Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Lol you have me wanting some brisket regardless.


That looks delicious.


You tell him he better. If you show you better share. Lol


I’m looking forward to the entire thing. I’ve already got me a vehicle rented. I think we’re gonna have a great time.


Gotta have enough for the entire class! :slight_smile:


That’s like you smoking a joint with this person every day. They never have any. But they tell you how good there’s was last night. Or they always got a lighter and papers. Haaaa!


@TestOfOath right here. I’ll come by and pick you up but you don’t live too far from there. I thought you knew all about it. But I will definitely be there.


How big is the whole group? Can make pulled pork for others that want something different!


I am not sure, a bunch of folks are coming from out of town.

Please do!
Good suggestion.
Even if it is not enough for everybody that is cool not everyone will want to eat the pork.
But I will give er a shot, I love it.


A message from Drag Boat Jeffy.


Is he talking about the Epiphany? :thinking:


Hey Island family just got caught up on the thread and wow I missed alot in the days i been gone haha. I’m glad to see all the new faces forgive me for not tagging and the generosity just keeps overflowing from the OGs yall know who you are​:clap::clap::clap:.

I have been busy in a good way here, working on some things that im sure some of you will find intriguing. So I recently befriended a guy from the island of Pohnpei near Hawaii and today we linked for a sesh before he leaves tomorrow back to paradise for a week I hooked him up with some of my best seeds to bring back to the island, :crossed_fingers:hopeful the genetics will thrive there. We talked some about the history of the island and cannabis, how rich the land is. Already have ideas of sending down some landrace stuff ive been blessed with here, we talked about alot of very interesting things one of which was an invitation to come and visit pohnpei sometime in the near future to collaborate meet some of the farmers around the island and possibly even setting me up with a small plot of land to build on. Let me tell you when I say I’m feeling beyond blessed those words don’t do justice. I have a good feeling in my gut normally I would keep it to myself, I thought fitting to share with you all here. Maybe in a few years time with the blessing of good fortune there will be a physical island we could come to and enjoy together.

Takes long puff off a fatty while the waves crash in the distance of my mind
man wouldn’t that be something…

Cheers and goodnight Island family
Oh if I have arranged to send you seeds I apologize I haven’t made it to the post yet I have been getting off work later than usual and the post closes early af around these parts. I am working on it though and will reach out when there off thank you for your patience. :peace_symbol:


Your own real life fantasy island!


Looks like I’ll have a half a dozen nice options of smoke to share with people. Should be plenty of herbs available for smoke. :star_struck:


My wife will be bringing some medical cookies. :100: :fire:


Yes, it is. Epiphany made by Designer, genetics, a.k.a.The Real Gauge Green. Growing in the Dawghouse.Currently my favorite, smoke. Tried to upload a video, but it won’t let me. I will find some pictures. :heart_eyes:


@Hemp @Great_lakes_Genetics man I’d love to come to this! I’ve been trying to get us Michiganders together since I joined OG! I live right next to Clio too

I’ve got a half quart of Everclear based tincture, like 4 sticks of infused butter I’ve got to use for my first time ever, bunch of infused coconut oil.

Idk if I’ll have any weed other than dispensary stuff, got like 5 ounces of roaches I’m smoking on again right now :rofl: fem seed run in the grow room still and greenhouse is fall but I’m sure that won’t be a problem lol

Please pm me details if I’m an acceptable guest!!! That’s so exciting


@shag my friend would love to go. @TestOfOath


I will do that here today.
Of course, you are acceptable as a guest, we would love to have ya there. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You should be good on the smoke, no worries if you can not bring any with ya.
Bringing the oils etc is a great idea, just bring what you can and you will be good to go.

We will make sure he gets hooked up @hemp I got ya covered.


I am trying to get that info for ya ASAP.