Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

:shushing_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl: :thinking:

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Here is to a quick start @SmackyMcSmackers


Holy Shit!!
Lions WINNING at half time!?!? :flushed:
Who’s team is this? Lol
22-0 at the half??


That was my reaction too… :exploding_head:
:partying_face:Weren’t pretty but they got the win…LOL :partying_face:

I did call the coach just before the game and told him.
@SmackyMcSmackers said you need to get off to a quick start or you will be playing from behind again.
Coach Dan said “Ok, Smacky knows his shit!” :roll_eyes:

@Bobgrows good to know you are a bit of a lions fan.
That moves you up on my best friends list…LOL :sunglasses:


Always rooting for the underdog!
Didn’t know I was that far down…:smirk:



Well on a technicallity we were not the underdogs in this game, even though we still were :roll_eyes:…LOL

The Detroit Lions Are Favored to Win for the First Time in 24 Games


Ooo that probably moves me back down that list… didn’t know all my details…:smirk::v::grin:

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A win’s a win. That one felt good, despite the struggle in the 3rd. Nice to see even ol’ #11 Goalpost showed up to play today too & managed to dodge that extra point in the 4th. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Now let’s see how they do against a divisional opponent, especially on the road.

Yea, next week will be tough.
Pressure on the QB could win that one, time will tell.

Naw, I would not move ya down the list that easily…LOL
Free weed could move ya up pretty fast you know. :sunglasses:
Or just be you and we will be good friends. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have something rooted in a cup, ready to ride with your name on it.
I hope rooted is ok for ya?
Send me a message when you are ready to go.

Are you on the island?

How have you been doing?
I have been away for a bit.

@avr1 are you still hanging round?
Gotta get stuff out to you this week, yours is in a cup ready to ride too.
I hope rooted is ok for ya?

Did you check out the parking garage thread?
Seems you probably have what you need, but if something catches your fancy let me know, please.

How are things with you, I haven’t heard much as of late.
Just checkin in with ya.

@tresbundles have you sobered up since we last chatted? :grin:
I see we have a huge pile of fish everyday, and still no rum to be found anywhere.

@PotBoy I know you are shut down, are you still hangin’ here?

@buckaroobonsai and any other family member from the USA…Have you checked out the parking garage?
Hit me up in a PM for an updated list


Thanks for the tag Shag, dm incoming :pray:


I did a bit of clean up on the family member list.
I seem to have deleted at least one name.
If you no longer see your name on this list please add it back or let me know I can do it.

Hope all is well with the family!


I have never got anything that was rooted before, so that’s new to me heh. Ill shoot ya a msg :metal:

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I’m here. But I’m lazy and lacking inspirational motivation lately too. Or did I grab the wrong jar and smoke SFVOG too early in the day again?


Ahem. Mr. Bundles reporting for duty or…doody :crazy_face:


Yea bro Im here, rooted is fine as Im lazy anyway :rofl:


Gotcha! thanks!

I would bet that is it…LOL :sunglasses:

That is about the state I pictured you in… :crazy_face:
But we are very grateful for the huge pile-o-fish. :laughing:
We gotta open a susi bar… :yum:


We do need to find a way to make things happen for the family on the other side of the island.
Was my main man, seems he is taking some personal time off.
I wish him well! :heart_eyes:

But the show must go on…

If any of you folks have any ideas or suggestions on this topic please post your thoughts.
Do not post specifics we need to keep that in PM…Please and thanks!


Hey @shag hope you don’t mind if I lurk in the lagoon of the the island over here.


@shag how about that excessive celebration penalty? That was probably the worst call of the game, next to trying to have Siebert kick a career long field goal to the same end where the Vikings couldn’t even kick through the uprights. I think there was more breeze/turbulence coming in through that open section than anyone on field could determine.

On to Seattle. I still think they could get 7-10 wins this season. Still plenty of time to figure out & correct.

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Sounds good to me. :heart_eyes:

Well what he said was…he has been doing it since day one before it was popular anywhere else.
So yea, I am with you, why now/then?

Yea, not the best call.
He admitted that.

It was kinda weird.
Even surprised the home team, crazy shit…LOL

I agree, I had em down for a loss to Vikings and the eagles.
So still could get 10 but it will be tough with everyone that is hurt.
So I think 7 may be closer to reality. :smile:

I thought the defense looked tired and sore.
Need more time in the ice bath…LOL

I hope we at least split with the vikings and the packers, but hope we beat the bears 2 times.