Seed storage techniques

I tried that for a week or so with a handful… just moved them out and onto the heat mat last night. I’ve had at last a few in the water the whole time… they eventually just water log and die if they don’t sprout fairly soon.

I’m gonna pull the reigns back and just accept that I probably won’t have a full tent this grow… 2 out of 4 seedlings are starting their second nodes.

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I’m pretty sure it’s just the seeds and not the method in this case

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whish i knew this stuff 10 years ago


Looks like my current seed storage

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Its a beautiful thing, isn’t it

Cheers to chaos!

Organized Chaos; these are the photo-periods. Not so complicated

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Well then mine maybe more chaotic. I gotta little of everything mixed up

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Inside these two soft coolers are 3 pint mason jars and the stainless thurmos is stuffed with baggies of seeds. Breeder packs are whole and homemade seed is all labeled F x m and the date. I don’t pull anything out on hot days because of condensation.