Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)


Nice looking strawberry there bud!
Nobody eat it!
We need to save the seeds to plant more.

@LivingBlackSoil tell us a bit about this strawberry…if you could please.


So I sent a few clones out to some family members.
I am still fine-tuning my shipping methods so be patient with me if things show up a bit imperfect. :face_with_head_bandage:

This is very very cool!
If anything lives we may have our first clones, officially parked for future family use. :partying_face:

Things may not happen real fast over at my place, I only have a small room and had to clone all my mother plants to save room for incoming genetics.

A big thanks to those involved and making this happen for us all. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

On another note…
It looks like @LivingBlackSoil just hit us with a drive-by fruiting. :exploding_head:
Stop back in when you have time, and tell us about your fruit fetish :speak_no_evil:
Just kidding of course.

So we tore out the tennis courts, how was/is the party?
I never had a chance to check it out, working all the time sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Are the musicians on the island any good?

What are your thought on this week’s game, we are pretty banged up right now? :face_with_head_bandage:

Will you be watching this week.
The lions are favored to win again.
I will assume you don’t need anything and you will let me know if ya do, right??

Thanks again for doin’ that.
I hope the satellites hold out again this week, the picture was good last week, even though I had to sit on the HUT roof…LOL
I sent you a virgin Pina Colada to the Lagoon for ya.
Why no rum?
You will have to ask our Susi supply company…AKA @tresbundles
That man can fish, so don’t fuck with him…LOL :sunglasses:

Are you still living the dream?
Just checkin’ to see if you are still enjoying the island sun?
How are things in OZ these days, it looked rough on the news a bit ago…
Hope you are doing well!

To the hardest working lady on OG…no offense to the other fine females…LOL
I just wanted to make sure you know you are welcome to whatever is offered here on the island.
Except for the rum apparently…LOL
But we are working on that. :grin:

I have been wondering for a while now…
Do you really wrestle Aligator/Croc’s???

Also wondering how you are doing?
I have not had time to stop into your thread to check on ya.
I hope this finds you well! :heart_eyes:

Did you ever pick out a spot on the island as of yet?
Did you get the hobbit house built?

Maybe I will join ya, sounds like a great way to say “Good morning world”
Are your brothers from another mother still hangin’ on the island?

Are you still foraging for mushrooms?
Find anything interesting?

Are you still enjoying the island life?
Just seeing how everyone is doing.
I hope all is well with ya!

I don’t wanna leave you out of the conversation, but I have been chatting with you. :grin:

Did you find a nice cool place to spend the summer?
How are you my furry friend?

How are things with you?
how has island life been treating you?

Did you ever find anything that caught your eye?
Hope all is good in your world.

Have not heard form you in a while.
Hope your doing well.

I know there are several other family members I did not mention.
Hitting everybody would be a tough task.
Just cause you were not mentioned, does not mean you are not a valued family member.
I just ran out of energy. :upside_down_face:

I hope all is well with all our family members. :star_struck:



There’s definitely some interesting stuff in there, but I can’t grab anything now, thanks Shag :pray:

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I would like to maybe possibly join the island…looks like my kinda place. Is there any room for a newcomer?


Thank you for the quick reply.
No worries brother, I am hoping this becomes a long-term project.


My garden is always breezy and wonderful. Between work and there, I had an enjoyable season.

Now it’s almost my favorite time of the year, HARVEST!

Life is grand. I hope you’re doing as well as I am.


I think the answer is yes.
There are ways to get you on the island.
But we do have one thing you will need to do is get your trust level up before doing any trading…Please.
See trading post rules for more on this topic.

These are kinda the site rules and I feel we should all follow them for obvious reasons.

If you are friends with someone that is already on the island they can sponsor you onto the island, but there is a catch to that…
If you happen to be a wolf in sheeps clothing, your sponsor will take the fall with you.

Another way is to do a grow and show for me to help you earn some cred around here.

Until then you may have to hang out on the lagoon with @MonsterDrank drinking virgin Pina Coladas.

I hope this all does not come across as cold, we just need high security on the island.

There is some crazy ass folks out there on the mainland…LOL
I hope you understand.



Don’t act like your not praying for snow, I know how much you love the white stuff…LOL

Thanks, I am doin’ well!
I am not as excited as you about harvest season…
I trim alone, yea like George Thorogood… :roll_eyes:

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Thanks for the drink! It’s hot out here.

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Right! Lol
Moving things around when I get back. Took many AG clones in many different ways. Some on cloner, some in soil, some I put right into my flowering tent. They all perked right up. So when I’m done experimenting with these. I WILL hit you up for some of those clones you have. AG is just too good to let go… we shall see what happens!


Been down in my hole digging, I’m still here just been busy :raised_hands:

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How are things in OZ these days, it looked rough on the news a bit ago…
Hope you are doing well!
G’day shaggy! Yeah brother living the dream alright,thanks to you! I’ve set up on this block of land just finished the water dragons enclosure & little patch of indica
Thanks for checking in on me hail to the leader shaggy! :raised_hands:


Auntie complained about a lack of sweetness. I think they might be the best on the planet. Like savory Berries. Delicious and of course we have seeds for the Island baby.


Hah, all good bud :+1: I have been going crazy running circles over here trying to figure out what projects I can actually finish up before winter hits heh.



I want a cut of that Indian Bubble gum :grin:! How do I go about procuring a cut from you?


May I politely and kindly suggest that you fulfill your prior commitment before receiving more gifts from me.
I had mentioned that to ya in the past discussion we had.

Please, everyone, try remember the island family motto:
Please remember to be the kind of family member, you would like to have.
You know the kind that is always there to help out.
Never takes more than they need.
Gives back way more than they ever take.
And always happy to do so.

I truly feel, that if we can fill the island with family like this…We will be living in a self-made paradise.

Thank you


I know the feeling.
Things are starting to slow now that summer is just about gone. :unamused:

Water dragons?
Do you raise those in real life?
We had an iguana but the cats ate him…Poor fellow. :cry:
They reached under the closed door and we only found a leg.
He was kinda big to be dragging under the door like they did, I assume he was already dead.

Auntie is probably oldschool she may be one up on ya.
You may need to up your game if you hope to impress her…LOL
They look delicious to me. :star_struck:
We will definitely plant a huge patch of those here on the island.
Fish and strawberry smoothies for everyone over at the Dab bar.
Gonna need several hits to choke that shit down, but a man has to eat. :nauseated_face:

I knew you were around, thanks for popping in.
But yea, get er done before the snow flies. :cold_face:

All the best to the family!


Had to come up for air a bit this morning, @CrunchBerries stopped by the hole for a quick toke and some plant exchange. Great catchin up duder, thanks for lending a ear!
Not really looking forward to the colder weather @shag, but for sure am looking forward to slowing life down a bit. The older I get the more I feel like a bear looking for a place to hibernate, what better place than this fine island!


Ah, yes, a friend with weed is a friend indeed!..LOL

But a friend who truly listens is a rare and valuable commodity.
Nice work Mr. @CrunchBerries

Ha, you had CrunchBerries for breakfast.:roll_eyes: