Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Awesome brother @Kgrim enjoy that beauty! And thank you for the goodies! Much respect :facepunch:t2:


Well did you try any or? I know I would but that is me hehe!

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A bit off topic here…
Not my tip, but it is from a good source.

"I’ve run up to 12ppm in early veg with positive results. Had to balance Zinc/boron for best results"

A bunch of Calcium is needed for this as well.


It’s your island don’t think off topic relates in this Good info as always! I know when you speak of grow related items it is well researched and probably experimented with take it almost as gospel.


When did prescriptions for drugs start happening? I always wondered about that?

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Well I may be the original purchaser of the island, but when folks come here to make it their home I would like us all to be equals and have equal say in what happens here.

But ya, you are right… off topic is not really a thing here as there is no original topic.
So good point.

I did set some guidelines but I feel they need to be flexable and negotiable to meet the needs of those that inhabit the island.
Let the peoples voice be heard.

I have not tried Boron over 2ppm myself.
12ppm is pretty dam high and you better be dialed in.
But this comes from a trusted source and that should be noted for those wishing to push calcium and boron to the limits.

This tip is not for newer grower, this is a advanced grower tip.


Speaking of advanced did you see @thceed split stem in veg still like the whole branch!


I was in a combat helicopter unit in Germany, when I considered reupping ( i would have had to for E-5 ) I tried for a Helo unit in Honolulu. I didn’t get it and got out in 82.

I always wonder what if… I could have retired with 20 and out at 37 in 99.

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No are you able to link it here?



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Here, 100 ppm of boron would probably sterilize many of our soils because they are naturally acidic and low calcium. I never knew how high you could go with boron on a calcareous soil and now I know that 600+ ppm boron can be very productive.

That was some crazy stuff right there. I couldn’t believe he did it, but I guess it works, I don’t know if I have courage to do it but that was pretty bad ass


Ya the science behind makes sense I’d really be worried about infection or anything attacking the inner stem before it heals over. Also I don’t have 30+ plants so if I lose one it sucks but it doesn’t effect my stash. Now me one in tent flowering and some autos outside I lose my girl in the tent then I’ll end up at the dispensary. Which erks the f@#$ out of me. I hate paying for somethinvi can grow especially if it’s because I screwed up.lmao just not confident enough in my grows. Hell I have males that I knew were males a week ago sitting on the counter for compost can’t bring myself to do it. Peshawar Afghani and Oaxacan

They are so pretty!


I’m amazed at what these plants can take. Actually, there are benefits to damaged stalks. I’ve experimented with that. I took two clones that looked dang near identical and bent, broke, stabbed… one of them and not the other. Both got the same feed and light…
The “twisted sister” out performed the other by a good 30%. The stems were thicker and overall, the buds were heaver.
In truth it’s kind of odd but a stem that has had damage (bending to the point where the plants fibers are loosened at that spot) will grow back thicker and strong. There are some that will intentionally go up the stem and pop the fibers with a twist about every inch or so. That produces a lot of knots and a thicker stem. Supposedly it allows for more flow of moisture and with that nutrition.
If you want to see the "Twisted sister that I grew, it’s in my first thread on here.
Here’s a pic of some of the damage I did to her. Please don’t think me stupid for doing this to a plant but I have a very inquiring mind and heard that this was a thing. I had to know.
IMO this experiment proved to me that it is a thing. It also showed me the amazing ability this plant has to recover from damage.
Long story short, what @THCeed did surprises me not a bit.
Cool as the other side of the pillow, but not surprising. :slight_smile:


Abusing plants is common.


Yeah, I like me some serious HST. I’ve done my share as well. I have also read a theory that this type of abuse can increase resin production and potency. Something like, the plant goes into defense mode and pushes back harder.
Don’t quote me on this. It’s likely just “bro science” lol.


I remember “twisted sister”, that was a while ago soon after I joined OG.
I remember having two plants in an old guerilla grow that got blown down flat to the ground in a storm, I just left them as they were thinking they’re done for, when I went back four days later they had grown a huge knuckle at the bend and started growing vertical again, a very hardy plant our marijuana.




Same here, E-4 (Promotable) would have had to re-up for my E-5 as I didn’t have enough “points”. We were constantly on alert and deploying, so it was kinda hard to finish courses to get my points. Going thru Air Assault School, they slammed us in Huey’s for most of the course, then final Qualification they put us in Blackhawks, man what a difference from 2 blades to 4. It was so much easier to get to the ground, LOL
You would have liked Hawaii for about 4 months, then it becomes a bit monotonous, your on an Island, and you kinda get a “stuck” feeling.
The one nice thing is that I did get to go to a lot of places deploying, it was just LONG flights to get anywhere stuck out in the middle of the Pacific, usually 6-8 hours before getting a break, and flying backwards in a C5 was interesting to say the least, LOL


The healing has begun.