*Seeds of Freedom* the perpetual give away

Devil cream isn’t black cream but I did have one that didn’t purple at all so the pheno is there. Sorry should have mentioned that at first lol.


Ya Ik but it’s the parent line and still in the red family ( one pheno is dark green leaning tight indica and the other is a stretch indica that’s bright green)

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Bean Distribution Day Today
Giveaway resumes tomorrow.

Falling squarely in the say something nice about your neighbor category my next door neighbor donated a 6 foot leafy barrier to help hide my plants. Now they are just up to the top of a visibility barrier- not over :crossed_fingers:t2:

I have rarely grown outside in the last 15 years and when I do - the bugs from that infested tree love mj. Outside growers - what do you use for insect control once your plants have started flower? Right now the bugs are deciding which leaves go - if possible I’d like to wrestle back that control.

Beans are on the way :+1:t3:

Everyone who sent me an address - your beans are in the mail :v:


Beauty outdoor plants… I wish I could offer some help with the bugs… I’m sure yellow stickies aren’t used outside…?


I make an organic pest spray consisting of 1 red onion 5 cloves of garlic, 1 table spoon of cayenne pepper in 1000ml. Blend and let sit overnight. Strain out pulp and spray on plants as needed. You can add wetting agent to assist in adhesion for leaves.

Smells awesome and bugs don’t seem to like it either.


I was using something similar before flowering got going good… then I got to thinking that I really don’t want all the buds to taste like garlic or even smell like it - though I like garlic just fine. I was hoping for a flavorless yet safe alternative to the alternative (home-made bug deterrent with garlic or onion). I may have to try and train Rush (the dog faced boy) in his old age to go on bug patrol - lol


I’ve been reading lately about washing your buds, to remove any foliar spray and stuff I believe… I wonder if a wash would be strong enough for garlic, lol

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As bad as I would love to try growing outside, there is so much more you need to know, and so many more variables that come into play. Seems like all bugs love the MJ. But the plants that you all grow outside are amazing. They look like trees


This year we had a 70% increase in electric* which makes my choice to grow outside during the summer more one of necessity rather than convenience. I do a budwash when growing outdoors due to insects, birds etc. When I was 18 it was more about not getting caught than anything else - in this day and time I am thankful that bugs are my biggest worries and that I have the luxury of worrying about quality.

*to be fair we have not had a significant rate increase in almost two decades - since the community purchased the electric utility


TODAY 13 August 2024- 1 entry per person. Shipping to US only. Please select a number between 0-100 and post it here to this thread. Up for grabs - 1 six pack of Turkish Hash Plant photo-regulars. Thinking music is sponsored by the letters T, H & C and provided by @belleswell


I’ll split the difference and pick number 50.

Good Luck Everybody.

:fishing_pole_and_fish::four_leaf_clover: :mailbox_closed:
:four_leaf_clover: :mailbox_closed: :four_leaf_clover:


78 for my old school football number


Gonna have to go with 19
Thanks for the chance brother :pray: have an awesome day


Here’s the thing: It’s going to be 37.


Thanks for the chances!


Thank you for the opportunity to win again @BU2B I’ll have to go with # 8 again! Good luck everyone. To the future winner I wish an early congratulations, Turkish Hashplants are a beautiful thing!!


How about 43.

Thank you for the chance, @BU2B , and good luck to everybody!

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18 is my choice. Thanks!

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How about 47. My wife just had her 47th. birthday.


There’d only one correct answer that would be 69. Thanks for this opportunity.