Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

That is great news! Glad that poor old doggie is recovering. Good news that them other dogs have been tracked down also. That could have been a much worse situation. People that can’t be responsible for their animals shouldn’t have them. Period.

Not to be a negative Nelly…but, don’t hold your breath. Civil matters are some of the most challenging for our court systems in this country. I know first hand. I’m an animal lover to the core, but I think street justice would have sufficed. As far as litigation goes; I would let Kevin know to be prepared for a long painful process(probably more than once) to get these expenses covered.
We’re glad Kona’s pulled through!


Agreed! Even if can prosecute doesn’t guarantee any payout even if ordered. If they don’t own anything not much to do can’t draw blood from a rock but you can with a rock.:wink: I’m a animal lover through and through I catch bugs inside and release outside don’t even kill. Them dogs(and the owner apparently lol) should be put down like the viscous animals they are.


Kevin & Sara know it’s going to be a long drawn out process. And in Michigan, all they can get awarded is money for the Vet bills. It’s not that they can’t afford it, it’s the principle, her dogs were the aggressors, she needs to pay for their actions and the dogs put down before it happens again to another dog or small child.
@420noob, living on the edge of exhaustion is where I live most of the time.
I don’t work nearly as hard as I used too, 23 years of installing/fabricating, traveling the country for 12 years job site to job site, has taken it toll on me. Back in the day, it work hard all day, drink most of the night, little sleep, and do it all over again the next day. Those days are gone, now it’s work, get home, usually take a nap for an hour, do stuff around the house, relax, sleep, then repeat the next day. Don’t do much drinking anymore.
I’m only 1 of 4 Certified Tubelite door fabricators in the state, which allows us to buy stock length material and build doors in house, and not have to buy pre-built doors like every other glass shop. It’s not easy to get certified, but once they visited our shop, seen the experience that I have and other certifications, they happily let us sign up.


That’s good to hear for your shop in house helps big time. Ya I forgot about that in Mi. When I got mauled by the pit bull trying to stop it from tearing up my friends Labrador they where ordered to pay vet bill but not the wood fence the dog broke through. I didn’t bother sueing cause they were some broke ass white trash tweekers. 2 broken bones and multiple stress fractures and puncture wounds to the bone in many spots. They got in more trouble for unlicensed dog and it attacking another dog then me.:rofl::rofl::rofl:. The puppy made it out ok if anyone was wondering really scared and banged up a little.


Glad to hear the progress.


Decided to go adventuring today and took a picture. Not sure if you can make it out but was 17 when I lit up my first one when I was cutting timber with my friends. Might not be able to make it out but took more pics on a road I learned to drive on.

Devil’s Tower is the little light colored one hard to see


What a wonderful view, what a wonderful life…what a wonderful world. :yum:


Dad taught me to drive on this road 13 when I started and 17 when I left. 1970’s ford 360 in it. The 4x4 I mean, you can see Devils Tower in the first one if you squint your eyes


Makes me wanna throw a pile of dirt on my coffee table… :joy:


That pic makes me crave mashed potatoes for some reason.


Great pics bud. All of them!:slightly_smiling_face:
We’ve been meaning to get out and see the tower someday.


Yep this area like many others (Yellowstone, Little Big Horn, and on) is very mysterious with lots of magic around it.
The original people have many stories and legends. Devils Tower:”The creator saved the young girls from the giant long tailed bear and how the Big White Spirit made the ground rise up and save them”. The striated markings are the claws of the giant bear trying to reach them. Big medicine with this place of mystery, many of the first people had fear of it and I can see why. Yeah this whole area is just a small part of the Black Hills where many things have been discovered and other mysteries still remain.

The Sioux call this area and more home and you find their history on stone walls called petroglyphs showing times of old with animals that have been extinct way before the horse came. The plains people became some of the best riders in the world and their bravery is still recognized as second to none. Yes make the trip @blowdout2269, you will be taken back to the times of the ice age and more. I sound like a commercial but yes this is just a small part of a magical place I call home. Thanks for going on this journey with me, I sometimes forget and take this for granted but then I wake up and Yeah this is special.


Me too, when I retire in a couple years I want to travel a little and see some more places.:peace_symbol:


We love national parks. The stories behind the Devil’s Tower are very interesting. This one is definitely on the list.


Do you know if you’re a senior (I don’t remember exactly what constitutes a senior for this) you can get a lifetime pass to all US national parks for really cheap. I want to say when we bought mine it was less than the cost of a day pass for Mrs. mota and I. As I recall, up to four people can enter on one senior pass.

National parks are absolutely ace!


Thanks for the tip @mota
It looks like folks with disabilities can get a free pass also.


You are so welcome! I only hope a bunch of other old farts see this while here on the island. Let’s save at least all US geezers some money and expand their zone of enjoyment!

Absolutely! I’m so glad you discovered people with disabilities can get a free pass! Fucking awesome!


Good afternoon Islanders.
Today in Reapers Glass Shop, we are making progress on the Ford Doors. All the kinks have been worked out, and there were many that were unforeseen, as this is the 1st set of “Monumental” doors I’ve built. Much larger, and thicker than a normal commercial door. Even though I’m a Certified Tubelite Door Fabricator, there isn’t any instructions on how to build them. Tubelite hasn’t released instructions yet. It’s all about here’s the material, figure it out and make me a door. All hardware is installed, and functional. Now working on the huge floor closures, getting them prepped, and hopefully be swinging them in the test buck tomorrow!!!

Yes, that is a 10ft ladder in the test buck, just as a comparison on how big these doors are.


America’s parks are awesome! My faves are North Cascades, Black Canyon, Canyonlands, and good ol’ Zion. I always roll my eyes when my inlaws tell our kids they want to take em to Disney or such. I was fortunate to have grand parents and parents who loved national parks and dragged us kids along. Now that our youngest is old enough for long road trips, I’m overjoyed to share with them the beauty of America. It’s unfortunate that the parks system is underfunded.


Impressive! Looks like a lot of fun. I’ve always enjoyed constructing things but never on a scale like that