Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

@Cactus it’s Humboldt Dream from the Humboldt Seed Company. I’m standing in front of it, to the Left is Pistachio, and to the right is Squirt. For my grow area, aka the “swamp” HD just takes too long, every other Humboldt strain I grew last year, all finished good.


She’s a beauty, I have to gorilla grow where I’m at. I would put all of my girls in the open but they still fly around looking for this plant. Fucked up laws.


Thanks, I sooooo remember the days of persecution about weed. We had to Gorilla grow for many many years. Once Michigan became “Medically” legal, it all stopped. No more funding for flights, no more wasting time bothering anyone. “Technically” it’s supposed to be fenced in, locked, out of view etc., but the police no longer care as it’s just a meaningless fine. Neighbors up the road had 4 plants 20ft off the road last year, you couldn’t miss it, and they didn’t get bothered. Mine can’t be seen from the road, as everything grows up around it, and I just cut a patch in the back so we can water, drive, and not be bothered too much with bugs.
Hopefully soon your state will end the “war” as so many other states have done.


When did it start to flower? You must be at 40’s North? Great Lakes area was a guess.


It didn’t start to flower until the end of august 1st week Sept. when Pistachio and others were WELL underway.
Yes, Mid state MI, base of the thumb at the entrance to Lake Huron.


Wow that is way too late! What did the buds look like?

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I would hope so, it’s legal all around me wtf my state needs to get on board already. Do they realize the tax potential from this plant? :joy: not from me though haha. Its only a couple hours to go to Michigan to buy stuff but that doesn’t help me.


Yea looks like it would finish in the middle of November?

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Screw Ohio laws! They are still trying to fill their prisons with people growing THEIR OWN medicine not even trying to sell. Prison WTAF how can growing a plant that occurs naturally ever cause someone to live in a 6’×6’ cage for huge chunks of time! Or this new shit where they program everyone so no jail but a tail that can last year’s while running you through the wringer. Sorry had a little rant gonna go fire up some hash to chill lmao🤣


I hear ya, I’m just waiting on 3:00 and time to get normal.:peace_symbol:


Buds never really got big, didn’t look bad,

it was covered entirely in nuggets. When it dried, every nugget was about 1-1 1/2 joints.


Seeds hit the mailbox yesterday, forgot to post it, was enjoying the Regal a little too much yesterday, smoking, riding & jamming m, I was in a world all my own, LOL


Pistachio is under way!!! She isn’t gonna be a monster, none of mine will be this year, but what she produces will definitely be top tier smoke.
Got a late start, got them outside late, but we will still have enough to get the kids thru until next years harvest so they don’t have to buy any.


It’s the same here bro, every year for two months of the season it’s the jacks in black and their helicopters, what a fkn giant waste of money.


I unfortunately was part of Operation Green Harvest when I was stationed on Oahu in the late ‘80’s. They sent us out in copters because we were “Air Assault” qualified. Fly us in, rope down, eradicate, bundle, hook and fly em out.
It sucked, but didn’t have much of a choice.
I feel for those still in states behind the ball. It’s a total waste of money, hasn’t done any good in 50 years. The “war” on drugs was never about drugs, it was, is, and has been against the people.


Well if you are driving around doing that you definitely need to be wearing flip flops.:rofl::rofl::rofl:. The best chill wear ever!


Trust me, it’s summer time and I don’t wear shoes outside my shop. I’ve got a killer pair of Reef flip flops that I bought in Oahu when the wife and I went and got married. It’s taken 4 years, but they are finally broken in, and so comfortable to drive in it’s crazy. I don’t think the Regal has ever been driven by me in shoes, LOL

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Yea !! thanks Daddy-O

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Love it!!! My friend “One Armed Gary’s” daughter has called him Daddy-O since she was like 2 years old, the boys are not allowed to call him that, it’s Ashley’s special term. She started calling him that after he lost his arm in a work accident and came home without an arm. He’s a super guy, and can do anything put in front of him, he works for us now, and gets things done better with 1 arm, than some of our guys with 2 arms, LOL


once knew a man that had only 1 arm and he was a great auto repair man once was with him when he took out a transmission with the help of a jack – he did it - !!! his name was “Acey” A great example of what a person can do !!!