Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

That blue unit in the metal case on the floor in the middle picture is pretty freakin’ impressive. I’m guessing the larger hole is for the swing pin (I don’t know what it’s really called) on one of the doors.

Having all the hardware installed and working properly has to be a big step in the right direction!

That test buck is some serious business. To its right is a kiln. I wonder what you use that for? Do you cast your own parts? Too hot for curing! HA!

Thank you for putting up all these pictures of your work and of Reaper’s. I have thoroughly enjoyed your postings. Really good stuff. :slight_smile:


@mota, the Blue unit is the door closure, it gets embedded into the concrete, and is a “power assist” closure, as these doors are going to weigh 755#’s on the small ones, and 865#’s on the larger sets, they have top to bottom custom wood slats getting installed. Doors are going to be too big for a standard style closure. People will need the help opening them.
The Kiln is being used for slumping glass. We have an entire storefront that is getting large sheets of slumped glass surrounding the door and window openings, doing 11ft Custom Gold Cladded doors for the entrance.
We are just using the kiln to QC check the pattern. 3D milled the ceramic mold on our router. When it’s done, it has a dimpled textured finish and it has hexagons, triangles, and a bunch of weird shapes that the glass takes form too.


Thanks @mota and @shag, had to run some errands. This particular road goes through the national park and has camping locations all over. The Black Hills are filled with places to camp, fish, swim, and whatever nature has to offer. Some of these places I go are off the beaten path and I will try to have more information for we older 50++ don’t take anything for granted and some of us can’t travel so. I think next time I will point these things out.

Yes there is a thing called quasi open range. Here are some pics of slow elk and the native black tails.



HA! A slow black elk!


@Cactus The black elk in your area seem to have an attitude.
This one seems to be saying…Boy, your in the wrong neighborhood don’t you be messin’ round here… :triumph:

Can’t hardly see the black tail deer, probably due to their black tails. :rofl:


This one might be better, this little heifer had an attitude hehe!


I’m in Canada, and took my daughter to Disney when she was pretty young. When we were on our last day, I told her the next time we go there, she’ll be taking me. The rest of the trips will be “dad trips” and from then on it was Costa Rica, Cuba, Belize, Guatemala, Colombia, Honduras etc.
I’m with you…I’d rather see the real world.


You said it @CanuckistanPete, here’s to “dad trips”. After the last boring trip to Vero Beach, Florida with the inlaws, I told my kids were going to see the eclipse in Monument Valley. What was Cuba like?

Had to look this up. Wow.
I went way down the hole of amazing pictures on the interwebs! :laughing:


@blowdout2269 kinda looks something like this.

The company logo “slumped”


Is that a stylized Coho salmon?

Awesome work!


LOL, it was actually my partners brother-in-laws logo for his bar in Buffalo NY. We kinda “stole” it many many years ago, cleaned it up, and have been using it for over 21 years. A friend of his free hand plasma cut the pattern into the back of the bar stools. Had my niece clean it up on her Ultra expensive Apple Mac (that uncle K bought) and this is the cleaned up logo.


Been there 5 times. Probably the safest country in the world to travel in. Tied with Newfies for the friendliest people you will ever meet. Nicest beaches of anywhere. Great music scene. Charming architecture. Proud history. Classic old cars everywhere.Great hiking.

Food is bland. With all of the above, I can live with that.

Trinidad, Cuba is my favorite


Topes de Colantes - mountains, waterfalls great hiking

This is Casa de la Musica. Every town in Cuba has one, usually a building. It’s where locals come, nightly, to jam. Everyone is welcome. In Trinidad, it takes place here. Incredible musicians and non stop fun for families.


You could have fooled me, I guess their personality changes when they get to the US. Been to Miami?

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I’m not a fan of Miami. (Not a city guy)

Every time I’ve been to Cuba I’ve rented a car. We’ve driven all over, stopped in small towns, gone all over the countryside, all I’ve met are warm friendly people. If you give them something, they share it with their friends and family. I’ve gone into peoples homes for a coffee, been invited for lunch. Who does that?

And the thing is, they hardly have anything. But they’ll share what they do have.


Man what a night and day difference to any Cuban I’ve met, thousands(in the US). If they can steal it they will, they refuse to speak English even after 15-20yrs. The rudest people I’ve met!

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Castro released a bunch of criminals when the US and Cuba were butting heads and the US said any that landed were welcome. He sent them over by the thousands.Most ended up in Miami.

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Yes I’m aware mariel or whatever it is called
Family been here almost 100yrs. Everyone left.

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Well Islanders,
It was a hard day at Reapers Glass Shop today, oh how fun doors can be, SMH
It’s a damn good thing that I’m a Master at
Doors. They are more than finicky. Every measurement can be perfect, frame can be square, plumb and level, and you still run into issues. Happens on every door I’ve ever hung.
We had EVERYTHING dead on, hung the doors, and Poof, issues. Had mad adjustments to make to make them look right. Took a couple of hours, but got them adjusted so that they look correct.
It’s been a long day, but managed to get them hung, look good, and swing. Now it’s time to make fab adjustments so we can go into production and get these done for Ford.


I agree 100%
I was a union carpenter for 20 pluse years, I even took the door and hardware class twice.
I tried to do commercial doors for a min. and I was super slow and hated every second, I like to be productive.
While I could get the job done I was not productive…LOL
I do knownow, it take a certain kind of man to do that work.
That man must be you @Kgrim:wink:
Nice work brother man…Get 'er done!