curious but have yet to embark on a voyage of the kind. I have suffered from depression on and off for some years and maybe one day I may have a go.


I met some guys hitchhiking in the late 70’s who had just come back from the desert with a couple of bags of fresh peyote buttons. They invited me to stay over for the night at their house in Portland.

I only had to go to the Puget Sound area a few more hours away so I did and the next day we chopped up some buttons and I think we put it in a milkshake in order to get it down. Man, did I ever puke from that followed by really f’ing high.

Did you guys happen to see the story on CNN (? I think) a couple of days ago about a woman who snorted 500 times the normal dose of LSD and it actually helped her! No OD and it gave her relief from some other disorder she’d had for most of her life. She thought she was snorting cocaine.

I’ll go look for that story. It went on to talk about the research going on again with hallucinative drugs and the help some people are finding from them… brb

EDIT: here it is. I’m glad I got it. I hadn’t read the whole story yet, but I have read other stories about the same thing and using micro dosing.

A woman took 550 times the usual dose of LSD, with surprisingly positive consequences


microdosing shrooms has helped me with depression and other issues I brought home from a deployment years ago. smoking cannabis helps but microdosing and the occasional larger dose trip really sets me straight. microdosing helps the days go by without issue and the days after a large dose really feel like I have hit a reset button and put things in a new perspective. I cant say the same for lsd however. I used to eat tabs like they were skittles when I was in my late teens/early twenties. I had a tab a few years ago and the trip was very enjoyable but I was left in a weird funk for 5-6 weeks afterwards. I still have a few squirreled away but not sure that ill be eating them anytime soon.


Only psilocybin mushrooms give the feeling of “well being” after a nice trip. Shrooms are also the only known, effective, treatment for cluster headaches.

Same as cannabis… hallucinatory drugs are useful to the human body too!


absolutely. happiness wasn’t a default emotion for me for years but after a great trip, its like seeing the world in a new light, feeling a deeper connection with people and the world around me. I know it probably isn’t for everyone but for me, its been very healing


Hope I got on there in time forgot to come back to this one after I got added


Still a month or so before they get sent out. Have you contacted your distributor with a mailing address? If you’re in the US, @MomOnTheRun is your distributor.

How’s the legalization going in Oklahoma? I was surprised a state so far south would jump in so soon. peace


Oklahoma used to be the absolute worst place to get caught with cannabis in the US. A first offense, like a joint, could get you a couple years in jail.

Now, it’s like Oklahoma never had those draconian cannabis laws and everything is groovy.

One of my oldest friends, who also happens to be elmonstre420’s big brother, moved to Oklahoma a couple of years ago and said it’s a totally different place now… it’s better than before.
Elmonstre420 and I are gonna put together a seed care package and send it to his brother, so he has something worthwhile to grow and smoke.


it appears to be going ok i haven’t personally had any issues since legalization but there have been a few counties here and there in the state that try to be shady and loophole you into an arrest if they can really in all honesty our medical seams dang near rec just gotta pay a fee lol and the grow laws are limited but not tight 6 veg 6 flower per card for a patient more for a caregiver

yeah ive already got set up on address haven’t set up payment as i was assuming i would get a msg or something around april for it am i correct in this?


it really was im 28 with no licenses lost it when i was 17 because i was passed out in the passenger seat with a roach in my pocket getting a ride home from a friend ive driven intoxicated one time in my life about 2 blocks to home and i was 15 still dumb but the only time but yet i havent had a license for a decade over a dui i never should of received good ol Oklahoma truth was at the time i had an out of state id so they hit me with everything they could like less than an inch long roach and i still get to pay for it i can get it back as of last year but still required to do a bunch of bs classes and pay close to 2 grand after already paying a grand and loosing my license for 10 years kinda harsh if you ask me


That IS harsh! People in power love to show you how powerful they are when they think they need to make an example … I was the defendant too many times in my early adult life… and I rarely won my cases. I stopped getting caught and life has been much easier!

I have kin all over Oklahoma and Texas and have heard some horror stories from some of them over getting caught with a little weed. They never got caught with something substantial… always small amounts… like a roach! I have a cousin in OK that got 7 months for a “measurable amount” of pot flakes in the corner of a baggie.

Before 1996, when California made history becoming the first state to legalize cannabis for medical reasons, you didn’t want to get caught with weed here either.

You especially didn’t want to get caught growing a few plants. Mandatory Minimums was implemented on every case they could stick it to… and you were seriously fucked at that point. Years in prison for having and growing a plant. Does that make any sense, at all, to any reasonable person out there?!

Thankfully, it’s not that way any longer. With more and more states changing their mind on just how harmful this devil’s lettuce really is, the anti pot propaganda is being beaten back by actual facts, not beliefs. … and the almighty dollar, of course!