Seed Testers Wanted

Hello everyone,

We are currently recruiting testers for our Kush seeds. If you’re interested in becoming a part of our testers’ crew, please sign up on our website and apply. Send us details about your growing experience along with photos to

Please note that testers will be selected based on the quality of their gardens and photography skills.

Thank you!!



No offense but photography?
Shit man I use a android Bwahahaha.

I’m not being a dick. I’m just used to how breeders
On this web site have treated me
And well jumping thru hoops for an unknown
And on their site NOT here turns me off.

I think it’s US who should make YOU jump thru the hoops.
In essence you have come to OUR house demanding.

You Prove yourself , then maybe I think about testing your gear.

It just sounds so …demanding
Folks here share the love, and honestly
They call themselves chuckers
But the folks here who blessed me many times
With their gear are imo
The real breeders.

Good luck though, I suspect you won’t get to many takers as it’s structured now.

We have nothing to prove, you on the other hand


I do agree with toker…

Any more info on the seeds you want tested? Lineage? Goals? “Kush” is…vague at best. What’s your history for those of us that have no clue who you are? :purple_heart:


post withdrawn



Nice entrance… :weary:


Hey welcome to OG @Starsandstripesseed , cheers for sponsoring the site and helping keep it online :call_me_hand: Would love to hear more about you guys and these seeds you’re offering, sounds real neato. Best of luck to you all, and hope you enjoy your stay


Thank you for taking the time to express yourself about this topic. I appreciate your honesty and your perspective. I understand where you’re coming from, and I apologize if our approach came across as demanding. You don’t have to be a professional photographer, just good enough to share the journey with the seeds. An Android would be fine.

Our intention isn’t to make anyone feel uncomfortable or to impose hoops to jump through. We’re just passionate about our seeds and eager to share them with fellow enthusiasts who might appreciate them.

Take care and peace to you as well.


More info pls


You’re inviting critique by not answering more questions in that first response post. Reads a bit like a customer service response.


Yeah like if you’re so passionate and eager why aren’t you talking in depth about your genetics?

All I’ve heard is one word, kush


Make a case for why your gear should be in my garden.


Because you need germplasm for the next experimental media :+1:


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Thank you for your interest and for asking for more information about our seeds. As you may know Kush generally refers to a pure traditionally domesticated cannabis populations in Afghanistan and Pakistan or hybrid strains and we understand the importance of transparency and clarity when it comes to the seeds we offer. Our Kush seeds are sourced from local farms from Makur, Zazi, Andrab in Afghanistan and also Tirah Valley, Pakistan. Primarily these are used by locals for hash production.
Thank you again for reaching out, and we hope to earn your trust and confidence in our products.

Best regards,


Dude, typically people go in depth not just a brief summary…

You don’t seem like you know what you’re doing

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Sure! Our Kush seeds are sourced from local farms in Makur, Zazi, and Andrab in Afghanistan, as well as the Tirah Valley in Pakistan. They originate from traditionally domesticated cannabis populations in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We’re currently sending free seeds to testers to observe how they develop when grown outdoors at different latitudes.That is why we’d like to see pictures. Additionally, growers who enjoy hunting for phenotypes may uncover some hidden gems.


Sorry for the unconventional entrance! :sweat_smile: Do you have any questions or topics you’d like to discuss?


Dang y’all brought the attack dogs out! They got the official sponsor tag, which means they are directly supporting OG!

OP: some more detail and especially pics of your gear would go a long way for some of the more cagey members. To be fair to them, there is a history of commercial “breeders” taking advantage of hobbyists.


Would you like to receive some free landrace seeds brought from Afghanistan and Pakistan, traditionally used for hash production in those regions? They are well-suited for outdoor cultivation, and you may discover unique phenotypes that could be utilized in new breeding projects


Are these seeds from selections you made or bought in bulk?


Can anyone from Pakistan send you an honest photo of what they are sending you? or even some story that brings some identity

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